
Apr 23, 2017
Let me ask a very hypothetical question ... just suppose D and MC consummate their love and feel conflicted about it and so forth, when suddenly Mom shows up and says that she was having an affair when D was conceived, and in the immortal words of Maury Povich, 'You are NOT the father!' My question is, would that kill the buzz for you, or be a satisfactory ending?
for me NO not in the least, since the start of the game she has grown on me (the player) the MC can't say for sure, think he would be hurt and it might throw him off but that would have to be up too the Dev team to choose that path and script it.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
I have 0 (zero) interest in any other girl than daughter in this game.
They could fuck wild for all I care.

The only hard on is the constant tease of the daughter and her innocence with slow but steady corruption, allowing you to do more and more.

Jeff Steel

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Let me ask a very hypothetical question ... just suppose D and MC consummate their love and feel conflicted about it and so forth, when suddenly Mom shows up and says that she was having an affair when D was conceived, and in the immortal words of Maury Povich, 'You are NOT the father!' My question is, would that kill the buzz for you, or be a satisfactory ending?
Exactly what happens in one of the best sucky movies of all time, "Butterfly", from 1982. Father starts sexual relations with his daughter but turns out his daughter is from when his wife had sex with another man (hence the matching butterfly birthmark on her body matching her real father). The fact the daughter is a curvy baby faced teen makes it more like DMD's daughter.


May 3, 2017
Unless D asks Elena for sex advice or vagina pleasure hints
I'd hate if someone else would teach her anything about sex (instead of me, hehe). Especially giving her the first orgasm (I want to be the one :heartcoveredeyes:)!!!!
Btw. I don't like Elena - she is too pushy, sneaky and selfish for my taste. She should shack up with Richardo and leave us alone...
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Mar 17, 2017
This is my general observation, since I am still new to some of these games.

WTF Is the point of some of these "games" / "novels", when you can finish them in minutes?

I mean, why would ANYONE want to pay Patreon for mere minutes?
Some will take years before it is even a DEMO length, with some of these games.

AAA Game costs $60 and you get it right away.
This costs much more over excruciatingly prolonged long time.


Perhaps I am new to this kind of ripping off, I don't know.
Why do people put up with it?

If you are a "developer" using DAZ studio and Ren'Py, at least fucking take a year to even make it worth playing for the price. Then develop additional episodes. At 1 year development at least people have an idea if the game is even worth supporting in the first place. You know, be a proper demo.

This goes for all these Ren'Py "short as fuck" games.

The ones I have enjoyed profusely was:
  • Dating My Daughter (top of the list cause I immediately fell for the daughter and her innocence)
  • The Twist (Coolest incest game besides DmD out there IMHO)
  • House Party (Most resembling a game - yeah FU Rn'Py)
Although these 3 are extremely short, they are at least occupying you enough time to get a boner, ffs.

Now, I played the latest versions of course, and in their current condition, I would say they are worth $10-20 MAX (once the game/story/plot is complete, maybe more).

And in no way deserving a monthly sub of $20 on Patreon.
$2 would be fair, since you fuckin have to wait a year or years to actually get to play a finished game.
By then you would pay what AAA title games cost nowadays through that monthly sub anyways.
BUT even then the thing is, they can never even compare to AAA games, so WTF?

If you wanted that, then you would need to have a studio and do the game properly.
C++ Programmers, animators, lighting engineers, modern game engine engineers (Unreal, Lumberyard, Unity....).
THEN it would be worth $60.

OK, enough with the tantrum.
Just wanted to vent my disbelief.

Good point of view. I appreciate your topic. I realy think a lot of Patreon Creators likes Mr Did not expect to have such a great success (mean a lot of money per month). And they just try to keep the idea of the begin whit some little new idea. But they don t want to take a risk to make more. Because they are not ready for make Something whit more risk. But for the moment is cool. 2 Years before that buisness only exist in the japon culture (Hentai game). But if they want to take the right choice for the futur. Because if not. At a moment the hype will be down. It s an idea, but the right choice at the end of developpement of the game or a chapter of the game. It s to sell the game for like 20 bucks( why not in a special edition whit more stuff) Make a marketing model. And have the posibililty to make more money. But whit this money. Just not creat more milk. But they can engage, like what you say, a true team of developer (C++ Programmers, animators, lighting engineers, modern game engine engineers) Thx for your post again.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
Don't get me wrong, I think DmD is the best of the bunch.

But I still feel it is not worthy of any form of subscription on this planet.

Perhaps an early access $20 bux deal on steam. NOT a subscription.


Aug 5, 2016
This is my general observation, since I am still new to some of these games.

WTF Is the point of some of these "games" / "novels", when you can finish them in minutes?

I mean, why would ANYONE want to pay Patreon for mere minutes?
Some will take years before it is even a DEMO length, with some of these games.

AAA Game costs $60 and you get it right away.
This costs much more over excruciatingly prolonged long time.


Perhaps I am new to this kind of ripping off, I don't know.
Why do people put up with it?

