- Good / Regular renderings of character models
- Good / Regular sex scenes
- The sex scenes have moans
- The game is divided into chapters (separated)
- Mini-games are required to acquire scene
- Slow gameplay
- Stupid characters
The writing is good but the story is lost. I was reading until chapter 5 and then I ended up giving up and skipping and reading a little, I think I lost interest. The game has reasonable graphics, and the female characters, all are good, including Amanda who is the best of all. But during the game, I noticed that all the characters are in the same position, you don’t see Amanda very much on her back, an example, you don't see Amanda from the back as positions are always the same, I mean, you don't see anything different, another example, a character picking up something from the floor, or going to get something, nothing. This is one of the negative points.
Talking about the sex scenes they are good, they don't have animations or a sequence of images, but the interesting thing is that you can hear some moans. Some scenes are good and others not so.
The gameplay is very slow, this is not because of the writing, it is because the actions take, for example, you are in the office and hear footsteps and the door opening, but there is not a scene of the door opening it is just a sound, then there is a character, and then a dialogue begins. The sex scenes, after the MC has orgasms and when he cum, it looks like he's shooting with a water gun, seriously, the sound is also similar, it's bizarre and ridiculous. The episodes also have credits from before and after the episodes, so when the episode ends credits appear showing what will happen next, this is a waste of time.
Some characters are quite pathetic, such as Detective Moe. Seriously, I could have written a better character. But I'm not going to go into detail about it, I just stopped reading the story because it got lost, and I think the reason was some useless characters.
Anyway, I just think that the characters should have more depth, more relationships between them, more charisma and intrigue. Putting pathetic characters was a waste of time, because in the story there are many things that don't make sense or that didn't matter.
So, why I did give 2 stars?
For several reasons that I mentioned above and also the gameplay is slow.
Nothing more fair than two stars and I do not recommend it.