and why is that i cant load my old saves (v10).
some saves files did not appear also.
got an error every single save file (that appears) when its loaded.
need help. :tiredface:
Your old saves are still there, but the new interface is ignoring them.
There were some instructions a few pages back explaining how you can renumber your saves to to get them to show up/fit inside the 6 grid slot interface (the other three won't display).
My mod will allow you to see all of your old saves, but you won't get any of the other new features (yet), those being adding save descriptions, and being able to see the friend/love/corruption levels at the time of save along with the screenshot. I'm working on an update to my mod that will show 10 save slots per page, plus show that extra data, and have the ability to edit your save description without having to to load/resave, but it's not quite ready for release yet.
Note that this will not 'rescue' saves made at the very very end of day 10. Mr. Dots changed a couple of things that 'break' the saves made at the very end of day 10. If you have D.M.D. .10 in a separate folder (i.e. not patched) you can use the page up key to back up a few responses and save at that point (back as far up as you can), hence 'rescuing' your save. Then open up .11 and start your game from there.