
Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Why does it feel dirty to see the commissions from Moira and DCL? I can't imagine what the interaction would have been like.
How it went down (probably):
"Alright, so... you guys familiar with Kinu, right? My darling daughter OC between my precious Kiyoko and, ugh, the player? Right, so I've been thinking about wanting to draw her getting absolutely railed by these other kitsunes who may or may not be my self-inserts. As in, complete with gapeface and ahegao. She better be drooling too. I'll pay you however much you want. That'll show those disgusting incest-loving cash cows!"


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Wait, he's saying people are controlling pigs, yet for his own forum avatar the dude uses shit he's commisioned himself of Kinu getting smashed?

Ah, fuck, i think i'll just quit talking about this. Guy's just weird in some major ways.
"He who unironically mines salt in his own forums, would one day become a salt mine himself."
-Benjamin Franklin, 2069


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Although I wonder if it's intentional on Savin's part to have Mallach sound like Moloch and involve children being groomed to be sex servants. I'm not sure if he's that clever or not, might have been a Freudian slip on his part.
If he were that clever, the CoC2 thread would have been a very different place. But alas, this isn't the case and now we're stuck with hilariously dark implications that child grooming is okay if the player isn't doing it.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
...I hope with all my heart that Tobs never write content for their children if is that they do.
You dare hope for such a thing in a game where the devs hate seeing their players happy? Then again, in hindsight, I'm just glad that the rest of the player's children are reduced to bean counters in a nursery.


Jun 12, 2020
200 IQ question. Is Kinu even ours? Because Keros has white hair... Kinu has white hair.... Kinda act like each other. Idk. The more I think about it, the more it seems like Keros cucked me in some way.

What if all of your children are Keros' and it's really one elaborate trap to pull you towards kitsune worship


Jun 12, 2020
How it went down (probably):
"Alright, so... you guys familiar with Kinu, right? My darling daughter OC between my precious Kiyoko and, ugh, the player? Right, so I've been thinking about wanting to draw her getting absolutely railed by these other kitsunes who may or may not be my self-inserts. As in, complete with gapeface and ahegao. She better be drooling too. I'll pay you however much you want. That'll show those disgusting incest-loving cash cows!"
Sounds like something un holly
View attachment FalseFeistyHarrierhawk-mobile.mp4


May 25, 2020
Honestly kind of disappointed with the Brint/Brienne family content so far, I'll echo what I said however long ago about lack of scene variation. Don't know if it's being stifled somehow by Savin or Drake, or if the writers are just getting lazier.
Wsan is too busy working on Khor'minos practically alone, and he also has to do double content and variations for brienne / brint, I honestly just hope he's okay.


Mar 23, 2021
Wsan is too busy working on Khor'minos practically alone, and he also has to do double content and variations for brienne / brint, I honestly just hope he's okay.
Why would Savin let someone take on such a massive undertaking alone, even if they insist they are capable of doing it? Why not try to divvy up work like a team lead should instead of letting people do whatever the fuck they want? As I understand, most of the writers are paid by Savin, also, isn't he supposed to be writing for the game as well? When was the last time he put anything out?

And while it's a shame that the community is starting to take a toll on Wsan's mental health, I still stand by what I said about scene variation. It seems to me at this point the only "exotic" fetish (as stated in the title screen) consistently present is futa.
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Nov 7, 2020
I really wish in the game, the Champion could make Kinu realize how old they are, like "do you know how old I am? I'm this old when I impregnated your mother, I'm also this old when you turned 8, and you turned 18 in that world the same year on this world when you turned 8! Why didn't Keros, or Kiyoko for that matter, tell you the time difference between the astral plane and this world? By the way, I'm only a couple of years older than you now."
200 IQ question. Is Kinu even ours? Because Keros has white hair... Kinu has white hair.... Kinda act like each other. Idk. The more I think about it, the more it seems like Keros cucked me in some way.

