This is wild, has it already been 6 years? I supported this game back when it started and now it's finished. For a while there, I thought they would drop it after Patreon tried to shut this content down. Happy for Mr. Dots and team, they achieved something a lot of erotic game devs are too greedy and wishy washy to achieve.
I was interested in the game long before I even got involved in this forum. My daughter wasn't even born then, now she's almost 8, so DMD is more than 6 years old. Unfortunately, the game didn't end up being what it was originally intended to be. but hey, it turned out differently. Well. Now it's over.
I would like the developer to concentrate fully on Sunshine Love now and to provide all Li there with good content and story. Thus tying in with the success of melody. Then a good vanilla game will come out that is varied and has replay value. Then it will be successful, that´s for sure. It worked before with melody. I even bought the full version back then and haven't regretted it to this day. If vanilla, then like this. That's how it has to be done.
The mistake in DMD to focus almost exclusively on D/F only across all routes, neglecting everything else, he mustn't make that mistake again. He should also not work on 2 games at the same time. I hope he sees that and doesn't listen to the wrong people again.