regia55 The thing is, if we actually "are being honest" (awkward phrase, methinks - like everybody lies every time they forego adding that line, or something), I can totally get behind that, seeing how CA1 took over 5 years to be finished...I mean, not my place to kinkshame masochists

, but this game is nowhere near completion. The possibility, however unlikely, that a save-in-progress would become incompatible with every new update just adds to the anxiety.
Is that supposed to be the justification for "5.10 is out - update plz", "5.10.01 is out - anybody have?", " out since yesterday - y u no update?" behavior? Because that is the inevitability with frequently-updated products. People wanting to post the update here are going to post it here, people that do not - will not. End of story. Not even mentioning other variables like potentially "burning" your patreon/whatever subscription by posting it too soon by whatever tracking method that might be in place (or accidental). The "plz" people never stop to think of the dev, they never stop to think of the people providing them with pirated/cracked/whatever games...they simply
do not care.
Lastly, "plz"ing does not expedite the process - in fact, more than once have I witnessed known providers [of some games I was following] instead going "The begging with every update is too much - I am done". Guess what happened to the next bunch of updates until (IF) someone else took over that role. One would think it a bad idea to convince the people considering you worthy of their time and effort (for nothing in return) that they are horribly wrong. One would
To be clear: it is not my intention to make some "one size fits all" generalization - what you asked for and what the other person asked for ARE different things, after all.