
Game Developer
Sep 10, 2016
this is more slightly an offtopic but i cannot be silent anymore

I'm running through displeased opinions 'bout the development speed in indies smut games camp and i'm in your boat, guys. I did some payments back in '16. Spent like 40$ by patreoning... but no more
and let me tell you something, the pay per month mode is a road to ruin. basically, i can give you a huge example of he did the Beast and The Bitch

i was that close to supporting him when he started the new game about Harry Potter
but after a couple of month all we had is a couple of teases and a map

later the dude started writing stuff in patreon about his depression, illnesses how he was forced to do commissions again and take contract jobs to pay the bills. basically, the man was donated by patreon fans 1500$ a month just for hanging there. i'm not his personal wealth manager but i can say it sounded like he did really well (contracts + commissions + patreon farming).

you can still go and check out the obnoxious stuff he writes while slacking. the dude have done 0 games for the last 7 month. but got his straight pay from patreon. like this or or

so, it's pay-per-month is what drives devs crazy/moneyhungry and lazy the farming.
if it's all gonna be pay-per-release (a decent one, of course) that would be justified. artists actually CAN switch this mode, but most of them don't. and it's an open window for excuses like "well, i fapped to much this month and was sleepy, but i guarantee that the next month there will be a HUGE treat for all of ya".

btw, i am thinking of running my own smut game somewhere in Feb. so i might share my forthcoming experiences from the other side of the table.
See that is the stuff I don't like what some devs are doing, we are all depressed on one point. Even I was depressed once, but I move on and didn't bother no one on the process. This are just excuses lazy people do, you got responsibilities to make and people that are counting on you.
With great power comes, great responsibilities. -Uncle Ben.


Game Developer
Sep 10, 2016
Mark my words from this day on I will start on making a game (a real game), give me a few days to developed the menu and story. I won't patreon until there's some game play and at least two happy time scenes.


Oct 15, 2016
You are all way to hung up on the money aspect of this.

3% to 5% of that money is taken by the platform for processing. Taxes have to be paid on that money. While still leaves a large sum of money we don't know what goes to paying for assets or things he spends on games.

Assuming he's buying all of the daz product's he uses in his game he's spending 10 to 20 USD per item he buys which can add up to 1,000's and quick I know I have spent over 5,000 USD on the program myself.

All that being said there coding involved for each scene and it's side path coding doesn't take too long but he did state he was new to coding and renpy in general so it would take time to get used to things.

Then there is posing and setting different stuff up for scenes in daz studio which takes time if you can't picture what you want to put into a scene. If you have a crap computer render times are slow hours even for a single image.

For example I can render a 1080p still render in 15 mins with pbr textures and decent quality. My computer has 2 Titan x's a 5960x and three 2tb ssd's plus misc stuff costing me a total of 6k to build from my own budget from my own job.

The majority of ppl don't have a 6k computer built for 3d rendering and animation they have one built for gaming. There is a huge difference 3d rendering uses 100% of your computer resources and you can't do much else while you render stills or animation and it doesn't matter how much you spend that still happens all it does is decrease the time it takes to render the still or animation.

I am not saying hey he spends x on assets for the game a month or he does this to justify his income I am however saying its not as easy as you think it is to produce a game. And that a number of problems can happen to set you back. Posing of figures from scratch in 3d can take hours of work for a single pose like 4 hours that's a single pose for a single person. For it to look real and not odd it's harder then you think download daz it's free so are the gen3 figures and don't buy a pose pack and spend time trying to pose the figures and make it look as real as ironhorse13's work and tell me you wouldn't drop 20 bucks more to save yourself the time moving forward.

The reality is its not as easy as you think and even if you think it is and you get the hang of the 3d software and does become easy you might not be good as you think at other aspects of the game such as writing or coding etc. I know I thought I could hash out a story in no time then I got to writing one and was like God I suck time to try to hire someone who knows thier shit so my game don't look like ass.

Don't get me wrong I would love for you all to go out and make games then I have more smut to play and I as a game dev and learn from you too. That being said don't be surprised when you run into a road block somewhere or when you end up making 3 generations of daz figures all look the same so you can months on animation times. Also don't be surprised if you need to hire or work with other ppl and delay your deadlines to make it look better.

All that being said lemma soft or something close to that is a website that has a lot of ppl who can help with your game on the coding side and writing side and art side.

They have ppl who do writing, artwork, voice acting and more for free even but your dictated by their time unless you are paying them so be aware of that. For example a writer costs 0.02 cents USD a word which seems like a little but do the math after something like 100,000 words it adds up so it depends on your story length how much a writer or artist or voice actor would cost you.

Long rant later short and long of it is it seems easier then it is and we can't see a game devs books to know what he or she is spending on so let's not throw stones till we are either a. Sure we know both their books and spending habits and b. Have gone through all the bs of making a game that is decent before. Most of the ppl that never finished a project thought it would be easy till they straight out bail on it and go back to their 9 to 5 jobs because they couldn't handle the workload of 3 to 5 ppl.


