Well, I've been with DMD since v0.02; I can also say that I think that a lot in this game has changed to becoming more stretched out and being pretty repetetive, but I don't think that's really that bad. I like playing through the first two chapters every few months because I love the building of the relationship between D and F, and the point of the different paths with the sharing routes and the other girls just adds to the diversity of the game and it's replayability because it shows in what potential directions their relationship could go if things went only slightly differently. I'm also happy that the developer wants to close off many paths in the next update because it would branch off too far from the game as it begun and as it is loved. I would love for chapter 4 to start with the different paths clearly differentiating themselves with completely different story lines, that are both made by player choices but also by planned events that always happen on a specific day. For example the Georgina/D path could show that D rejects her mother and F, D and Georgina become a sort-of (a little messed up) patchwork family and the trouble they have to go through with D's mom. The Elena/D path could be different from the pure Elena path, e.g. in the pure Elena path F could be pressured by Elena and leave D, which creates an interesting plot, seeing how both F and D could be still attached to each other and potentially lead back to the D path. Although I think that most paths should come to an end, they should not just be thrown out by saying something like person x won a prize and now suddenly moved to Columbia, closing this path, but end with an ending sequence that makes sense and finds a good conclusion to the story path.
To summarize it in simple words: DMD should return to telling a story and using porn inside of it instead of trying to construct a story around porn. From personal experience as an author I can say that the best stories come from themselves; chapter 1 and most of chapter 2 seem to be written that way and they mark the golden times of DMD.
I don't mean to insult anyone or push my wishes upon the developer, I'm totally fine with the way DMD is going and I will continue to follow it for the good old times' sake, this is just what I would do. Yes, I know this was an essay, and I thank you if you stuck with me.