
Feb 18, 2022
Oh man lieutenant Jen, a character who is prime corruption material but had the misfortune to be written by bubblelord, her quest line ultimately ending with the PC getting punched out by some Chad Thundercock chosen by God and being called a pussy...what a fucking waste.
There's not corruption in corruption of champions II.

The game should be renamed to "the cucking of champions", because every update seems to be made solely to improve the writers' OCs and self inserts at the expense of cucking the player's champion out of anything that could make them special, or even so much as stand out.

I deeply regret ever supporting this shit.


Sep 28, 2020
If anything, the jumbled development of this game give us some hidden gems of wisdom. coc2 is a really fun game with a bunch of frustrating corners and bits that will always be there, some of them terrible, and the future will be another dominant dick lady, but, there are sill good parts, and we should enjoy them as long as we can
I'd classify it more as a jumbled mess that shines, at times, through either an independent actor (that had yet to go downhill) or a writer coincidentally aligning with a concept from the previous game.

It's like going to a concert that you believe will feature the Pixies, only to find out that it's a band covering them and you weren't warned before then that would be the case. You still decide to give them the time of the day so you show up.

You get there, find the audience somewhat loaded, the musicians arrive, tune-up and then start a rendition of Monkey Gone to Heaven. They hold it together for half of the song, then the vocalist starts singing a Mika song, one guitarist tries to play a cross of a J-Pop song and the fifth symphony of Beethoven and the drummer starts slapping everything and quits.

Someone steps in to replace the drummer by the second song and he does follow what a Pixies song would be until breaking into Nashville Pussy. They then go for a break and are all replaced by someone with an acordeon who does an amazing job with it... and then the band decides to step back in midbreak to ruin everything.

Naturally, you wonder if anyone's still there only to find a little crew of freaks cheering on near the band and a little community of hecklers aiming for the vocalist with tomatoes.

That's CoC2.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Probably going with the femwolves if Olivia is shit as expectations are. I would like to get both just in case but I guess that's not an option.


Sep 15, 2024
Don't worry a walk of shame is part of coc2 as an experience

The champion gets cummy kisses all the time

In another tangent, I find interesting that the champion and Leofric are two sides of the same coin. One of them being a shonen protagonist who trained for twenty years in order to become strong fir his goddess, and he could trash you if he wanted to but won't. In the other hand, your characters is a harem protagonist with mental issues and zero dignity, but loved by almost everyone else who matters, and yet, the two of them are fated to fight each other and cursed with a main girl who keeps her virginity for their sake

It's almost poetic, a duel between power fantasies that shall never be fulfilled

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I know cursed knowledge when I see it
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Sep 15, 2024
That anal egg stuff weirded me the fuck out. I can laugh and not care about it now but man. This game might've actually been my 1st time even confronted with such a thing :unsure:. It legit disgusted me on a spiritual level. Especially how it was just played off as no big deal and I'm just thinking. The fuck is wrong with people? Who made this? Matter of fact, them two phrases became my go to when I came to this site. Seeing what's all here.

I mean I still maintain that egg shit is weird as hell. But eh to each his own. I also wasn't all that familiar with what an ovipositor was.... I wouldn't mind going back to them times.
Yup, ditto. Made my skincrwal the first time I encountered it. Still disgusts me, no amount of desensitization is going to dull that level of repulsion.
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