I mostly agree to a degree. But you go through all that to still get Savin-blocked at the end. That princess is still following some rulesets of a prince, because penis. You can knock up assloads of NPCs to have even more assloads of name/faceless offspring. Folks will choose more maternity updates and pointless babies, over the story itself progressing. But one of the best and most fitting times. To get the option to put a bun in someone's oven. We can't because Dedicking is one of the greatest Deadly Sins, Book of Futa 6:9.
Couldn't even get the halfway point of actual futa. Nah tis you who should give up the bussy, or turn that bussy into a pussy, or tag someone else in to service the royal penis, or to serve as the womb whenever that comes along. It's not the Champ pulling a reverse Pinocchio saying I'm a real girl. Type of reverse power fantasy is going on? Build up a romance, build the character up, take on the kingdom, take back the throne, and theeeeen! *Wet fart noise*
That was never going to happen bro, ever
Snow elves do happen to include the one type of futas that have no pussy, they can get one with one of those potions but usually, they don't. If anything you're fated to be part of the tragic and never ending cycle of Winter City royals just dying and leaving someone else to do the work, and they'll do the same and so on. You maybe be one of the few to survive the ordeal but, if you're not an elf then you're still gonna day sooner than your elf princess giving her plenty of time to fuck up her harem or have a crazy, psycho daughter or something
You're cursed to face lady dick in this game, go through a samsara of cocks and balls and sometimes cunts chasing what will never be there, because Etheryn won't ever have a pussy, this is one of the greatest truths of Savin
Also she's just like her granny who was born to pound and impregnate amazon royal pussy, guess her design includes the idea that her freedom means spawning more elves at will by dicking others starting by you, thus, changing the usual trope of a princess needing your help, this game does that a lot. Bubbly cute cat gf is a slut, best bro is better as a girl, wife becomes weird and annoying after marriage, qt bee girl is into girls and said girl isn't into you, and many, many others that their writers swear are great ideas while keeping the best of them as one time characters, wondering why no one likes them