So you want to introduce your GF to the sport you love-basketball par example.
And then you put the TV on the channel for snooker?
in my book that dream at the end is NTR and with a BBC, OMG that's why I dropped my support for DMD so my money will go to WVM, (DMD) dev F

ked up with that part... well, I moved on, just came to see what change in this Thread, to my surprise I was not the only one that had a problem with that martin dream
Are we grown men and women out there? It’s a dream. And are we reading the walkthroughs because how are people getting to that dream sequence unless they pick a Martin sharing path AND a black-on-white porn sequence. It’s like Claude Rains finds gambling at Rick’s Cafe:
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And then there are those who follow the paths but are upset there is a path where D might have sex with a man other than F. Really? Are we that misogynistic of a bunch that you have to nix all the unplayed paths that have D not being a controlled little puppet? Have you even read any studies on female sexuality and psychology?
For that matter, have you even read the story codes to DMD to see that MMF was in the cards?
Finally, those of you who can’t abide even a path of MMF and are still her after reading those options are coming, and are still here an bemoaning that ... why?
(Btw, this is not an indictment on those who want the sharing path done right and offer good suggestions because we may disagree but at least it’s a discussion).
Do me a favor. If you don’t want MMF even if you never play that path, then just go away.
If you have suggestions on how you would like to see it done, and how you would exclude certain variations on the idea, then great and we are open to them.
If you stumble into something you don’t like because you are not following a walkthrough - then I have nothing to add.
Can I just have mature adults discussing mature issues and not people that want to cheat on D and control her as a sexual puppet and have too little self esteem to take D’s dream for just a dream. (Otherwise, once you are in a relationship and your girlfriend or wife has a dream ... you’re going to break up or get divorced? Really?)
8% of women’s dreams are about sex:
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Only 20% of women’s sexual dreams are with their current partner.
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And, women are twice as likely as men to dream of sex with someone famous.
If you can’t handle adult themes dealing with subjects that reflect the real world, great. Go play all the games that have none of the women sleeping with anyone but the MC and other female characters. But just go quietly into that good night.