I've been wanting to finish the game for quite some time now.
Took me a while because I felt the game engine choice is just bad.
Loading another episode to another, skip button skips everything, no gallery option. It felt tedious as heck.
i liked the story and some dialogues.
but it gets long winded at times and no exciting stuff going on.
There's little consequences to the choices you make.
The character designs are beautiful.
But I felt the daughter was the least attractive one out of all?
I'm not really into incest and having more attractive girls just pushed me away from trying to have a relation ship with her.
Oh and her childish attitude is really dislikable.
Anyways as "porn game"..
The sex scenes were alright, out of all the 19 chapters.
There's very little "fapable" content.
And having no gallery makes it worse because I'm not replaying the game just to see the ones I missed especially with this game engine.
But other than that..
The Voice acting is really good.
And Despite all the negatives, i did enjoy the game overall.
There's quality in the writing compared to a lot of games here.
Im giving this a 2 because up to about halfway through this was a sweet and good story (yeah yeah I know its an incest game i get it, regardless of that) about a blossoming romance
Then the Aunt enters the story and I am just done, discovering how the daughter's entire character development gets tossed out the window and basically she becomes a new character after 7 or so chapters of her growing trust and love in the MC, only to have a random unknown aunt turn her against him so completely that it destroys his life and turns her into a unrecognizable person with no connection to the girl from the first 7 or 8 chapters .
I just stopped playing, there is no happy ending in this game with the daughter, even if you pick another LI (and the other 3 are very worthy in their own right) the MC and the daughter are ruined. their relationship has been destroyed entirely based on the say so of one random woman. There is no real redemption for the daughter, even if you reconcile with her, the cloud hangs over everything.
So the game gets 2 stars because up to that point I was loving this game. my main complaint is that the girls were all amazing in their own way and the dev did not implement a poly option. It gets 3 blank stars for utterly ruining the story for the sake of pointless drama.
Can't enjoy it knowing how the daughter just turns on her father on the says so of one person. Anyone that fickle is a terrible person or way to gullible.
Not to mention the random revelations of things the MC shoudl have known from the start.
I hate to give it that rating because there was so much potential here and it was a really good story up to that point, but the jarring nature of the "plot twist" was just too much
The first adult visual novel I played, I am very fond of it (story and characters) and it fills me with memories, waiting for new chapters was exhausting, but it taught me that patience is often worth it, even if it's entertainment. I enjoyed the game from start to finish.
Thanks to Palmer and Love-Joint team for all the good moments.
First of all, voice acting is good to have it, if its good. This is a first script reading when you are new at your highschool drama club.
Kathy is a 50 year old female country singer, its 200 cognitive disonance.
Acting is not good at all.
The engine does not help much and font makes everything worse. The incest thing is as usual confusing /annoying. I mean that i can think my niece or my sister is hot and look at her, that doesnt mean that i want to fuck her, so this over the top reaction to the slightest thought that we see in VN makes me annoyed.
Yeah incest is bad! you should not do it, we know, but you can tone down alittle bit the "I shouldnt be thinking about this, is my xxx, what am i thinking, what is wrong with me, this is bad!
Writers should work on creating better settings and elaborate on the characters and contexts, instead of feeding exposition.
The thing in chapter 7 actually happened to me, but after i came i didnt send my "childhood friend" anywhere. She understood that that sticky stuf had to be cleaned and removed from her clothes and left to the bathroom.
I dont know if getting mad after this thing happens is a good way to build a relationship. You can add hypocrite to the tittle of worst father of the year.
These characters could be a little more consistent.
This game suffers in this part. Add the fact that the plot is nothing extraordinary, does not have anything remarkable that can link me to the story.
The only thing i can say is that girls look decent, and renders are pasable, which helps staying in the game a little longer, but depending on your patience maybe is not enough to reach a point where you follow the game naturally, instead of holding on and hoping for a better tomorrow. Im struggling to continue.
Very good! Surprised by the plot! Great Game with excellent work of characters, they are well done and well thought out. Its pretty rare to find such a work, but overall a great game and nonetheless an enjoaybel game to that.
The start of game I thought this game is GREAT!! Absolutely five star game.
Cuz, The plot, character, animated scene, and THE VOICE ACTING!!! I loved it!
BUT!!! As soon as I find out in-game my daughter is step-daughter I feel frustrated. I thought this is a incest game. But it's not.
Immediately exit game and deleted the game. Simply I just don't want to play the game anymore.
Not interested. At all.
If you not a fan of incest game. Go ahead. Play this game. It's fantastic game.
But If you're a huge fan of incest game just like me. Don't do it. You're gonna disappointed.
