I didnt play this game yet. Enough content in it or still blue ball game?
In my opinion, it's the latter. Though to be honest I don't think you'll even get blue balls, since it's rather lacking in...well, much of anything. It's a decent idea - though I'm fond of any trainer game - because who doesn't love Star Wars? Models are unique, which is a point in their favour, but if you want a simple 'Should I play this?' answer, then I'm afraid I have to say no.
If you're interested, then it's better to play the waiting game. It'll be a long game, but it's better to do that than get your hopes up every time you see an update posted, only for it to be
two bugs and nothing more.
tl;dr: Error: Content not found. Please try again later.
It is up to everyone to decide if all this "crap" is worth your time.
Well, you can't talk about the 'expected' content, since it's not out yet. Further, I'd say that he's asking about the content currently available to the public. Which means 0.2 and 0.3 don't matter either, since by your own admission, you don't have any current ETA on when it'll be published. As it stands, we can only decide if the stuff you've made public, and yknow, actually
made , is 'crap' or indeed, if it's worth it.