No the user said "screenshotted" after your warning then you banned them lol
Typing "Screenshotted" is now an insult lol
No wonder people have a low opinion of that discord
if a user got a final warning - and his reaction is doing a screenshot and telling that proudly in chat, we take that as as an offense and as "disagreement" to the warning. This is same as to argue about. We were much to patient about the bahavior of some user within the last months, and we go a stricter way just to "save" the user who were part over months and years and which start to get annoyed by some.
Everybody is free to leave the discord and join another one where they can do whatever they want.
We rather have a few hundred of normal players over there, than having thousands of creeps.
The way some player talking to the Moderators over there changed. The number of those disrespecting rules and desicions also grow significant.
So we came across to stop that, and we will be more hardline from now on - that's true.
Finally just once more again: NOBODY is forced to come over there, NOBODY is forced to stay over there, but ALL have to stick to rules, don't question the rules, and overall follow and accept decisions of staff members. For those who can't agree, or those who just came over to troll, insult or anything like that, it might be better to leave by themselves before we make them leave.
And YES, this might seem to be harsh, but honestly we don't care anymore. We don't need player on discord for "our pleasure", we offer the discord as a place for getting information for those, who want.
If still some players don't care about rules and also don't know about general behavior on such information places, we cant help them.
And now, this should be enough "Offtopic"