As a big fan of incest game, Step-whatever thing is NOT incest game.
It's just pretend the incest game.
But to be fair, The game itself is Great! Easily five star.
However you lied to me it's a incest game but it's not. So, it will be minus 1 star. I will give you the four star.
Interface is clunky- clicking a million times to get through small amounts of story gets old fast.
Women are hot, and have somewhat developed personalities so you can at least tell them apart. But midway through, a game that had all signs of giving you a harem path suddenly forces you to choose only one of them, so all that character buildup was for what, exactly? Did the harem route get pulled for the sake of realism? If so, why keep the manic pixie dream girl who decides to cook for you at a failing diner?
The entire plot felt like a mcguffin the whole time, and you know what? I would have been fine with that. But again, halfway through this dismal clickfest the game decides it's time to justify where the toaster went. Yawn.
There's my one-word review: Yawn. Not many games make me wish I could get those hours of my life back, but this is definitely one of them.
This game feels more like a personal\learning project than an actual game.
The visuals and character design are good as well as the dialogue but the way some characters are written and the many baffling story choices that remind me of 90's bad soap opera TV shows with nonsense plot and irrational characters are making it hard to enjoy this game.
The game also presents choices in dialogue, except when it blatantly forces you into a relationship that feels jarring and makes all the previous choices pointless. And some core game-related complaints would include the horrible dialogue skipping function and some strangely slow unskippable scenes.
Overall this game isn't as bad as many wrote in their reviews it has some good moments but the inconsistencies, illogical character behavior, and the bad storytelling drag this game down and show the inexperience of this game's maker at the time of its development.
This game makes me angry, honestly. At what could've been but wasn't.
The dialogues are probably its strongest point. The renders are decent, if scarce. The voice acting is always a plus, as long as it's ok. The music and sound are also alright (although I'd rather have a choice to adjust the level of each one of them, and not just put them off or on). The story, up until chapter 9, is good. Not great, but good.
What really backs me out are some characters and, most of all, the detour/plot twist the story takes from chapter 9 onwards, where the seed of a mystery around a new character is sown. This detour lasts most of the story that's left, and completely and utterly wrecks MC and FMC.
And, if I hate both MC and FMC... I might as well stop playing the game, because by the time they make amends, I just couldn't care less. Their characters, their relationship, and their motivations, are now far from believable to me.
I'm half way through this and someday I might leave a lengthy more detailed review... but I'm considering a recommend already because I named my restaurant "Cum Buffet" and the dialog throughout is just absurdly hilarious because of this.
"Yes, Cum Buffet just screams 'cute little family restaurant'"
The story is fairly trite... a whole lot of nothing going on... and it made no sense the first time I loaded it up and read "childhood friend" all over the place... but then I found the config and restarted.
I'm going to finish this. It's not the best and at times it drags on, but it has enough going for it to keep opening the next chapter.
ADDED LATER: It does have one near critical flaw... the timing... images load slowly, pan slowly, linger slowly... you click to advance and have to wait then you get impatient and click again only to skip through dialog, then have to wait for stuff to load... this felt like it was made with a cinematic pace in mind which completely breaks down if the user happens to read fast. And I do. I'm in chapter 8 right now and I'm debating if I want to even bother opening 9.. the mundane and the timing issues are really piling up.
I take that back... it has two critical flaws, and the second one is a deal breaker...
I'll give it three stars because there is a lot of content, (which is artificially inflated by waiting on sounds and images to finish their pan) and the girls have modest charm... but nothing ever really happens and through 8 chapters the MC has had one accidental ejaculation and one dry hump.
I was wrong above... I'm not going to make it all the way through this.
Ok, I went back and revisited this and I'm sorry I did... around chapter 12 or so, a new character is introduced out of the blue, family member, and the daughter suddenly becomes a completely different character than the one you had been wooing. She's untrusting, lying, manipulative, greedy, underhanded... cold... insensitive... just out of the blue... and the MC just keeps going along with the inner dialog of "i love her..." and "its not her fault..." Sure she's being manipulated but he has every right to feel betrayed. She laid an oath to him, and I've been playing it straight, only going for her, and at the drop of a dime, she bails on it. A stranger walks into her life, tells her a handful of lies and offers her a penthouse apartment and she leaves without saying goodbye or hearing his side muchless she never even considers him until he hunts her down to explain. She betrays him for greed and with a complete stranger. There is no other way of putting it, and it's never accounted for. Going for the daughter is a mistake... and she's the title character.