If you are a "developer" using DAZ studio and Ren'Py, at least fucking take a year to even make it worth playing for the price. Then develop additional episodes. At 1 year development at least people have an idea if the game is even worth supporting in the first place. You know, be a proper demo.

This goes for all these Ren'Py "short as fuck" games.

The ones I have enjoyed profusely was:
  • Dating My Daughter (top of the list cause I immediately fell for the daughter and her innocence)
  • The Twist (Coolest incest game besides DmD out there IMHO)
  • House Party (Most resembling a game - yeah FU Rn'Py)
Although these 3 are extremely short, they are at least occupying you enough time to get a boner, ffs.

Now, I played the latest versions of course, and in their current condition, I would say they are worth $10-20 MAX (once the game/story/plot is complete, maybe more).

And in no way deserving a monthly sub of $20 on Patreon.
$2 would be fair, since you fuckin have to wait a year or years to actually get to play a finished game.
By then you would pay what AAA title games cost nowadays through that monthly sub anyways.
BUT even then the thing is, they can never even compare to AAA games, so WTF?

If you wanted that, then you would need to have a studio and do the game properly.
C++ Programmers, animators, lighting engineers, modern game engine engineers (Unreal, Lumberyard, Unity....).
THEN it would be worth $60.

OK, enough with the tantrum.
Just wanted to vent my disbelief.
You probably didn't understood the concept of Patreon, you're not paying for the games itself, you're supporting the developer making them. If everybody had the same way of thinking as you do, you wouldn't be playing your favorite 3 games you mentioned, the initial patrons believed in the concept and supported the author, even if the first couple of versions were just a 5 minute gameplay. Which author would quit his job to work for free for 1 year to then release a great demo to impress everybody? few people can afford that, unless they got support from somewhere else or they're rich.
And by the way, AAA games have funding of millions of dollars these days, and people working on them are being paid since day 1, most indie developers would never be able to get any funding at all, Patreon is definitely changing the ground on that, that's why it's being so popular and successful.
Patreon is not Steam or the local game store, you're supporting the author, not buying games on a shop.
Of course there are plenty of bad games around (most of them made by kids just pretending to be "developers"), also some other authors are just trying to earn a quick buck and milking as much they can, etc, but that's another story... just my 2 cents...


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
The corruption levels SHOULD be hardwired tp prevent too many natives (payers/players/posters) getting too restless. Those petals are the best objective way to easily measure story progression. All the literary/romantic stuff amounts to individual rationalizations. (Especially when the alternative explanation for 2 steps forward followed by 1 step back--dairy farming--is brought up).

The abiding problem with the MC boning everyone in sight (except the D!) is he loses all romantic credibility. If he remains faithful to D during their "courtship", gamers can be happy that MC is at least getting D away from Rachel. Otherwise he's a jerk, totally unworthy of D.

If a side-character is popular enough (hello: poll) let her get her own game. This game--DMD--belongs to the D.
I think you misunderstand my point here. Right now, corruption levels are raised at fixed points in the game, regardless of where your love or friendship level may be at that point. I'm suggesting that corruption levels would 'trigger' when say your love level hits a certain level. That way, if you've been getting distracted, well you don't get to touch her yet, etc.

This would of course require 'decoupling' certain events from fixed points in the story line. I.E. she doesn't want to touch your penis until she hits corruption level 6, and that could happen at a later point in the story if you were fooling around with Elena on Day 10, and maybe it doesn't become an option until day 12 or later...

Maybe you should need to have a love level of 55 before corruption level 6 is achieved... Right now the Love stat is almost meaningless, and Friendship is also about as meaningless after the first couple of days.

This would make for a more dynamic story, one that would be more interesting. It would also require a fair amount of reworking of the storyline to allow for this, something I'm guessing that Mr. Dots isn't interested in doing.

As for the other gals, the only way they are going to get their own story is if Mr. Dots decides to give them one. They are his characters after all. Even if someone else were to copy/reverse engineer his art assets, and buy the various locations via the Daz store, it'd still be a rip off of his story, and he could ask whomever to 'cease an desist' in any case if you used the same characters. Plus, he's been allowing these 'side stories' to develop already, so the other characters are indeed part of the story, not just filler. Plus the name of the game is dating your daughter, not boning your daughter, so that doesn't imply exclusivity.

You could do all of this with the existing story without changing the 'core' storyline much, for those people that just want to bone D. This would make the game much me interesting, however, to those that have a 'thing' for one or more of the other characters. So you could still have the story that you want, and other players could have their own goals in the same story.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with D 'opening your eyes' to the relationship you really want. If you decide you like Elena more, the story then becomes how do I choose Elena without losing D as my friend? You don't HAVE to bone D, ya know, unless the story mandates it. This would make for a much more dynamic game with more interesting story paths if you choose to not follow the 'preferred storyline'.

Nonetheless, this won't happen 'cuz Mr. Dots won't invest the time to make this happen. It's just a suggestion anyways, and as far as I know he doesn't read this thread in any case.
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May 11, 2017
Yes, MrDots has a great opportunity to create additional games with his characters. I don't know how busy his personal life is...but hopefully he will become a master of his craft after cutting his teeth with this adventure and start to produce even more games to enjoy and at a fast rate. Hopefully, he doesn't live in a place that takes too much of his profits in taxes and other expenses. I listed some ideas for additional games earlier in this thread.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
This is my general observation, since I am still new to some of these games.

