@Darth Smut has been permanently banned from the site. We haven't made this decision lightly, however the sheer amount of cancer in this thread has started overflowing to other threads, users and developers.
This thread, developer and game has been the subject of much discussion amongst the moderators, staff and admins over the past 6+ months. The constant fighting, arguments, manipulation, and drama which Darth Smut revels in is not welcome on the forums.
From manipulating other developers to 'steal' assets from them, to manipulating his like and review count, to reporting every single bad review that his game gets given, to immediately jumping on and attacking any negative feedback, to the constant PMs to Mods and Staff requesting comments be deleted, to manipulating the updates system to gain an unfair advantage... the list goes on...
I'm sure Darth Smut will go on to tell people how unfair we've been, and how everyone is ganging up against him, however we have gone above and beyond in dealing with this developer, and unfortunately enough is enough. The forum is better off without his brand of manipulative, psychopathic behavior.