He compared characters across three films to one film, one where most of the characters were in professional roles
Leia was a princess, Solo was a bounty Hunter, Obi Wan in original trilogy was still a Jedi, all of the officers in the original trilogy were professionals. You can be a professional and still have character. Making excuses for characters lacking character is illogical. Also padme is a character in the entire prequel trilogy, so that argument doesnt make much sense on that count. And even if you were to pick any of the original trilogy characters and talk about them from one of the three films theyre in, they each still have defining traits and arcs.
and even then qui-gon defined himself in what room there was as taking a stand against the council and his own padawan to push for training anakin
No real reason was given for him to do that, he just did it, just like pretty much every action taken in the prequel trilogy. Any good writer will tell you that for an action to be believable or to have impact it needs to be reasonable and understandable as to why the character takes the action. Important actions should also change how the characters behave or see themselves. Thats what a character arc is all about. None of the characters in that film have any real arc. Qui gon is always taciturn, so is obi wan, anakin is always excitable, padme doesnt do much of anything and doesnt change at all, Jar Jar is well... Jar Jar, who else is there?
As for the crap about the blockage making sense, who cares?
It's a blockade. And having a plot make sense is a pretty big part of a movie. I mean that is a logical and valid point. Particularly in a film trilogy that focuses heavily on the political actions of the emperor. Having the entire first film be based around a blockade that doesnt make any sense means you have to question everything that happens in the movie. Its like building a house without a foundation.
There are problems with the movie but no valid ones pointed out in the first 25 minutes of that review.
I mean you pointed out yourself the plot makes no sense, and only made excuses for the characters, soooooooooooooo.
That's probably true of my affinity too, I wanted to do terrible and wonderful things to Natalie Portman as a teen.
I will say that this is a very, very good point that I fully agree with. 100% 110% 7 million%
I mean I used to like the prequels too. At least the first two films. I grew up with those bad boys. I watched attack of the clones easily dozens of times (fast forwarding most of the wanky anakin bits, which vastly improved the experience). But then I got older, watched more films, and realized the childlike wonderment didnt carry it for me anymore. Same thing happened with the entire series of Star Trek Voyager. Loved it as a kid. Hate it now.
But given this is veering rapidly away from the game, Im going to say lets agree to disagree.