You know what? one way or another it will be boring sooner or later:
-Current monogamous route: +10 issues of them fucking and repeating the same dialogues over and over again, the only way to make it interesting, is if Lana finally embraces the relationship (like now) and a possible pregnancy, but then the comic should end there.
-Possible harem route: sex without substance like in SN, don't get me wrong, I still think the mom/son/aunt threesome in SN is one of the best scenes ever, but to me the comic should have ended there, now that the other girl is part of it, it feels boring, like fucking just for the sake of fucking.
I think Daval could totally make a mix of both in ID, I think he can find a way to make Daniel fuck other girls, while keeping Daniel and Lana as the focus, if you ask me, I think Lana sharing with one of her best friends would be hot, I also think that Sofia watching them fuck without participating would be hot... who knows! it may make her curious, do we know if Sofia is a mom too? maybe Daval should use ID to make one-shots of the other moms fucking their own sons/brothers/fathers, I know Martha is fucking her nephew but they aren't blood related... and her son never appeared despite being mentioned.