You didn't notice the odd text-bug implying something else happened with another guy randomly thrown in there? Happened to me several times even when I had the mod installed and definitely chose no sharing options. Either way don't you think 3-4 are kinda pointless if you're not on the sharing path? Seems like there's no alternative/it's much shorter if you don't.
I don't know about Uthuriel but in my experience said bugs do exist and like I said above it definitely seems shorter when you're not pimping her out.
Hmm gotcha seems like the bugs only happen to a few people so I'll just plan on playing through with a wary eye. Thanks for your time, though.
Before I dig into it can anyone tell me what the tenor of 3-4 is like on the non-sharing path(Preferably someone who's a fan/hasn't had bugs(ha no offense Shady))? Is it, like the anti-sharing people have said, where it hints at the sharing often enough to ruin the experience throughout? Can you make one choice and then avoid all content for it moving forward? And will I have to deal with D constantly being like: "Wow, daddy, can I sleep with him?" or the dad thinking about how he'd like to share here, or something similar? That would also really ruin even the memory of the first two for me(If that's your thing no hate it's just definitively not mine. It's equivalent to granny lubed up in a two-piece. Wouldn't want to see it on a full stomach) so I want to avoid putting myself through that if possible haha
Thanks for anyone's time in advance