Step 1 : make sure the 0.18 cliff hanger, unlike the 0.17 cliff hanger which was "disappeared" May 3 (first appeared February 14), remains wholly or mainly in place. By the previous example, that will be the first week of August.
Step 2 : I still think the main path, D-only, is the key. True, there is wiggle space here between D accepting or rejecting Elena.
What strikes me as plausible is Rachel cheating on Brad. Brad has tricked her into believing he is leaving town. He discovers her in the act. He now gets to divorce her on very favorable terms for himself. Exactly, who would be Rachel's lover? Yeah, I'm leaning towards either Nathan or Adam. I actually prefer Adam because, on the D-only path, Elena could "squeeze" the info out of him. For this to happen, Elena would agree to silence about what she knows about F/D but say "you guys sure do owe me one!".
But get D popped, preferably both doors, BEFORE this please.