
Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
And poor mental health can do wonders for sabotaging fitness plans. Assuming the person is able bodied and actually physically capable of a consistent fitness regimen, it doesn't work well as an intervention in the vast majority of cases and is instead valuable as part of a mental health maintenance plan. Almost always someone in the throws of a deep depression isn't going to commit to a long term fitness plan without first successfully treating their depression.
Not to mention it won't do much at all to help if the issue is more along the lines of psychosis or other reality distorting mental health conditions. On a strictly mental health perspective it's really only useful for things like depression, anxiety, addictions and some sleep disorders.
If only I'd exercised my way out of my body disintegrating around me causing me to be medically retired from the career I'd spent my whole life working towards and for... Oh wait exercise is part of what contributed to that disintegration, because I have a genetic issue that makes my joints garbo and worked through the pain too much and too often.

Surely exercise would have also staved off the chronic depression that arose from seeing my entire identity evaporated overnight, with no ability to meaningfully change things.

I know I could exercise the asthma out of my lungs from the burn pit exposure! Or maybe I'll exercise the narcolepsy out of my brain from radiation exposure, that'll fix all my problems.

Idiots like them are so fucking frustrating as a chronic illness sufferer who was healthy and fit until I just fucking wasn't anymore.
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
If only if exercised my way out of my body disintegrating around me causing me to be medically retired from the career I'd spent my whole life working towards and for... Oh wait exercise is part of what contributed to that disintegration, because I have a genetic issue that makes my joints garbo and worked through the pain too much and too often.

Surely exercise would have also staved off the chronic depression that arose from seeing my entire identity evaporated overnight, with no ability to meaningfully change things.

I know i could exercise the astgma out of my lungs from the burn pit exposure! Or maybe I'll exercise the narcolepsy out of my brain from radiation exposure, that'll fix all my problems.

Idiots like them are so fucking frustrating as a chronic illness sufferer who was healthy and fit until I just fucking wasn't anymore.
Which is why I mentioned being able bodied and physically able to commit to a consistent fitness regimen. I've seen people spouting off that whole fitness mental health bullshit to people who were profoundly disabled. I remember seeing some fitness bro on facebook telling someone who's profile picture was them in a wheelchair that they wouldn't have depression if they went out for a run more often. A fucking wheelchair user needs to run if they don't want depression apparently.
I do remember you saying in probably another thread that you had I believe was either a joint disorder or a connective tissue disorder, which to be fair the person you quoted and the one I quoted probably wouldn't know that, but it's really telling to me when someone just assumes the person they're talking to is capable of the same things they are for absolutely no reason. It's an inherently ableist perspective, no other way to put it.

Even then. it's not some end all to mental health treatment. I was in the best shape of my life a little over 10 years ago, exercising 4-5 times a week, resting heart rate around 50, low blood pressure and for my (at the time) skinny frame I was as strong as an ox. What fucked it all up? Depression. If exercise treated depression that well then how did I get severe depression to the point I could barely get out of bed most days when I was exercising about 10-12 hours a week?
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Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Which is why I mentioned being able bodied and physically able to commit to a consistent fitness regimen. I've seen people spouting off that whole fitness mental health bullshit to people who were profoundly disabled. I remember seeing some fitness bro on facebook telling someone who's profile picture was them in a wheelchair that they wouldn't have depression if they went out for a run more often. A fucking wheelchair user needs to run if they don't want depression apparently.
I do remember you saying in probably another thread that you had I believe was either a joint disorder or a connective tissue disorder, which to be fair the person you quoted and the one I quoted probably wouldn't know that, but it's really telling to me when someone just assumes the person they're talking to is capable of the same things they are for absolutely no reason. It's an inherently ableist perspective, no other way to put it.

Even then. it's not some end all to mental health treatment. I was in the best shape of my life a little over 10 years ago, exercising 4-5 times a week, resting heart rate around 50, low blood pressure and for my (at the time) skinny frame I was as strong as an ox. What fucked it all up? Depression. If exercise treated depression that well then how did I get severe depression to the point I could barely get out of bed most days when I was exercising about 10-12 hours a week?
It's a very, I've never experienced hardship, mentality on how to overcome hardship.
Like billionaires giving advice on living on minimum wage.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
Which is why I mentioned being able bodied and physically able to commit to a consistent fitness regimen. I've seen people spouting off that whole fitness mental health bullshit to people who were profoundly disabled. I remember seeing some fitness bro on facebook telling someone who's profile picture was them in a wheelchair that they wouldn't have depression if they went out for a run more often. A fucking wheelchair user needs to run if they don't want depression apparently.
I do remember you saying in probably another thread that you had I believe was either a joint disorder or a connective tissue disorder, which to be fair the person you quoted and the one I quoted probably wouldn't know that, but it's really telling to me when someone just assumes the person they're talking to is capable of the same things they are for absolutely no reason. It's an inherently ableist perspective, no other way to put it.

Even then. it's not some end all to mental health treatment. I was in the best shape of my life a little over 10 years ago, exercising 4-5 times a week, resting heart rate around 50, low blood pressure and for my (at the time) skinny frame I was as strong as an ox. What fucked it all up? Depression. If exercise treated depression that well then how did I get severe depression to the point I could barely get out of bed most days when I was exercising about 10-12 hours a week?
I agree with your example given... but you should really watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Calley and Cassy Means. Our food system is literally trying to keep us sick and depressed with toxic chemicals. It's profitable.

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Mark Loring

Jul 26, 2024
So, if I see this right, my little comment turned into what? Two or three pages of discussion? I guess then we all need that update to drop Sunday if we're spending our time talking about this kind of stuff. Sorry guys. Didn't think that my nearly useless comment would spawn this.

Jul 21, 2023
So, if I see this right, my little comment turned into what? Two or three pages of discussion? I guess then we all need that update to drop Sunday if we're spending our time talking about this kind of stuff. Sorry guys. Didn't think that my nearly useless comment would spawn this.

This is the final arc in this comment section's painful journey to the next update. My personal favourite arc was the 'decline of masculinity in western media' discussion we had a couple of months ago.
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