Finally got around to playing and finishing season 1 of Darkness Falls, and it was a really enjoyable and relaxing play through. I actually enjoyed the linear story line even though I was a little skeptical after the all the intricate paths of the previous Elsa-verse games. I do have some complaints about the story, but I would like to say first that I am not a writer only a fan of detective and mystery stories. I hope that the critiques I list are constructive and helpful, but I don't know if they really will be. So, just to be clear, I liked the story and my complaints are just minor things I thought of when playing.
The biggest issue I have with the story is the main culprit of most of the crimes. I didn't have any problems with him or the narrative, just that there are no interactions with him up until the end. When it comes to mysteries, the culprit should almost always be introduced to the reader before the mystery is solved. It doesn't have to be any meaningful interaction, but the readers should know of the characters existence outside of being the culprit. For instance, he could have been in the police station when we first see him, and it somehow could have been mentioned that he was arrested for vandalism of some girls car. Without knowing or being aware of the culprit before the resolution, it can make the reveal feel empty, or make the reader feel disconnected because they have no idea who this person is and so it doesn't trigger any emotion.
The second biggest issue I had with the story was the first two episodes. By the end of the season they kinda felt pointless. I loved the connection it gave to the previous games in the series, but I feel like it should have been a smaller part. We the readers know that these characters aren't going to have anything to do with the previous story or its resolution, so dedicating such a large portion of the story to it could disconnect the reader. It probably should have just been the one scene when the detectives investigate the bombing, because that foreshadowed an important event in one of the characters lives and developed the relationship between the main characters.
The third and final complaint I had about the story was the initial case that started it. It was forgotten. Now I'm pretty sure you intent to bring it up again in later episodes, and would be surprised if that first case is the overarching plot of the entire DF series, but it felt forgotten. There should have been regular references or connections to that initial case that give the reader a sense of its importance. As it is now it doesn't seem very important, and if it isn't important, there shouldn't have been an entire episode dedicated to it, but I highly doubt that it isn't important. Foreshadowing and callback are critical in a mystery, it's a way for the writer to keep the readers focused on the information they need, or to keep them distracted until the final resolution. At the same time, small hints and clues should be left for the attentive reader, to help them figure out the mystery without needing an explanation usually given at the end. Like during the bombing incident when you had one of the girls that would later save the characters in the background.
That's it for my complaints, I hoped this can be useful. Nevertheless I am looking forward to Tora Productions next release.