I think there is something mentioned in the overall story about that but... the story is horribly written and horribly boring. I believe you need to have a certain covenant to survive it. I didn't manage to do it yet either.i wouldnt mind playing the game and grinding if i needed to or something. but (unless if i am missing something) the game just isnt working for me. the princess is lvl 38 and im lvl 30. i can get her super low hp, all the way until ive gotta my lust spell break skills. but the moment she gets up to that point. theres a meter above her head (which has been slowly filling up during the battle but was not close to full yet.), it immediately fills up and causes her to do a one shot. i dont know what im missing, ive completed all quests. im just so confused at this point.
and when i fight any other enemy other than the boss i get 0 exp. so i cant level up past 30