May 30, 2017
Have you already seen in the the v0.3 (Mynock), one of my last new characters, Ahsoka? Or the new Leia's Outfit & the preview of the animated adult scenes that you can see in the Leia's Corruption Story, along with more than 5.000 new words? Or the New Characters & Bounty Hunter Avatars?

And If you wait a little bit more, soon I will release the v0.4(Bantha) I will add another New slave, a twi'lek; New adult scenes for the Canteen Performances; more new features such as "Bribe Officers" or the "Slave Overview" & "Slaves Outfits Overview" and the "Help Menu"; I am even adding the first part of Padmé's Corruption Story too!
Are there release dates for this content?


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
I can't delete comments. Only moderators can delete them. If they were deleted, its because the gods of F95zone considered you were infringing the rules of their realm.
Trust me, your posts are included ;)

Since everyone in here is toxic and I mean everyone who keeps attacking the dev and vise versa. If you cannot follow our forum rules, you do not deserve to be posting in here. No one has immunity, including the dev.
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Jun 8, 2017
I thought the game had promise. I even became a patreon, which is where I have to be honest. Unless you are a person who can afford the very scary amount $45 bucks. This game blows. I don't care what level paid patreon you are. The cheats and areas should be accessed by the people who pay into it. But all I see is the same crap the public version. There isn't much of story, what you can do with your girls is so limited. I actually fell a sleep playing this. Now the character morphs you render look nice. I will give you that. But that is it. You see them dance with tricks of unity doing slow scan up and down of the character. The other star wars game that was out was so much better, because there was story and it drew you into that world better. Now I have to make decision to continue to support or stop and wait until there is some major improvements.
As someone who could afford the $45 tier, and who was curious enough to risk wasting such a ridiculous pledge amount I guess I can consider myself an authority on its content and present a short review. Releases consist of bug fixes, and added characters/dialogue/game dynamics for the most part. Adult scenes consist of the launch content, a few nude sprites, and a non-nude spanking animation (yes that is it). Honestly, the render quality is quite good as are the models. Unfortunate, because pledge tiers are inflated based on what you actually get. To Darth Smut I wish the best of luck with development and the (justifiably) cynical attitude of potential patrons, but I will not be re-pledging.

Darth Smut

May 1, 2018
TLTR: Read Coloured texts.

It'd be nice if the game didn't forget how to count. At first you can collect tributes every 7 days as it says. But sometime around day 50 or so it starts taking 8 days to reset. It doesn't TELL you 8 is the new 7, it just happens.
This bug has been fixed on v0.1.89. Thank you again for your bug report!

That would be more useful in the OP than buried amidst a long thread.
I think main thread already have enough stuff, but I will try to make a Patreon Post about it.

when i click watch salves , then i get "of course, they will start the performace right now." and loading start , no scene comes and it get loading back.. then i again click on watch salves ,i get "the girls have already dance today and they're exhausted,come back tommorow"
Can you please report which version were you playing? Give me more info in your bug reports and I will be able to fix it:)

Now the character morphs you render look nice. I will give you that.
Thank you.

When is 0.2 going to be made public, if at all?
No release date yet.
Now that almost all the reported bugs have been fixed, I would like to release a last v0.1 update with Cheats activated, but I am still not sure about that. It will depend on the reception of this last v0.1.89 update.

I didnt play this game yet. Enough content in it or still blue ball game?
You have the changelog in the main thread. To know what will be in the next versions, read next post, please

To Darth Smut I wish the best of luck with development and the (justifiably) cynical attitude of potential patrons, but I will not be re-pledging.
Thank you a lot for your support, and if you ever change your mind, you will be more than welcome :)

