Update is Awesome as always. I have found a sound issue though. When ever alicia is in the air or hanging off a ledge I can still hear footsteps whenever i move right or left and sometimes this can cause footstep echos. I duuno if its just me or not but yeah GREAT UPDATE
Interesting, I haven't run into this myself but I'll look into it. Does this happen all the time when you jump/ledge grab, or only sometimes?
i found a room that you can get stuck in.
after you get the downward slam attack, go left from the crash site and platform your way up to a room with tentacles...like a bunch of them.
if you are like me and good at platforming, you might try to smash attack the tentacles while right on the edge of the little ledge in there, which will give you the little extra height you need to grab the ledge.
up in there is a room with a slope you cannot climb, and a ledge too high to grab with your current upgrades....save before replicating.
Appreciate the report, thank you. I imagine there's probably a few places you can get stuck like this; the slam attack is brand new this update and gives you just a bit more mobility than you would've had before, so some level design is probably broken by it. I'll write that one down on the list of places to fix.
I appreciate all the suggestions, and the kind review
As much fun as an alternate suit would be, it's entirely too much for our team to handle at the moment - and having one that only showed during certain animations would just be kinda disappointing imo. We've stuck to upgrades that mostly don't have any appearance changes on Alicia for a reason, it adds a lot of work for hand-crafted pixel art animation.
To respond to some things from your review:
The lighthearted story is very much intentional. We will be hitting some heavier story beats in the near future - the plot is only just ramping up - but you definitely shouldn't go in expecting anything like a Metroid game. Overall, I know what people expect from CPE going into it thanks to the setting and obvious inspirations, and I like upending those expectations rather than doing the obvious thing.
You couldn't be more wrong about the voice actors lol. We list them out on our Patreon page, but only 2 of our actors have multiple roles, and they both only voice 1 main cast member, with their other roles being enemies. I'm not sure why you thought they were all voiced by the same people, but that's absolutely not the case.
I agree completely on the backgrounds, and I desperately want to improve them, but our team only has 2 full time members, and background art isn't either of our strong points unfortunately. We've been doing our best to improve them gradually, and at some point I hope to be able to bring on another full-time member to do background art.
The H-scene crashes are unfortunately something that was introduced recently. I did improve it with this update, but evidently not enough. Rest assured they will be fixed in time, I have no intentions of letting gamebreaking bugs stick around.
I'm not a big fan of bestiality so I'm totally fine with this, but what exactly counts as bestiality? Are alien creatures like the Lurker/Azulisk included or does that just mean nothing similar to real animals?
I don't count any of the enemies in the game right now as bestiality, no. I'm more concerned with real life animals, or things that are very close to them.
there are some areas where we can't reach even with the Debug Mode help. Is there a way to reach it at the moment or is it for a further update? Anyway, I just finished trhe current demo and what a great work there dude! Also, that new idle animation (I don't if it was implemented in the past updates, I just noticed now) is really something else! Can't wait for the final version so I can buy it on Steam, also, if it woudl'nt be too much trouble for your team, would you mind making a censor option so that Streamers can do their job showing everyone your art piece called Crisis Point: Extinction?
Thank you for the kind words

There are some areas you cannot reach even with debug, yes - usually things I put there as a reminder to myself on where I want to include alt paths/secrets.
The game does have a toggle in the Video section to turn off sexual content, and I would like that to be a fully streaming-friendly "SFW" version of the game at release - but I should note that I haven't touched that sexual content toggle in quite a while, so there's probably a lot of places right now where it's not actually censoring everything properly. I'll probably either remove the toggle for a while or include a disclaimer with it saying it's not fully censored; keeping the toggle up to date is very difficult with how ingrained all of the sexual content is, and I'll probably wait until the game is near done to focus on that part.