Just like to say, it's been cool having you folks come on the journey of my character. I've tried various settings. Various eye colours. Various hair. And various compositions. I've never been quite happy with any of them. However, I do believe I've nailed Dani's look and style. I'm just rendering it now. Shouldn't be long.
Remember, the actual physical characteristics of this model I have not touched. Same arm length. Leg length. Head shape. Body shape. Sime height. Same Weight. Same lips, eyes. Well, you get the idea.
The only thing I've changed is the skin textures. Oh, and I decided to be a lot more poppy and stylised, as it suits her personality. I picture her being an empowered pop star, or marketing director. Or actress. But she has attitude and I like it. Given your amazing reaction to my work so far (apart from the sketchy start, lol!!!) I do believe you will like it when I post it.
So far I've looked at my work and thought "meh", there's this, and there's that... Nit pick, nit pick, nit pick. You know what it's like...
Still got loads to learn. But this is a good community. I like it.