
Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
They could have easily written a happy "ending" for Kinu where she is well adjusted and glad for her parent's upbringing; had her ride off into the sunset and simply left things on a happy note... but no.
I'm one of the poor suckers who has been following CoC since the beginning. Tobs and Savin helped inspired me to starting writing and game development and I genuinely really liked their work early on. I just recently decided to catch back up with CoC2 and go through all the Kiyoko/Kinu content which besides their outright weeb/otaku obsession was really good initially and my favorite part. Imagine my disappointment to not only realize it all dead ends into a huge "life lesson" (aka a fuck you) for the community but to find public evidence of that fact posted on their own forum. Some of us have spent years of reading and been subbed on Patreon all this time... some of us have had this shit help them through long stressful days at the office -_- then to be treated like WE are scum. FUCK. :WutFace:
Damn, son. You have my condolences. I, too was one of those poor suckers as well. Hell, I actually thought Tobs was an okay guy when I first started this journey. Hard agree on the happy "ending" suggestion, especially since Tobs is so keen on denying the player any agency or even a chance to interact with her once she's grown up. I personally would have liked the split between Inari and Hime to showcase how your actions and choices truly change her. Like leaving the settlement vs staying there, taking after your 'Northerner' sensibilities v diving deep into her kitsune roots, etc.
Jul 10, 2020
When I first dived head first into this game, I used to think Tobs was an okay guy. I spend time on this thread, that respect dropped rock bottom. This? I'm sorry but how is this in any way shape or form how a normal human thinks?

I've known for a long time that Kinu was meant as a big middle finger for the Helspawn incest folk but I've always wondered why in the name of fuck does Kinu have the dumbest dichotomy of character 'evolution' in any video game I've played? You get potato farmer Inari Kinu if you make choices that teach her to be independent/instill your 'Northerner' values onto her and skimpy Hime Kinu if you decide to have her focus more on her own culture/be a bit more self-confident and assured.

Now, I don't speak for anyone when I make this observation since anyone can interpret their own in-game choices differently. However, I think we can all agree that Tobs should never be allowed to have children ever if he honestly has this room temp IQ train of thought on how people interact with kids. Who the fuck automatically jumps from 'I want to have a cute kid' to innate pathological desire for incest?! How does any of the choices you make, either as her father or as herself, that lead into Hime Kinu be translated as wanting to her for yourself?!

You can't feasibly use the 'middle finger to incest' argument either since Tobs could have just have Kinu go about with her own life and have much more reasonable character arcs and development, still have the player involved in her life and never include an option to commit incest. No, I suspect that this is projection from Tobs and it comes from a deep-rooted self-loathing for his own desire to engage in such relationships with his own creations. You thought he's screwing you guys over? Nah, it's just one long convoluted way for him to screw his precious OCs. In this screenshot here, he's showcasing his own incestuous tendencies by having this godawful thinking here and, you know they say, takes one to know one.

That or he really is operating on Intel Pentium when everyone else is on Ryzen 5 at the very least.
A lot of people do want incest in their porn and seeing as this is a porn game, you do expect every bit of content to have some sexual gratification. When offspring are involved in these games you will most likely expect pregnancy or incest content. Therefore, people get frustrated when they don't see incest content with Kinu.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
A lot of people do want incest in their porn and seeing as this is a porn game, you do expect every bit of content to have some sexual gratification. When offspring are involved in these games you will most likely expect pregnancy or incest content. Therefore, people get frustrated when they don't see incest content with Kinu.
I feel like this is missing the point I was trying to make. It's not that I'm not expecting for there to be incest content, if anything the people on this thread have made it very clear that they want incest, but rather a stab at Tobs' reasoning as to why he's done this supposed 'middle finger' to incest loving folk here.

I've even made it clear in my post that my interpretation of the choices made with Kinu is just that: my interpretation. The rant that follows is towards the absurdity of Tobs' logic.


May 5, 2021
Plus he keeps commissioning artwork of Kinu getting railed or proudly sharing what others commissioned. It's weird.

Well, within context it's weird.
It's pretty on brand. As fas as he's concerned the Champion is his self-insert, and he's obviously quite enamored with his own characters/writing. I bet he's got a whole bunch of Gweyr and Kinu scenes written out for his own perusing.

Luckily enough anything my dude writes is boring as shit, and both those two characters lay forgotten wherever the fuck in my game, so i can't say i'm too jealous.


Nov 7, 2020
Oh and in case you weren't convinced on him being a mediocre fanfic style writer, keep in mind that Kinu has unique bonuses to her stats and action economy that no other NPC gets, because "she's supposed to feel like a child prodigy", despite having really zero experience.
Kiyoko did teach her how to fight though on one of her scenes.

Also, the player character is more of a prodigy than Kinu, because they could master techniques overnight, even if it's outside of their class. This is can justified for gameplay reasons, and the fact the player may have real battle experience based on their background, but it feels weird how the player manages to stay a virgin before the events of CoC2 despite their backgrounds and experience.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
To be honest the best way to deal with all that shit is to forget that it's in the game. Kiyoko just ain't worth all the bullshit that comes with her, and it's not like most of her dialogues aren't mindless exposition i couldn't care less about anyway.
Oh but Kiyoko is worth the bullshit. Sadly Kinu and the rest of your family is not. Kiyoko just leaving in the medal is totally worth it as you got a nice time everytime you sleep and you can summon one of the most op characters everytime in battle for a skill that is useable only once per battle everytime. I mean even the grandma warns us before handing in the medal that we will lose something very important with it.

