
Sep 14, 2022
"You could be a fullblooded minotaur, doesn't matter, only Brint gets the special extra large baby bump."
"Obviously in practicality you can't expect different impregnation busts for the PC based on their predominant race"
in case you missed or have forgotten, they made a lore "explanation" that the MC offspring will always take the race of the other parent, due to our soul being "special" from the portal exploding at the intro

now... while i agree this is just a cop out excuse so they dont have to take in account our race when writing our offspring, i also recognize the alternative would take a lot of effort for very little reward, and that the current system allows for interactions with our kids to be more "detailed" and "tailored"... when they fucking bother to write any interaction that is.


Feb 12, 2018
the simplest solution would've been to NOT add elthara/brint bust.
Or to make it a multistage preg bust where the belly grows bigger as the pregnancy advances, and just have Brint skip the queue straight to the bigger belly, while the player-induced Elthara pregs go through both preg belly sizes.
2.80 star(s) 106 Votes