don't really remember who Athena is, I'm sure I forgot other girls, completely forgot who was the lawyer's niece, had to look at my old saves to remember, I guess every girl that's in the game is a potential target to this point, heck, maybe even Maria, this game universe is so fucked up that she probably fucks her dad as well (she is MC boss but her dad owns the company if I remember correctly).
As for Melody characters, only played first version, didn't knew they live nearby, but I don't know how people would feel about girls that are emotionally involved with other MC would feel about them fucking another guy.
Yeah, but I think Mr Dots will try to cook some drama with it, maybe D will even live with Rachel for a day or so. He won't have much more opportunity to do it in chapter 3, if the game has no drama at all it will turn into a fuckfest only, and the appeal of DMD never really was about that, if it was chapter 1 would be a failure and it's the opposite
But as you said, D done that with Elena and also she obviously has to accept it at some point, otherwise sharing points would be worthless
I wonder what would happen if people shut down Elena with D and gets no sharing points, but also have a relationship with the three girls, you'll probably get a game over or something like that