I thought the game had promise. I even became a patreon (...) But all I see is the same crap the public version. There isn't much of story, what you can do with your girls is so limited.
NEW Content on v0.2(Gorg):
  • New Content: +10.000 words of content in the Main Storyline.
  • New Character: Imperial Commander.
  • New Areas: 6 new scenes to speak with the officers.
  • New Backgrounds: 3 new backgrounds to fit the new areas.
  • Improved Content: +1.000 words of content in the Tutorial.
  • Improved Feature: Collect Tributes.
  • Improved Feature: Level Up Girls.
  • Bug Fixes: Check the list
NEW Content on v0.3(Mynock):
  • New SLAVE! Capture Ahsoka and make her perform in the Canteen!
  • Animations & Minigames: Introducing the first animation "Vader spanking Slave"
  • New Content: +4.000 words of content between Emperor dialogs and Leia's "Corruption Cell Story".
  • Leia Outfit: Hoth Winter Dress, exclusive on "Corruption Cell Story".
  • New Character: Emperor Royal Guard.
  • New Character: Veteran Clone (Bounty Hunter).
  • New Areas: Now you can visit the cells!
  • New Backgrounds: 3 new backgrounds to fit the new areas.
  • Character Overhaul: Improvements in the Bounty Hunter avatars.
  • Bug Fixes: General Improvements.
Expected NEW Content on v0.4(Bantha):
  • New SLAVE!
  • New Content: +5.000 words on Amidala's Corruption Story
  • New Amidala Outfit: +20 new renders for Padme
  • New Adult Scenes: All the strip & special for all the girls in the game, new slave included.
  • New Characters: Bounty Hunters
  • New Feature: Slave Overview
  • New Feature: Slave Outfits
  • New Feature: Help menu
  • New Feature: Bribe Officers
  • Bug Fixes, as usual, and more stuff and tweaks to improve the overall experience.
It is up to everyone to decide if all these "crap" is worth their time.
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Mar 15, 2018
I didnt play this game yet. Enough content in it or still blue ball game?
In my opinion, it's the latter. Though to be honest I don't think you'll even get blue balls, since it's rather lacking in...well, much of anything. It's a decent idea - though I'm fond of any trainer game - because who doesn't love Star Wars? Models are unique, which is a point in their favour, but if you want a simple 'Should I play this?' answer, then I'm afraid I have to say no.

If you're interested, then it's better to play the waiting game. It'll be a long game, but it's better to do that than get your hopes up every time you see an update posted, only for it to be two bugs and nothing more.

tl;dr: Error: Content not found. Please try again later.

It is up to everyone to decide if all this "crap" is worth your time.
Well, you can't talk about the 'expected' content, since it's not out yet. Further, I'd say that he's asking about the content currently available to the public. Which means 0.2 and 0.3 don't matter either, since by your own admission, you don't have any current ETA on when it'll be published. As it stands, we can only decide if the stuff you've made public, and yknow, actually made , is 'crap' or indeed, if it's worth it.
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Darth Smut

May 1, 2018
Further, I'd say that he's asking about the content currently available to the public. Which means 0.2 and 0.3 don't matter either, since by your own admission (...) As it stands, we can only decide if the stuff you've made public, and yknow, actually made , is 'crap' or indeed, if it's worth it.
I am answering a quote that is comparing the Public with the versions available only for Patreons.


Mar 15, 2018
I am answering a quote that is comparing the Public with the versions available only for Patreons.
While true, your last comment seemed to be referencing the guy who asked if it worth playing, or if it was a blue ball game. Which is why I said that Patreon only content wouldn't matter, and things you want to do certainly doesn't matter. Maybe I'm wrong, but hey. Personally I'd even argue that anything text wise that doesn't advance breaking the girls is...well, not quite what we're expecting either. If you add 10,000+ words, but it's all inane babble between Vader and a trooper, it's not the content most people will want to see.

