
Jun 30, 2019
Just to clarify, I still play both games, enjoy them and look forward to the updates. And I don't judge anyone else who does likewise (obviously). But I still don't think the MCs are nice guys, and in the back of my head there is a small niggle of guilt that I am vicariously enjoying something I really shouldn't be. I think I am doing a fairly good job of pressing these pesky feelings away into the dark recesses of my mind, but I am aware that they are there. (And to be fair, these feelings are present for many of the games on this site.)
That's cool. Like I said, I realize you weren't coming in here giving us shit for enjoying the game, I'm just trying to explain why I don't really feel that guilt over it you're describing. Intellectually, I recognize the fucked up nature of the game, I just don't feel like I need to think too hard about it, ya know?

That said, we've all got our limits. If the game came out and said "D is 16 years old" I'd in install it and take several showers. It would still be fantasy, and what I said about fantasy would still apply, but I'd personally find it impossible to enjoy.
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Feb 3, 2018
This game is nice. But ya'll using that R Kelly logic if you believe that the daughter, Elena and Jenniffer are 18


Jun 30, 2019
This game is nice. But ya'll using that R Kelly logic if you believe that the daughter, Elena and Jenniffer are 18
They're not real people. If the game tells me they're over 18 and it's even remotely plausible based on the character models, I'll go along with that. It's all just in-game fantasy. If I'm told "here's young looking but legal girls that want your cock" I'm down. If I'm told "here are minors that want your cock" I'll pass. That simple, yo.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
I know this is kinda silly and hopefully you can get where I'm coming from here, but I find myself getting genuinely emotionally attached... I know she's not a real person, I'm not an idiot, it's just so easy to get lost in the fiction of that world.
Umm you just described every Star Trek and Dr.Who fan.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Just my two cents here...

The fact that there's a few of you that prefer DMD over Melody, and the other few prefer Melody over DMD,
just shows how great both games are, and how different they are from each other due to the arguments given for both (and not just because of the obvious fetish that doesn't exist in Melody).
It just shows that MrDots and the people working with him are versatile with the games that they want to create.

I mean it would be a lot worse if we all liked one of MrDots' games, but we all agreed that the other one was terrible, wouldn't it?

MrDots and co. have created two games that are so far apart from each other in terms of the story, it already makes me wonder what the next game will be like. ;)

I personally think the writing and the overall character designs are better in Melody, but that makes perfect sense since it's the second game they made and they've had the experience of making DMD leading into creating Melody.

In saying that, there's just something about DMD and the two leads that instantly draw me back into their world with each release.
DMD is kind of like a classic cult film.
Like Holy Grail or The Life of Brian or Rocky Horror.
Fans see the nuances in the films that non-fans will never understand.
The same is true for DMD and Melody fans.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Really? They are both games about a predatory sexual deviant grooming young girls (that are only not underage because the marketing requires them not to be) over which he has a position of responsibility and authority, in one case being her father!

I am happy to suspend my moral outrage because it is just a game, everyone is entitled to a bit of fantasy, and I do find it quite hot, but I am certainly not going to claim that the MC in either game is likeable. In fact, none of the characters are likeable. In addition to the MCs, D and Melody are completely vacuous, and Elena is coniving. (I admit I quite liked the bookish girl in Melody whose name I have forgotten.) But for me, that's probably a good thing, since I would feel bad about the entire sexually disfunctional clusterfuck they get into if I actually liked them.
It is just fantasy. You can like the fiction without endorsing the characters or engaging in their life styles.
I liked the Netflix Punisher series even though the lead character has no compulsion about killing. I even like the main character, does that mean I would go on a rampage and kill people who pissed me off?
No of course not. Ammo is way too expensive and I don't have the free time.
Seriously it's like over $200 for just a thousand rounds of reman 9mm.


Jul 15, 2019
I'm not sure if I just have an old version of chapter 3 but it ends after Elena comes to visit. Is there a new version or chapter?


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
is there going be future daughter swapping? i hope so. i get olivia and grahm gets daughter
yes but its not forced so up to players decisions.

I'm not sure if I just have an old version of chapter 3 but it ends after Elena comes to visit. Is there a new version or chapter?
this version ends on elena's visiting after d and f have "exercised".

as for ages: d doesn't look 19 years old.
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Jul 15, 2019
Anyone have a save where Elena has to do something for Adam (not on the Elena path so it isn't just photos) or near it? And is there a save where the Father gets a big pay out from quitting? Thanks people!


Feb 3, 2018
They're not real people. If the game tells me they're over 18 and it's even remotely plausible based on the character models, I'll go along with that. It's all just in-game fantasy. If I'm told "here's young looking but legal girls that want your cock" I'm down. If I'm told "here are minors that want your cock" I'll pass. That simple, yo.
I totally understand that point of view. That's why I played the game in the first place. At the same time, it's not over anyone's head that if the legal age was for these games were lower, then the girls' ages would be lower. I know appearances can be subjective, but this the equivalent of a dev creating a really old female model, and saying that she's 22 years old. I don't know about you guys but for me, there's definitely cognitive dissonance at play here. The daughter is 3 feet shorter than the dad, with a face that can pass for an 8 year old. We're supposed to be distracted from that because she's well proportioned, but then you look at Elena, and it's painfully obvious. I'm not gona berate anyone for enjoying this game, and you can always argue that at the end of the day, it's just a game. For me though, I'll stick to the games where the 18 year old actually looks close enough to be 18.
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3.80 star(s) 334 Votes