This has a lot of bugs in it.
When in the bandit village if you walk past the bum, after the scene you can walk through walls and scenery, same if you visit the mayor after killing the large slime, the mission is not showing as complete (even after talking to radcliff)
It may well be that I have finished all the content so the game is getting its knickers in a twist but this leads me to my biggest complaint about the game. The quest system really needs more detail, for example, show me all the items i need for the spell, and make the ones I already have go green so I know which is still to be collected.. If a mission is not able to be completed because the dev is still working on it then also show this information in the quest log please. I know this sounds like a lot of complaints but I actually like this game and just want to see it a little bit more robust and not so easily broken.
Other glitches
I have collected items that do not show in my inventory (the great slime thing for example and that mushroomy thing)
The weird creature from the swamp joined me, but after killing the slime the mc reminded me to go talk to murki again, went there but couldnt do any talking with him( I had already accepted him to join me). This now blocks my ability to have someone else in my party which is annoying. I also noticed that when I went to the rock blocking the passage, if i didnt already have the pickaxe in my inventory BEFORE i interacted with the rocks, I was blocked from clearing it even after I had gone back and returned with the pickaxe
All in all it has the basis of a decent game, but a bit more work is needed to bug test it before a release is sent out into the wild