Notice the guy talked in particular about the limited amount you can do with the girls. Between 0.2 and 0.3, what has been added that relates to that is: new slave, levelling up (which might just be an arbitary number, if it doesn't actually let you do more), a new outfit and a spanking scene, which he references in particular. I get you want to boast about these big changes...but you seem to be boasting about the changes people don't care/want as much, since it doesn't change the girls or improve upon the girls themselves. Just a tip. Might help prevent some backlash.
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Sep 13, 2017
It seems that sometimes Leia's "card" disappears from the Canteen but I still earn money, hard reset shows her again for a brief moment before disappearing again. Also hired Bounty Hunters disappear when I try to Create Mayhem with them, this seems to happen when I upgraded the Security Office. P.M me if you need the saves.
We also need to get a notification when Sheev wants to see us in his Chambers. (he is called "The Empereor" instead of The Emperor in some texts like when we first met him and in the officer section in the "Emperor's Chambers"
The Droideka bounty hunter displays instead an Super Battle Droid and the "Old Trade Federation Droids"sometimes are called "Old Republican Droids.
Finally, shouldn't Cad Bane and Dengar be a tier higher than Greedo? Just saying...
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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Now that almost all the reported bugs have been fixed, I would like to release a last v0.1 update with Cheats activated, but I am still not sure about that. It will depend on the reception of this last v0.1.89 update.
No mate, we don't want a version with cheats when there's NOTHING to do with said cheats. How instead of that you catch us up to 2.0, then when 4.0 rolls out you release 3.0 to the public. Your Patreon rewards (Monetisation scheme) are bad. Ea is literally in a corner somewhere jotting down notes.
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Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
No mate, we don't want a version with cheats when there's NOTHING to do with said cheats. How instead of that you catch us up to 2.0, then when 4.0 rolls out you release 3.0 to the public. Your Patreon rewards (Monetisation scheme) are bad. Ea is literally in a corner somewhere jotting down notes.

why would he want to catch us up to 2.0 and what not when he can continue to milk this and give EA a run for their money?

Darth Smut

May 1, 2018
No mate, we don't want a version with cheats when there's NOTHING to do with said cheats. How instead of that you catch us up to 2.0, then when 4.0 rolls out you release 3.0 to the public. Your Patreon rewards (Monetisation scheme) are bad. Ea is literally in a corner somewhere jotting down notes.
OK, no more v0.1(Womp rat) updates.
Next release will be the v0.2

It seems that sometimes Leia's "card" disappears from the Canteen but I still earn money, hard reset shows her again for a brief moment before disappearing again. Also hired Bounty Hunters disappear when I try to Create Mayhem with them, this seems to happen when I upgraded the Security Office. P.M me if you need the saves.
We also need to get a notification when Sheev wants to see us in his Chambers. (he is called "The Empereor" instead of The Emperor in some texts like when we first met him and in the officer section in the "Emperor's Chambers"
The Droideka bounty hunter displays instead an Super Battle Droid and the "Old Trade Federation Droids"sometimes are called "Old Republican Droids.
Finally, shouldn't Cad Bane and Dengar be a tier higher than Greedo? Just saying...
Thank you, I will check it and I will include those fixes on next v0.2
Jun 5, 2018
TLTR: Read Coloured texts.
Can you please report which version were you playing? Give me more info in your bug reports and I will be able to fix it:)
actully, i try on v1.78 and v1.81 in both version i am not able to set salves , so no scene come but in latest version 1.89 first salve and daily earning start of 2000 coins..

thanks alot for the update..
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Nov 4, 2017
Still running into issues last update with only being able to create mayhem once. Is there something else. Also I don't know what other content the devs have in mind, but I feel like they could put a lot of stuff on just one screen at the moment instead of traveling here then there.


Aug 8, 2017
Well I tried that 1.80something version yesterday and I'll be honest, I was a little bored and wanted to get to something, so I'll add my voice to the others that say "+10.000 words" ain't content I wan't to see. Because It's so much text before you're able to do anything that I ended up skipping 80% of it and got frustrated that there are several mechanics I needed to now just to get something going on. That plus the fact that I had to go into my nvidia settings and cap FR because this game chugs 80% of my 1080ti with static fucking TEXT. So I'll share my experience, I got to see a REY dancing animation after I clicked through several tabs with "GAME LOADING" warnings that just made me insta delete after. The TWO sex related images I got to see after 300 clicks+ were pretty nice indeed. So you get that going for you at least.
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Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
After six bug-fix updates in a row for v0.1, I suppose 10,000 words of text is progress. New backgrounds and some witty banter with the Imperial officers may be slightly entertaining as well. Although the limited interactions with the slaves currently and even the planned content seems to me like there won’t be any real sexual content until 2020.
2020 isnt that a bit early?
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