What if all of your children are Keros' and it's really one elaborate trap to pull you towards kitsune worship
Also I agree with this theory since a year ago. I mean, how is it possible we would impregnate Kiyoko if we're sterile? That doesn't make sense, unless after we were gone from the plane, Kiyoko was cheating with us with Keros, and Keros is just the physical embodiment of Tobs in-game.
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Jan 24, 2018
Kinu is directly based on Helspawn (we all know how well that went in CoC1) and her adult development is quite literally written as a "fuck you" by The Observer to the players.
View attachment 1467952
View attachment 1467953
How the fuck did this game turn from a porn fantasy into a Lifetime Television special? :FacePalm:
So, no judgement for anyone's kinks, but I've always been iffy about the Kinu content. To me, having a wholesome child-raising sim inside a smutty fetish game feels like streaming The Magic School Bus on PornHub. Yeah I suppose it's not illegal, but it feels deeply questionable. Reading this though, I'm even more dumbfounded. Putting aside the potential squick factor, this just sounds like poor design and worse writing.

If the goal is to show that Kinu is her own person, making her own decisions, and completely separate from the player's actions. Then why would you ever play as her? Playing as a character implies that their actions and choices are the player's direct responsibility. If you want to emphasize in gameplay terms that a character is their own person, then make it clear that they're doing things independently of the player. The way NPCs move around the world in Dark Souls is a good example, it gives a sense that these are real people on their own quests rather than just merchants. Another one is your Rival in the various Pokemon games, who you see in different parts of the world but who is clearly on their own journey. Interestingly we already have a character like this in the game with Valencia, someone who is clearly working to be their own kind of hero and who you can occasionally help along the way to that goal.

Imagine if Kinu grew up and decided she wanted to help save the world too, but to step out of her parents' shadow she decided to go with her own adventuring party instead of yours. Then you could have random encounters where you'd find her fighting off monsters or exploring areas. You could even have her pop up and help the Champion if the player's losing a fight before going back to her own journey. There you have the gameplay showing that she's grown up and can handle herself while also allowing her to be a presence in the main plot.
Apr 18, 2021
So, no judgement for anyone's kinks, but I've always been iffy about the Kinu content. To me, having a wholesome child-raising sim inside a smutty fetish game feels like streaming The Magic School Bus on PornHub. Yeah I suppose it's not illegal, but it feels deeply questionable. Reading this though, I'm even more dumbfounded. Putting aside the potential squick factor, this just sounds like poor design and worse writing.

If the goal is to show that Kinu is her own person, making her own decisions, and completely separate from the player's actions. Then why would you ever play as her? Playing as a character implies that their actions and choices are the player's direct responsibility. If you want to emphasize in gameplay terms that a character is their own person, then make it clear that they're doing things independently of the player. The way NPCs move around the world in Dark Souls is a good example, it gives a sense that these are real people on their own quests rather than just merchants. Another one is your Rival in the various Pokemon games, who you see in different parts of the world but who is clearly on their own journey. Interestingly we already have a character like this in the game with Valencia, someone who is clearly working to be their own kind of hero and who you can occasionally help along the way to that goal.

Imagine if Kinu grew up and decided she wanted to help save the world too, but to step out of her parents' shadow she decided to go with her own adventuring party instead of yours. Then you could have random encounters where you'd find her fighting off monsters or exploring areas. You could even have her pop up and help the Champion if the player's losing a fight before going back to her own journey. There you have the gameplay showing that she's grown up and can handle herself while also allowing her to be a presence in the main plot.
That is a great idea. Crazy how a bunch of randos in this thread have come up with several better ideas than how it is officially handled. Too bad the devs have so much contempt for mods.


Mar 10, 2021
Hold up... Okay seriously. Why not just make the MC cucked by Keros so we can get access to this content and the commissioned CGs / character art? This is a waste of time and resources.
Because the art in question was never intended to be put in the game, it's just stuff Tobs commissioned for personal satisfaction.


