Just a note on this, you can alter the property of spotlights so that they are not coming from a single origin but rather a plane or shape by changing the light geometry and expanding the Height (Diameter) or Width. By choosing an appropriately sized geometry you can eliminate the harsh shadows of a single origin.The light emitted from spotlights has a single origin hence will make hard shadows. Emmissive surfaces however project light in every direction from every point on their surface. If you want a reasonably harsh shadow use a smaller emmission surface with higher intensity. If you want a softer shadow, use a larger surface with a lower intensity.
We often illuminate our backgrounds by creating long tubes of light out of a spotlight. Like a fluorescent bulb it casts light in 180 degree radius down onto the background. It's a quick and easy way to light up whatever's behind the character but no the focus of your attention.
I have a scene I'm working on for our game, I'll post up some "behind the curtain" type stuff to demonstrate.
We use spotlight's almost exclusively in our work because they are so versatile and can achieve pretty much any lighting condition we need while giving us total control.