Now I don't want to play for her... but this won't let me stop. I had my chances a while back, should have taken them... I mean, the least this story could do is give the MC a chance to stand up for himself here. To demand a little loyalty.... and it's ironic, because even as the daughter is disappeared, having ran off with the stranger for the dough, her best friend is waxing on about her supposed finest quality: loyalty. Just BS.
To top it all off, suddenly when I start chapter 13 it's saying I had some threesome I never had... I've only been playing for the daughter...
And then in chapter 15 you get the real backstory where you find out that the mom was a piece of work too... and the MC knows a key secret for the entire story which is revealed here, which was important to know earlier... much earlier... and the source of a TON of drama... and we're supposed to be this guy?
It's ruinous to send us into a story looking to immerse us as a character, only to have that character know key information that us the user are never privy to... we should know everything he knows the moment that information becomes pertinent. If you want to write surprises in these, DO NOT make the surprises be things the MC knows but keeps from the user.
And the MC could grow a pair. He makes weak self-cucking moves throughout. Why does he tell everyone at Heidi's reunion that he isn't her boyfriend? Why doesn't he get mad when his daughter is lying right to his face? Or when she tells him essentially "I don't care if you go fuck someone..." Why does the MC go along with the mother to see the lawyer or go along with her other plans to get the money after giving her the spew about charity? Why does he still hold her in such regard when she goes all greed-lust after her cash...? Why doesn't he tell Moe to fuck off in like every scene Moe appears? He's not a friend or even a good person. All character and plot logic breaks down in the second half of this story. And the last three chapters... forget about it...
The only reason I made it through the last four chapters was to get an apology that I never once asked for and the daughter never once offered... they both just chalk the entire drama up to "miscommunication" and go about their merry relationship. Even worse, the dialog drifts toward it being all the MC's fault.
She even asks him "have I been selfish?" and I thank the Lord when I'm given the chance to reply "yes, I think you're selfish..." only to have the next scripted line come from my mouth: "but we're all selfish..." and he goes on to let her right off the hook again. Putting this dialog in here shows clearly that the author knew what I'd be feeling right now... and then they just excuse it with a throwaway line... the very next line!
If she had only been loyal... even a by a fraction of what she's supposedly capable of. Or been given some real contrition.
Finally I'm given the ultimate choice of deciding to stay with her or not... I choose "no" and she's like "ok, I understand..." and then it's just dropped entirely. She's supposedly loved and obsessed over this guy since puberty, finally gets him back after a big "misunderstanding" and he says he doesn't want her like that anymore and she's just fine with it. I wish I had picked a side character to woo... this is all so pointless.
What's going to happen five years from now when the garbage collector they just met comes along and tells her that the MC is cheating on her... ugh.
This thing gets infuriating fast after chapter 8-10'ish... because early you are kinda invested in the characters... then they start to betray you but by then you're kind into the plot... and then it betrays you!
If you happen to go my route, and go all in on the daughter, only to have her break your heart and never apologize, so you decide not to be with her either, leaving you without a love interest, the very last choice you're given is a trap based entirely on information that the main character knows but you don't and then you have to choose... right after choosing the character remembers. Again... this is supposed to be me and I should know this shit!
I revisited this review several times as I played... the rating started at a four the first time I posted back in the early chapters.
I want to say it has redeeming qualities but they're all blown... the longer you stay with it, the more you're probably a masocist... I really hate myself right now.
Wery nice game. It has its shortcomings but overall is really interesting and worth playing. Those are my afterthoughts directly after finishing the game and do not cover all aspects of the game.
I start with models and graphic aspect. The main girls look good, especially Heidi and Lily (paradoxically, Amanda that whole story is built upon and should be the main heroine look the worst). Unfortunately, they almost always wear the same clothes and most sex scenes are in those that make it boring - like Heidi in her good ending is in the same clothes, despite being a successful businesswoman.
Plot: I wouldn't go into details but nothing out of ordinary in this game genre. The first few chapters were quite interesting and the characters (girls) have enough time to develop and show their personalities. I still wonder what's happened with Veronica's development and why she became only a side chick in the end. In this place, I must also write that as unrealistic as it would be in this particular game, it would be nice to have a harem ending. It is because each girl has her unique trait and is likable so it would be nice to "catch them all". After those several chapters story began to be much more ridiculous that it dials down my eagerness to play it as I made several long breaks before finishing the game. This whole story with heiress is so far-fetched and this break into the hotel fell so unnecessary. Especially Mortelli is a character that I love&hate at the same time. And this "toaster disappearance case", it probably supposes to be funny happening, but for me, it was more of a wtf/unnecessary inclusion thing.
