last time I played this, chapter two was just being started, I also noticed it has a pregnancy tag. Is there actually pregnancy in the game?
not right now, but confirmed to be in there later (if you want)
The tags denote content that is
already on the game, in this case, is there because one of the
secondary characters gets pregnant through the course of the story, and there's no need for it to be shown (ie. a belly), as long as is plainly stated that a character is pregnant, the tag is justified.
Thanks for this comment. At one point I completely forgot that the one finished was Melody and thought wtf is this game still going.
Melody started as a place holder since DmD could no longer be on Patreon, that whole game sprung out of nowhere so Mr.Dots could justify having a Patreon otherwise it's page would have been closed, although they did put effort on the game, it was meant to be short, just to give them some time to properly made a project that could adhere to the new Patreon's
PayPal terms.
this game has been milked for almost 4 years lol. I can't even imagine people that are patreon supporters for that long.
And after all this time I can't imagine how people can still mistake the purpose of what being a Patreon actually is, and yet here you are.
When you support someone over there, you're not buying a product, you are giving money to
someone because you like what they are doing in hopes that they can keep doing it,
it's meant to be long term, in this case, these supporters aren't supporting DmD, they are supporting
Mr.Dots, which is not just working on this game but on Melody too, and now their new game whatever is gonna be.
Each month as far as I'm aware, he has released a new update for either DmD or Melody, so is not like he isn't working on something, and the updates have been meaningful in the sense that they actually progress the story in some way or another.
There are many instances where I would be on the same boat as you, like with Gumdrop Games for example, but this is not one of them, because thus far the team has actually delivered.