I've been trying to get it to work without using the .exe on Linux using only the browser, got it to play through the intro but then it just goes black when you exit the room the first day, anyone know if the current version of the game works (v1.6), or am I doing something wrong.
Also when I install the Cheat_Menu plugin the debug menu is blank using the .exe on Windows, same happens when you run it in the browser and try to open the web console, but then it seems to crash the entire game. Anyone else having trouble, I might try using an older version later to test this.
If there is a way to get it running through wine I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.
On a side note I've been going through the code, but did anyone find a way to decrypt the patreon images, I can only decrypt the normal images, though there seems to be something going on in the Z_Wolfzq_Help.js file, it would be nice if I could edit them like in CA 1 and maybe if theres a better place to ask these type of questions?
I think I found a way to extract most of the images, now I only need to find a way to re-encrypt them so that they can work in game, still have to do some testing. (if someone might be interested in decrypting their image files to edit, I'm thinking of explaining it when I find a way to edit the images and have them work in game).
Edit 2:
I'm starting to hate this guy, the more time I try to get my images to work the more stuff I find breaking, I think I get what he meant by the traps, but all I want to do is add my own images to the game and he is making it nearly impossible to edit anything without the game breaking, at this point it might even be easier to just take the decrypted assets and make the game from scratch and hoping there isn't anything in there that could break. This was really easy to do with Cursed Armor 1 and that is why I joined his patreon, and it seems like he went and did the same to Cursed Armor 1, now I don't think it's worth it anymore.
I came here hoping to find someone with the patience and skills to get a version without DRM, but it seems like the game here has the same problems I'm having.
For those who have trouble running the game on Linux, for me I found the best option to buy RPG maker MV from steam and copy over the files in the WWW folder to a new project and run it from there, the login and everything seems to work fine as long as you don't mess with the files too much, with the added bonus of the debug menu being available and the web console working correctly without Cheat_Menu.js.
Edit 3:
Ok, I hate wolfzq.
It seems like he used something like javasrcipt-obfuscator from obfuscator.io on the Z_Wolfzq_Help.js, which makes the code a mess, can give false positives to antivirus programs as well as breaking everything when something in the file is changed and disables anything in the console, for example console.log() functions and stops the game when the debug menu is opened so it stops you from editing any variables in the console which is basically the only way I played the game. Thought this info might be useful for anyone having the same crashing problems and antivirus problems I had.
If there is a way to get rid of the obfuscation, I'd really like to know, since I really can't enjoy the game without the console commands. If I can't get rid of it or he makes this worse, I might really just redo as much of the game as I can from the decrypted assets, which might make it possible to run entirely in the browser without crashing.
Edit 4:
Putting this here since someone might have the patience to deobfuscate the js file. I found this (github.com/insoxin/sojson.v5) which gives a rudimentary explanation of whats going on in the file, and it even seems like there is some degree of source encryption going on relying on a key, possibly obtained from the login - not sure yet, which would make this really difficult to deobfuscate.
Edit 5:
I'm discovering some interesting javascript techniques by trying to deobfuscate this js file, the sojson obfuscation seems to use the javascript-obfuscator library with some added features, maintaining the difficulty of deobfuscation, I've found a few sites that can at least get it printed in a readable way but the regex functions seems to stop the file from loading if it detects spaces or newlines, mostly any tipe of formatting, this techniques seems to be prevalent on Chinese websites. One website that's capable of decoding the most so far is (jsjiemi.com/decode.html) and someone trying to analyze a similar js file I found here (nullablevoidptr.github.io/Mangago/). Now I'm really hoping to find a way to write a script which could deobfuscate similar files since it seems like this is a technique that might become more common in the future.
Edit 6:
Doesn't seem that bad after spending some time on the Z_Wolfzq_Help.js file, it seems like it adds some functions to Z_Wolfzq_Event.js and adds a function to Bitmap, all of which was rather easy to get after finding out which code was important, now I just have to see what I can remove without it breaking, especially the debug and console blocking. For those interested in breaking the login, the ip for requests are in the Z_Wolfzq_Event.js file so that's a starting point. Still wondering if this is all worth it just for editing events and images, still planning to explain or post a script if I get this working.
Edit 7:
Found a way to remove console.log() blocking and deobfuscated most of the functions, but there's a lot of functions just meant to make it harder to change so I'm working on removing those, seems like it doesn't check for file integrity which is nice and it seems a lot easier to understand than some of the other stuff obfuscated with sojson, probably because he didn't obfuscate the core engine functions (really grateful for this, otherwise changing variables with the console would be nearly impossible and would make me stop playing immediately), I'm not too mad at him anymore since it still might take a few weeks to get this to work, but not nearly as impossible as I thought it would be. Another thing I thought would work is decrypt all the assets and encrypt them using the same key, then I'd have to remove the second decryption method so it would only use one so that the images could be shown, since I only found the encryption method for the basic rpg maker encryption. So for now I'm only deobfuscating the Z_Wolfzq_Help.js to remove some of the nasty functions that stop me from using the web console and formatting the file, and maybe find a way to remove anything that could cause the game to break when I change something.
Edit 8:
For those who want to remove the game stopping when you open the web console, or the console being blank you can find and remove all the "debugger;" lines in Z_Wolfzq_Help.js but remember not to change anything else like adding newlines or tabs, mostly any type of formatting. I still need to learn how regular expressions work before I can try removing the format blocking.
Edit 9:
Z_Wolfzq_Help.js seems to handle almost all the events in the game such as saving, loading images and event switches, it also redefines some of the engine core functions such as decrypting images - which would explain why I had trouble rendering images for testing since the function is redefined and can only be called by a new function he uses in his own code. I'm still going through the file and might create a cleaner copy when I have time, creating a script to deobfuscate this might be troublesome since variables are reused with different values so you can't global replace everything so going through it manually seems like the easiest for now, maybe if someone has more experience with javascript, since I basically learned everything I know in about a week with some basic knowledge I had before which I used to edit variables in game through the console.
PS: still looking for a better place to ask questions on editing the game files?