Quick tip. If you end up grabbing someone else's save, and want to rename your daughter, this can be done.
Console (shift o) must be enabled. unren.bat does this nicely, and also unpacks all the pics in case you want to look through the images folders later...
then enable console by pressing (shift) and (o) simultaneously.
the command you need to type in is:
d_name = "Suzy"
Then hit the esc key to exit the console.
Where Suzy is the new name for your daughter. Name her whatever you want. The quotation marks are important, don't forget those!
While I'm here, I might as well make a shameless plug.
For those that may be squeezing in a new day 1-10 playthrough while waiting for the download links for
DMD .11, this might be a nice time to try out the latest version of my interface, autosave and quicksave mod. If you've already unpacked D.M.D. (presumably to install mods), my mod is very easy to install. It includes a popup screen that will allow you to keep track of your boob, penis, etc. points on Day 10.
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