Hi everyone
Im still quite bit new to daz but I've been practising for a couple of week and this will be my first render I have uploaded, I still need learn to better control lighting in scenes but hope you guys like the render. Any tips or recommendations would be appreciated
View attachment 666772
I'm also a bit of a noob at Daz, but my suggestion for lighting:
Don't use spotlights, pointlights or distant-lights to light your scene, unless you really know what you're doing.
Use surface lights:
Go to Create -> new primitive and select 'plane'
Select the plane.. go to 'surfaces'... find Emissions and turn that on. This will make the plane give light.
Use the temperature for intensity of the colour of the light (low is more reddish-light... high is more white-light)
and the Lumen and Intenisty is more for how bright it is.
Then just place the Plane with the paremetres tab where you want it and how to angle it
I like these lights the best since they are more sublte to use than Spot/point lights.
Also... don't forget to turn the enviroment-lights off:
Render settings tab.... find the 'Enviroments'
Turn the Eviroment Intensity, Map and Lighting Resolution all the way to 0. All three just to be safe to have only your new lights in the scene and not the overall enviroment lights.