To try and cover that the loss scenes are actually rape scenes the devs decided that the mc has to be interested in everyone. I can't think of another reason why you can't set your preferences during character creation. We can pick our gender but not our sexuality. Would that cause a burden on the writers somehow?
It would burden the writers but that the excuse of it of them trying to cover up the rape in this game is paper thin.
It's in the gameplay, the codex, the story, one of the companions, the pc sex, the npc sex and etc.
Do I personally mind if rape is in the game, not all.
But to say it's what is keeping them safe from patreon is no, if they was actually under investigation that because of reports or them causing problems for patreon in some way. That shit wouldn't hold up under any scrutiny when it's in the game this much and would get kicked off like lilith's throne just like it was a problem for them.
BUT MOST FUCKING IMPORTANTLY, patreon doesn't give a fuck about them and others. Like i said before they are like amazon, gumroad, and others. Their rules are there to keep them safe but they don't mind if you break them until it it becomes a problem for them, and that's been proven too many times.