It's a porn game. I play games like this to fantasize about the kind of crazy casual-sex filled life that in the real world (what elements you actually COULD pull off in the real world, let's face it, none of us is getting the whole package presented in these games) would carry with it a universe of drama, complications and most of all, inevitable negative consequences. One of the big ones being pregnancy. The fun of the game is immersing myself in the fantasy. A young, beautiful, tight-bodied, big-breasted woman who can't go a day without dreaming of my cock. Her slutty schoolgirl friend that throws herself at me while simultaneously seducing her and getting her into the idea of the three of us. A former supermodel who wants to be part of the harem. THAT's the fantasy.
Why in God's name do I want to inject that perfect fantasy with the thought that the young, tight-bodied girl is going to get pregnant, her body's going to be stretched out, she's going to pass a human being through her pussy (enjoy that tightness while you can), and then afterwards, all that free time I had to take sexy adventures with all these women who want me is suddenly going to be taken up by a screaming baby that I'm going to have to focus on until I'm pushing 60? That's not sexy; that's a fucking nightmare!
You think that's funny? I'll tell you what's funny. Funny is sitting on a forum dedicated to a pornographic video game about fucking your daughter, and then sitting there moralizing to someone because he doesn't get hard from the thought of impregnating her. gtfo with that nonsense.