Jul 10, 2019
So lets try to understand this pile of stupid.
Kiyoko is originally trapped in the fucking shadow realm. We end up meeting her by finding and putting on a necklace that connects our soul to this realm, and thus we are strongly spiritually linked. Kiyoko asks us to share our 'essence' which in this case is simply energy essentially using us as a battery, and with this she is both revitalized and gives birth to young, however these young do not look like us. From a genetic standpoint it should be fairly obvious that none of your children with Kiyoko prior to her being saved from the shadow realm could genetically be yours. Which is generally the entire shtick of incest as a fetish, but I digress.

So the idea that this is people pushing for 'incest' is frankly baffling, ignoring that incest adjacent content is all over the place in CoC2. The recent Brienne/Rina content in particular is incest is it not? Last time I checked you don't eat out your sister, or french kiss them for that matter, but watch them say ':rolleyes: Oh one of them was adopted'. Similar to Kallly/Kiro, Syri/Anno, etc. Its rather obvious the only reason they stopped doing incest contest was to pander to Patreon, so as to not lose the money they were making there, ignoring the fact that there's still a mountain of other questionable fetishes in both games. Including writers creating self-inserts for their self-inserts only to commission art of said self-inserts being railed into stupidity by yet another self-insert... Seriously just write the smut and shut your pie hole. No one wants to hear about ethics from a bunch of smut writers, get off your high dildo and do what you're paid to do :ROFLMAO:.

The TL;DR is none of their writers should be taken remotely seriously when they bitch about people asking for incest, or you know, simply being able to bone down with the absurdly skimpy characters they put into the game. Which makes me question the point of having high quality art of them in-game when they have no other purpose than to be ultimately generic side NPCs.

Ambra - Feels like a low effort copy of Kohaku, except she's a catfolk instead of a kitsune.

Amina - Still can't bone her. She says she isn't a prostitute, but that doesn't mean she can't grow to like our character. Instead she's just another skimpy character with no real purpose.

Daliza - No real content for her yet.

Gytha - Got re-added as a character attached to a plot point which should've already progressed beyond her. Instead she's trying to find the ice demon bitch because she's loyal to her or something (whatever). Frankly it feels like they did a low effort re-insert of her character when really she should've either appeared much later when the ice bitch resurfaces in the story, or become a wandering character we run into in taverns or other cities not just a bland re-run of her previous sex scenes.

Ivris - Shows up in a dream, but doesn't have any actual content.

Jyrranaz - Same as Daliza. Though she has some foreplay-level content, but nothing beyond that.

Kobold Queen - To be honest if you have a dong large enough you should be able to fuck her. You can't though so no one cares.

Nelia - Hot goblin milf in your area, but no touching. Is there a point to her artwork? Nope. Can't do anything with her, don't care she might as well be a gray silhouette.

Sigrune - Big tiddy giant guardian of a mirror, doesn't do anything, cannot be peacefully interacted with. Waste of an artwork.


Mar 10, 2021
really makes you think :unsure:
I know, right? Missing the point that hard right off the bat really undercuts the rest of the post, doesn't it?

So the idea that this is people pushing for 'incest' is frankly baffling, ignoring that incest adjacent content is all over the place in CoC2. The recent Brienne/Rina content in particular is incest is it not?
The rule is no parental incest, which they've said a bunch. Sibling content is allowed, which is why Wsan is writing it. And before you even say it, Wsan has also said that none of the content involving Brienne's mom will have her directly interacting with her daughters due to the rule.
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Jul 26, 2017
It's just some art CG from the official wiki page for the game. Art which the character's creator The Observer happens to use as their avatar on the official forums.

I see, thanks.
Pretty unspectacular, given that Kinu should be railed by the MC - only.
I do hope that this mod is coming out soon, doing us some justice, haha.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
Are the 3 new scenes just with Rina just when you have Brienne? Or are there new ones with Brint as well?
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