True, you're not wrong. However, Kiyoko is peak wife material hands-down so I'll just settle with keeping her in the amulet.
This ones get it. Tobs really want us to keep the amulet so we will continue to have dreamwaifu. Personally I consider all the possible content that would come after giving the amulet as a bad dream until the game is done and modders do the real work.
Hell, they practically are demons. They want to steal people's souls, and according to at least one ending, you just have to lose your soul, not necessarily have it turn to Lethicite, to become a demon. They're fucking monsters.
Then I rather give it Kas. I mean she at least makes sure, that my dragondaughters will be gratefull to me.
Last edited:
Jul 22, 2019
Kiyoko did teach her how to fight though on one of her scenes.
I'm not quite sure that justifies her having such absurd bonuses lol.

Also, the player character is more of a prodigy than Kinu
We should be, logically we have way more experience and the bonuses from whatever's going on with our soul, but this isn't the case.

Story reasons aside, Kinu is massively overpowered. Most companions have a 3-4 stat point bonus over the PC to make up for their relative inflexibility; Kinu gets a total of +6 for her personality, coupled with another +4 for her weapon choice, not to mention that she gets 2 actions a round.

She is meant to play and feel like a child prodigy.
The only thing that likely makes us stronger now is a higher level cap, and that her content has kind of stalled out for a while (thankfully).


Aug 28, 2021
Kinu content should have been vetoed before it ever made it into the game. All the bullshit tobs employed in order to bypass the established rules of the game and the universe in order to forcibly insert his princess oc fanfic as a separate plotline wholy unrelated to the main story is utterly baffling.
Kiyoko ignores sterility because she only needs our body energy but in that case she can just suck off or eat out the champ to get it. No need for pregnancy but tobs bit off more than he could chew with having two Kinus that he couldn't possibly account for not having her.
Kinu grows super fast because of time shenanigans.
Kinu inherits her sire's ability for quick learning despite the fact that champ is incapable of passing anything on to their children and kitsune being dominant breeders.

But you can't remove Kinu because Kiyoko's whole character arc is tied to her. Good mother bad mother doesn't work if not mother. Hell, she already has all of her sets right out of the gate instead of getting them at important points of her story like everyone else does.

Pull either end and it all ties into a lovely bow of how tobs tricked the devs into making his budget princess maker ripoff fan fic a reality when they could've been doing something productive such as advancing the story instead of indulging a selfobsessed weeabu.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Pretty much the general consensus all around, lol. Her adult transformation makes little to no sense either way.
Other than suposedly make us feel bad because "oh no we abbandoned her during most her childhood" to which i say: no we fucking didn't we free them from a goddam dimensional prison, fuck you Tobs i got Kiyoko free, that was my main goal all along so i won.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
no we fucking didn't we free them from a goddam dimensional prison, fuck you Tobs i got Kiyoko free, that was my main goal all along so i won.
Damn right! Also, isn't the whole 'dimensional prison' part hammered into their heads since the day the player found the amulet? They knew full well that you weren't going to be there every single day, even if to you they were legitimately daily visits.

To that I say, fuck you, Tobs! If Kinu's gonna be upset over my involuntary absenteeism then she can take it up to Keros!


Aug 28, 2021
Kinu: "Dad/Mom, why did you leave us in the orb? It's been ten years since you last visited us, don't you remember? Mother and I would divine upon you to make sure you were well and I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. You made trips to the den... every... single... day. And not once have you thought to set us free! Every day was the same! You would wake up, go to the waygate and travel to the den to speak with Komari about something! Has it ever occured to you to ask for our freedom?! Don't answer, I already know that you will deny it! You never even had the decency to change your clothes. Every single day you would wear the same thing you have the AUDACITY! to wear even today! You even have the gall to not age a day in all that time. Not having to worry about your dear daughter must've done wonders for your skin, huh? You make me sick! But that's in the past and I will forgive your neglecting us."



Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Kinu: "Dad/Mom, why did you leave us in the orb? It's been ten years since you last visited us, don't you remember? Mother and I would divine upon you to make sure you were well and I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. You made trips to the den... every... single... day. And not once have you thought to set us free! Every day was the same! You would wake up, go to the waygate and travel to the den to speak with Komari about something! Has it ever occured to you to ask for our freedom?! Don't answer, I already know that you will deny it! You never even had the decency to change your clothes. Every single day you would wear the same thing you have the AUDACITY! to wear even today! You even have the gall to not age a day in all that time. Not having to worry about your dear daughter must've done wonders for your skin, huh? You make me sick! But that's in the past and I will forgive your neglecting us."

I guess that's Tobs' writing a'ight where they portray us as a "SAVAGE"
Me ook-ook, Me smash-smash.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Plus he keeps commissioning artwork of Kinu getting railed or proudly sharing what others commissioned. It's weird.

Well, within context it's weird.
I do not know if my madness or my english skill is failing but can you please elaborate this? Because I can relate more why people are against Covid Vaccines then this.
We're talking about a man who thinks having loving parents is a sign of toxic dependency and a desire to fuck your own family. He's Kinu's parent and he's showing off his affection for her and is overly proud of the ways people draw her in 'fanart'.
Make of that what you will. :p
Wait what?
Sorry this even for my convoluted Marauderlike mind to much madness. It is like he is short before diving into umbra because his reality and this one are close to completely ripped away of links.
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