Endings: Well, for me Heidi ending is the best - a successful and wealthy guy with a smoking-hot wife that loves him, what else you need for happiness? I have a rather neutral attitude to Lily ending, but she looks especially good on those renders. Amanda's ending has unnecessary drama but still is quite ok. Katy ending is in my opinion the worst ( except Mortelli end) because it feels like she is could have a change of heart and ditch mc for someone else (she want to settle down in the end, but still this premotion remaining), beside mc is quite beta is this relationship so if the
things go south he stays with nothing, as he sells diner to support her writing career.
Mechanic: There is really annoying stuff at the end of each sex scene, to wit this "cannon sperm shoot". It is so annoying and it cannot be skipped so each time you need to stick to watching this stupid mechanic.
Never-ending conversation...
It's fine without animation, but the developers are even stingy to make more erotic pictures, often just a picture with vibration...
A lot of meaningless dialogues, meaningless choices, annoying little games.
What's more, in my opinion, the charm of the heroine is not as good as other female characters...
Yes, I know the theme of this game is incest, but when she compares with other female characters, she is really ordinary.
Play to Chapter 7, when MC travels with the heroine, they meet two female passers-by on the road.
When I realized that the two passersby were also much more beautiful than the heroine, then I gave up the game.
Because I already know that afterwards, there must be a chapter full of dialogues, and then only show you "a few" erotic pictures, perhaps with shaking...
I liked the characters very aesthetically, and although there are no animations, the sex scenes are engaging.
from the point of view of the story and the dialogues there is a clear difference between the first and the second part, let's say from chapter 12.
in the first part, although the story is simple, everything remains very intimate and familiar, not stable but very pleasant.
then when there should be the narrative turn, Amanda and the main characters become excessively enigmatic, practically ceasing to communicate effectively. the story becomes much less credible and the main sentimental interest of the story, the daughter Amanda, terrible and detestable.
fortunately the other LIs keep their charm.
pleasant, but very disappointing as a story in the finale
You get to run a diner. I named it... Brewd Awakenin Diner. Tickles your funny bone, eh? Hee hee. Anywho...
The characters are well done. They not only look good, as you can judge from the previews, but their personalities give them more than mere sexual attraction. Moe is comedy gold.
The story is pretty much a straight read with branches between girls. I immersed myself in the characters, conversations and happenings. But writers finish their stories with a bang. A dilemma pops up and the solution in this story is simple: to talk it over. Yet characters act weirdly cryptic, denying a straight answer again and again. Those final episodes feel constructed. And when you see the proverbial strings moving the puppet some of the magic is lost. Still, all in all it did leave a positive memory.
The dialog is mature, thoughtful and interesting. Frankly it's more eloquent than anything I can churn out.
The sex scenes are intimate and hot, despite no animations.
What can I say... the game is very good, the visuals are good and the characters are very different and interesting. Even if a few points are left open, the scenario is nice and a lot of emotion can come out of it (especially towards the end).
I give it a good four stars because the game lacks ergonomics. Having to make a save at the end of a chapter and then transfer it to the next one is a bit boring. Just like having to download the game 19 times because of a save bug.
Anyway, I recommend it. And since criticism is easier than practice, I'd like to say thank you and bravo to Palmer for his work. By the way, as I write this review, I'm waiting for the new chapter of Double Homework (another Palmer game) that I also recommend.
So the game has pretty good story.Force you to choice your way of playing it.You have 10 alternative endings that's good number aswell.The Girls are all diffrent then the other so you have to choose one or maybe 2 girls for you, but aswell you can choose a way to not be with any of the girls.Graphics overall are very good.Mini games added to the game was good idea too.Giving you entertaiment for a bit .That's the most positive sides of the game.The weak side are short sex scenes and a bit boring I would say.
Overall i would score the game for 4.5/5 but more likely to 4 than 5 so its the reason why i choose 4 stars for this game
The game Started off pretty good and had a simple premise, Try to save the family restaurant, and it had some pretty good characters with unique personality, the voice acting was cool too. But kind of became really bad after the halfway when they introduced the aunt into the game.
Only saving grace in this game is it's renders...The story itself is really good for those who are into it, thae actual gameplay and way the dev decides to tell the story is a major let down...playing game irritated me more than i enjoyed the story, was sad cause had a good idea going just putting it into a playable game...didnt go about it the best way impo
The girls were cute and the renders were nice. But, there were a lot of problems I had with this game from it being split into many chapters, the story was boring, the voices didn't fit the characters (except maybe kathy), lots of boring minigames that you had to redo over and over just to get a scene (some though were fun imho I guess you can't enjoy them all.), daughtesr personality didn't seem right. Just overall I guess I didn't enjoy it.