WTF Is the point of some of these "games" / "novels", when you can finish them in minutes?

I mean, why would ANYONE want to pay Patreon for mere minutes?
Some will take years before it is even a DEMO length, with some of these games.

AAA Game costs $60 and you get it right away.
This costs much more over excruciatingly prolonged long time.


Perhaps I am new to this kind of ripping off, I don't know.
Why do people put up with it?

If you are a "developer" using DAZ studio and Ren'Py, at least fucking take a year to even make it worth playing for the price. Then develop additional episodes. At 1 year development at least people have an idea if the game is even worth supporting in the first place. You know, be a proper demo.

This goes for all these Ren'Py "short as fuck" games.

The ones I have enjoyed profusely was:
  • Dating My Daughter (top of the list cause I immediately fell for the daughter and her innocence)
  • The Twist (Coolest incest game besides DmD out there IMHO)
  • House Party (Most resembling a game - yeah FU Rn'Py)
Although these 3 are extremely short, they are at least occupying you enough time to get a boner, ffs.

Now, I played the latest versions of course, and in their current condition, I would say they are worth $10-20 MAX (once the game/story/plot is complete, maybe more).

And in no way deserving a monthly sub of $20 on Patreon.
$2 would be fair, since you fuckin have to wait a year or years to actually get to play a finished game.
By then you would pay what AAA title games cost nowadays through that monthly sub anyways.
BUT even then the thing is, they can never even compare to AAA games, so WTF?

If you wanted that, then you would need to have a studio and do the game properly.
C++ Programmers, animators, lighting engineers, modern game engine engineers (Unreal, Lumberyard, Unity....).
THEN it would be worth $60.

OK, enough with the tantrum.
Just wanted to vent my disbelief.
Like @csw mentioned above, the concept of Patreon is that it allows you to act as a "patron" in the old sense, you are providing support to artists or developers that you like enabling them to undertake their activities. You aren't buying the game. This is not about getting fully formed games, its about supporting people so they can grow as artists (OK sounds a little hokie but it is part of the rationale). I'm a minimum support type of Patreon patron but I'm happy that even the little money I provide shows an artist that I like his work. In one of the other threads someone mentioned a tip jar, think of the support like that. Some people only put in change, some put in more, none are doing anything but showing appreciation for the work, not paying for the work itself.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
This is my general observation, since I am still new to some of these games.

WTF Is the point of some of these "games" / "novels", when you can finish them in minutes?

I mean, why would ANYONE want to pay Patreon for mere minutes?
Some will take years before it is even a DEMO length, with some of these games.

AAA Game costs $60 and you get it right away.
This costs much more over excruciatingly prolonged long time.


Perhaps I am new to this kind of ripping off, I don't know.
Why do people put up with it?

If you are a "developer" using DAZ studio and Ren'Py, at least fucking take a year to even make it worth playing for the price. Then develop additional episodes. At 1 year development at least people have an idea if the game is even worth supporting in the first place. You know, be a proper demo.

This goes for all these Ren'Py "short as fuck" games.

The ones I have enjoyed profusely was:
  • Dating My Daughter (top of the list cause I immediately fell for the daughter and her innocence)
  • The Twist (Coolest incest game besides DmD out there IMHO)
  • House Party (Most resembling a game - yeah FU Rn'Py)
Although these 3 are extremely short, they are at least occupying you enough time to get a boner, ffs.

Now, I played the latest versions of course, and in their current condition, I would say they are worth $10-20 MAX (once the game/story/plot is complete, maybe more).

And in no way deserving a monthly sub of $20 on Patreon.
$2 would be fair, since you fuckin have to wait a year or years to actually get to play a finished game.
By then you would pay what AAA title games cost nowadays through that monthly sub anyways.
BUT even then the thing is, they can never even compare to AAA games, so WTF?

If you wanted that, then you would need to have a studio and do the game properly.
C++ Programmers, animators, lighting engineers, modern game engine engineers (Unreal, Lumberyard, Unity....).
THEN it would be worth $60.

OK, enough with the tantrum.
Just wanted to vent my disbelief.
We cannot compare a game released by a game company and its price with a game released by an individual. Of course due to production scale games released by a game company should cost a lot less.
When someone is paying $20 a month for a game on Patreon, he is not paying for the finished product as he would do if he was buying a game from a game company. He is supporting the game developers, so they feel encouraged to go on making that game and are able to buy needed equipment and hire more developers if needed. It means the guy who is paying $20 a month believes the game they are making is exactly the kind of game he wants to play and he is ready to support the production until that game becomes a reality.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
This is my general observation, since I am still new to some of these games.

OK, enough with the tantrum.
Just wanted to vent my disbelief.
Another way to look at this is...

Patronage is like , where someone that has extra cash donates/gives it to someone else (an organisation in this example) so that they can use it to better their (the child's) life and do the things they want to, it's that simple.
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