Nov 25, 2016
3% to 5% of that money is taken by the platform for processing.
What you see on that web-pages is actually the net income of the artist meaning after Patreon and processing commissions.

While still leaves a large sum of money we don't know what goes to paying for assets or things he spends on games.
IDK about the rest of the world, but starting from 5k $ / mo it might be considered a decent wage in the US unless you are in Cali.

3d rendering uses 100% of your computer
Aw cmon, 3d rendering is a resourceful for GPU / CPU because of floating point ops. So again, work at a daytime — render at night.

The reality is its not as easy as you think and even if you think it is and you get the hang of the 3d software and does become easy you might not be good as you think at other aspects of the game such as writing or coding etc.
The reality is that the famous Animopron guy makes updates to the whole progress every 2 days and things he does are amazing in 3D. Go check it out. It's far more complicated that positioning and rendering still images.

. Most of the ppl that never finished a project thought
Breeding Season team did almost 500k $. Just imagine, they did half a mil in 2 years and now the Patreon page is closed, the drama is all over the internet. For those 2 years those guys did not add the expected amount of scenes, neither sound, nor music. And they have had a freaking team of people actually getting a salary for the job.

They have ppl who do writing, artwork, voice acting and more for free even but your dictated by their time unless you are paying them so be aware of that
Sorry, but most of games done by Icstor or this guy have no voice acting. The writing is a relatively cheap work. Besides we do not really know if they do this stuff in their spare time or as a main job.


Oct 15, 2016
What you see on that web-pages is actually the net income of the artist meaning after Patreon and processing commissions.

IDK about the rest of the world, but starting from 5k $ / mo it might be considered a decent wage in the US unless you are in Cali.

Aw cmon, 3d rendering is a resourceful for GPU / CPU because of floating point ops. So again, work at a daytime — render at night.

The reality is that the famous Animopron guy makes updates to the whole progress every 2 days and things he does are amazing in 3D. Go check it out. It's far more complicated that positioning and rendering still images.

Breeding Season team did almost 500k $. Just imagine, they did half a mil in 2 years and now the Patreon page is closed, the drama is all over the internet. For those 2 years those guys did not add the expected amount of scenes, neither sound, nor music. And they have had a freaking team of people actually getting a salary for the job.

Sorry, but most of games done by Icstor or this guy have no voice acting. The writing is a relatively cheap work. Besides we do not really know if they do this stuff in their spare time or as a main job.
I wasn't aware that was after thier processing fees so thanks for letting me know that part :)

5k is decent living assuming a few things such you are not hiring more ppl or using a few a month in assets or dev game fees for using daz products or poser products. i agree they should be meeting what they say they want to do for their price just saying ppl are too focused on money without knowing what the money is spent on.

3d rendering resources is where your wrong i a photoreal animation or still can take a long time look into PBR textures and photoreal renders. These are the type of animation and stills big companies do but on a larger scale and can take days weeks or even months depending on length how much is in the scene etc. Or you can look at my posts which have links explaining PBR and Realism in basic things such as water and the work and render times that they take to get right.

Animopron uses 3d models that he doesn't own or have rights to use and uses blender's particle water system to make cum and do the animations it's not Daz or Daz characters. This makes it easier to animate the cum he makes and his poses which are not as complex as the ones i was talking about. Also since he doesn't own the character he uses or have rights to them he could run into a lot of legal issues if the company ever wants to sue him. Blender is more adv. then Daz when it comes to support of animation and tools such as particle systems for animation i also explain this bit in my threads. All that being said he also did this for a living before he ever made his first horse porn video and had exp. in the field before he made money most ppl don't have the exp. and start from just learning the programs and never really get into 3d or animation in any depth.

As Far as others not meeting standards or having voice acting or bad writing, my point was all that adds time setbacks and costs money as well as has to be worked around to fit your project. which doesn't mean ppl shouldn't do it it just means don't expect a game dev who works by them self or with 1 or 2 ppl to be able to shove out content each month with a decent amount if you want all those things. It can't be done your bound by what they can put out and when to fit into your game. Game dev should have real goals that they can meet and people shouldn't expect them to be able to do things no single person could.

All this being said we should stop derailing this thread and if you want to keep talking with me more about this and learn more about things feel free to pm and i'd be more then happy to talk about it and explain things more.


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
... it's implied it's your fault you separated. ...as an absent parent, you're not going to talk bad about the person raising your child [...] or else [said child] going to be defensive about it...
Yeah, you've got a point there, can absolutely understand it. But if I remember correctly, it is not implied that it's all my fault as pc dad (daughter saying so). Of course you can play as beta male who is to blame - if you want. I have to say e.g. 'sorry I didn't call you, babygirl' or can talk about mom (even if I don't really want), and end conv with something like 'It was my fault not her's, you know? ... I'm positive one day we surely come together again'. Friendship-zoned? o_O ...Better pack my ramblings, because now I'm going WoT level for once.

