This is like 8GB of strand based hair in DAZ. Making it white is actually pretty annoying, but the trick is 0 highlight and 0 gloss. Anyone recognize the inspiration? I realize I'm missing a puff of fur at her collar, but I think I'm done with strand based hair for a while.
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Voluptuous and RazzleDazzle3D's Even More To Love 2 did most of the shape work (60% and 20%), SuperMassive has some nice thigh morphs, and a dozen or so other shape or size tweaks came into play. Hair is Valeria hair, wolf ears and tail are from She-Wolf (Foxy Lady is an equivalent). Arm and leg textures are applied with an opacity map on a geoshell that roughly matches the strand hair, shrunk slightly. Nipples use HH's Mystique clothing set's hidden morphs. The detail on those uses Soto's Breast Utility 2 (otherwise they'd look flat+smooth). Skin is HM Luna.
Breast shape was cloth simmed and then given some spherical oomph back because this is a fantasy piece instead of realistic.