This is my general observation, since I am still new to some of these games.
WTF Is the point of some of these "games" / "novels", when you can finish them in minutes?
I mean, why would ANYONE want to pay Patreon for mere minutes?
Some will take years before it is even a DEMO length, with some of these games.
AAA Game costs $60 and you get it right away.
This costs much more over excruciatingly prolonged long time.
Perhaps I am new to this kind of ripping off, I don't know.
Why do people put up with it?
If you are a "developer" using DAZ studio and Ren'Py, at least fucking take a year to even make it worth playing for the price. Then develop additional episodes. At 1 year development at least people have an idea if the game is even worth supporting in the first place. You know, be a proper demo.
This goes for all these Ren'Py "short as fuck" games.
The ones I have enjoyed profusely was:
- Dating My Daughter (top of the list cause I immediately fell for the daughter and her innocence)
- The Twist (Coolest incest game besides DmD out there IMHO)
- House Party (Most resembling a game - yeah FU Rn'Py)
Although these 3 are extremely short, they are at least occupying you enough time to get a boner, ffs.
Now, I played the latest versions of course, and in their current condition, I would say they are worth $10-20 MAX (once the game/story/plot is complete, maybe more).
And in no way deserving a monthly sub of $20 on Patreon.
$2 would be fair, since you fuckin have to wait a year or years to actually get to play a finished game.
By then you would pay what AAA title games cost nowadays through that monthly sub anyways.
BUT even then the thing is, they can never even compare to AAA games, so WTF?
If you wanted that, then you would need to have a studio and do the game properly.
C++ Programmers, animators, lighting engineers, modern game engine engineers (Unreal, Lumberyard, Unity....).
THEN it would be worth $60.
OK, enough with the tantrum.
Just wanted to vent my disbelief.