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...daughter and her best friend are visiting the country (town) for a few days, your best friend happens to have a friend of hers working at said coffee shop, this is likely the reason you're vising this land and not some other random place [...]
...I have friends in other countries, [...] reason to visit them there. The reason daughter doesn't stay is obvious, her life is far away with mother, friends, school there etc.
I just thought reason to visit for my daughter is pc me, her dad. That's what game is about, after all? As you wrote it - daughter's best friend is coming with her. Not daughter is accompanying best friend. The daughter can hardly know anyone when coming to my place (did stay abroad for years, bad at making friends, waitress is friend of best friend, not hers) - am I supposed to be the reason or not? And her best friend is mostly irrelevant to story, just a sidekick.

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In general: Good storytelling is an art. You really need to wrap around, go backwards from threads to the point where split off, need to watch out for events breaking continuity, need to care for every progress in a chain of developments to fit, or enhance the plot - if possible, etc.. If not, at least it shouldn't break shit.
This is why so much derp entertainment is shat out nowadays I think. Even worse, when they start raping what once was good (Ghostbusters?). You can not fix mediocre, only make it better (hopefully), or go back to the start. But you will never get good off it.

All in all, I hope you come to understand my side. Not sure if dev has got a clue on how to unfurl the story en detail. Sorry for going down on this, if you don't like it just burn me! :D
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Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
IDK about the rest of the world, but starting from 5k $ / mo it might be considered a decent wage in the US unless you are in Cali.
A decent salary of a real Professional job. Amateur or Indie isn't pay that much. Also, those decent salary are for those who can make real progression to their own company project. You work at McDonald, you won't get that payment level. What I'm questioning for MrDotsGames (this game dev) is, he's an Indie that paid the same level of real specialist worker. If the result are way too off of what real pro can do, he's should make more effort to it, such as bring more Indie. That why in my other comment, I give him 2 months to prove.

$7000/months isn't for lazy ass worker, it's for people who can generate money to his company, at least 20xtimes bigger than his salary.
If in the next 2 months, this game can only progress so small, that is so wrong. Not to mention Night City with his ambitious game only get $5000/month just wow'ing me.

Try to imagine, a bank manager, with salary of $10.000/month, can only generate net income of $20.000/month to the bank, I'll bet that manager will be long gone. In Banking world, if you get salary of $10.000/month, you should able generate gross income at the very least of $1.000.000/month. with 40% deduction of cost.

In my own experience of old time, as 3D animator in fuckin 3rd world country, who get paid $200/month, me and 4 other teammate (cost 5workerx$200=$1000/month cost), can make 2 short movies/month with decent quality (3d kid animation series, paid by local TV station).


Aug 28, 2016
The problem isn't patreon or the developers, it's the patrons. And only because this thing is new(ish). Patreon scams are pretty easy to spot once you know they exist. If it looks like the developer is starting to pull shady moves, patrons should pull their support. There are developers out there, though, who stay solid on their promises. Cypress Zeta, for example, made the game Overwhored, and towards the end of Overwhored, announced his followup game. He then finished Overwhored and started in on his new game. Solid developer. Worth contributing to in my opinion.

The claim seems to be here that after developers see all the money come in, there's no incentive for them to deliver, and that problem is going to go away on it's own as people figure this shit out. People do NOT like wasting their money.


Oct 15, 2016
The problem isn't patreon or the developers, it's the patrons. And only because this thing is new(ish). Patreon scams are pretty easy to spot once you know they exist. If it looks like the developer is starting to pull shady moves, patrons should pull their support. There are developers out there, though, who stay solid on their promises. Cypress Zeta, for example, made the game Overwhored, and towards the end of Overwhored, announced his followup game. He then finished Overwhored and started in on his new game. Solid developer. Worth contributing to in my opinion.

The claim seems to be here that after developers see all the money come in, there's no incentive for them to deliver, and that problem is going to go away on it's own as people figure this shit out. People do NOT like wasting their money.
how bout sierra lee and the last sovereign? i dumped a hundred hours on that game shamefully


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Yes, listing the "solid" Dev would be a good idea, as would be for them to get some "story writing" courses as to have even better content ;)

To be seen, information is key as to understanding, which allow one to make a coherent decision, or even better, make a stand (and get approval by the process, add an example, going in a minke eastern/African or even quite most of the planet to talk of micro molecular work in the earth, water management and others quite unknown otherwise subject = name + presence ongoing.

Of course it has to be logic, confirmed data, locally use able.

As to the game, to be seen, 0.0.5 should be close enough.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Edit : the bathroom scene is in with this walk trough, as to the others scenes can't say in detail.

Thanks Cirro84.
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Sep 23, 2016
- Windows version 0.0.5

- Extra Content pack (new feature as of this update, includes lewder scenes like daughter spying on dad in the shower) Extract these into the folder called "game"

Will post the walkthrough seperatly.
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