That wild west nature is like the biggest double edged sword, I swear.Or he was thinking about Xianxia mod, where most scenes do actually last for 3~4 sentences. That mod has no quality control whatsoever.
There's like multiple complex TF's that have three sentence worth of content dealing with exclusive content. Like that mind flayer cthulu thing mindwashing people in encounters.
But then you've got the characters in the drider village, that one werewolf maid (8/10 on the maidometer by the way), and the chuuni vampiress. They're all great. I like returning to Xianxia every few years and seeing if one or more gems got added to the mix. And for better or worse, they've certainly added onto the TFing aspect. Turning into this crazy horn dog tentacle demon and having a little (big) sprite that reflects my poor life decisions makes it impossible to return back to vanilla CoC.