5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Sep 16, 2018
Not too much content, but a surprisingly solid backbone of a game. Has a few balance issues (open a door and 4 werewolves pop out, unless super upgraded, that's a game-over), and a tendency to hang/crash for long levels, but otherwise shows a lot of promise. A few QoL things would be nice, like the option to skip game over scenes without force-closing the game, and healing items could be slightly more frequent. But all in all, a pretty darn good demo.


Aug 19, 2017
As much as i want to complain about the constant delays and slow development I have to say the game looks realy good!! The scenes are great and the game is pretty fun. The idea that you get more characters to play sounds excelent and it gets me realy excited about the future! The problem is that i dont see any release this year... Honestly i believe if people didnt have a biter taste because of the delays and slow development they whould enjoy it more(I am not trying to defend their slow development i am just stayting that the game has potential and is looking extremely good)


Aug 31, 2017
I have to give it this demo the comment of:

"This is just the other game demo only with color..."

it's good in terms of content, we get to see that there are gonna be 4 characters, but that's that, we are gonna have to wait WHO KNOWS how much time, the artist is the only one giving his content so that patreons are willing to give money..

The enemies are meh, funny is that the goats try to kiss her and are the only one licking her, in the other demo we had this demon monkeys licking the MC. Game is more forgiving than the other one and you can remove enemies easier (Sometimes)

Was this wait worth it? Nah, this demo could have appeared long ago.


New Member
Sep 7, 2017
I have to give it this demo the comment of:

"This is just the other game demo only with color..."

it's good in terms of content, we get to see that there are gonna be 4 characters, but that's that, we are gonna have to wait WHO KNOWS how much time, the artist is the only one giving his content so that patreons are willing to give money..

The enemies are meh, funny is that the goats try to kiss her and are the only one licking her, in the other demo we had this demon monkeys licking the MC. Game is more forgiving than the other one and you can remove enemies easier (Sometimes)

Was this wait worth it? Nah, this demo could have appeared long ago.
He said he's probably only gonna add 1 more character. He said it on their livestream of the demo on picarto.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
Weren't they supposed to release THE GAME like 6 months ago? And instead we get a half assed demo? Okay


Nov 11, 2017
View attachment 605266

Hello everyone!
Time to write a new progress report.

Deathblight Guilty Raid:
We just finished streaming Demo V1 and gave the demo to 20$+ Patrons for playtesting.
If no gamebreaking bugs get reported, the demo v1 will be released in about 48 hours for everyone to play.
If you like, you can watch the recording of the stream here (about 2h long):

Just click on the videos tab :)

Deathblight RPG:
One more CG got completed on a stream about a week ago, so what's left to do is drawing variations to finish up 2 CGs and then Cres has to draw the 3 minigame cut ins.
Then implementation of those scenes, as well as the minigame, playtesting, bugfixing, and then beta3 is ready to go. So that one shouldn't take all too long anymore as well.
And that's all for now!
Hello everyone!
Time to write a new progress report.

Deathblight Guilty Raid:
We just finished streaming Demo V1 and gave the demo to 20$+ Patrons for playtesting.
If no gamebreaking bugs get reported, the demo v1 will be released in about 48 hours for everyone to play.
If you like, you can watch the recording of the stream here (about 2h long):

Just click on the videos tab :)

Deathblight RPG:
One more CG got completed on a stream about a week ago, so what's left to do is drawing variations to finish up 2 CGs and then Cres has to draw the 3 minigame cut ins.
Then implementation of those scenes, as well as the minigame, playtesting, bugfixing, and then beta3 is ready to go. So that one shouldn't take all too long anymore as well.
And that's all for now!

Sorry for the delay got busy with a bunch of meetings.
Noone gonna move this to a new thread? It is a new game demo after all.


Nov 11, 2017
Just realized. Tomorrow this thread will be 3 years old...and still nowhere to complete this game. If the devs don't have 2 completed project before(paperheads and dark alley elf), I would assume that this is another malise and the machine. Sigh...I am a fan of them since I played Paperheads...but this is really disappointing.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
My two cents after playing:

Artwork is great as always, Gameplay is ok.

The Fact that it is game over when you die and health items are pure RNG and no way to get health otherwise is a big nono.

Upgrading Skills makes handling enemies a lot easier, but when you can't regenerate halth for like 3,4 rooms straight, it is of no use anyway.

So far Dark Alley Elf is the best game they did imho, playing Guillty Raid after that just feels....pale in comparison.

The added Voiceacting in Dark Alley Elf was a huuuge plus for me personally.

This game definetly has potential, but it will take ages to get finished. I dropped my Support on Patreon last year in November and i see absolutely no reason to pick up my support again, because updates are few and far in between.

I mean, Patrons got to play the Demo like a day before the genereal public....and only 20$ Patrons at that.

Not having a Problem supporting a dev and their game when it takes time , but i am confident in them and they give regular Updates (Jessica's Curse is the prime example for this).

When this Game is eventually finished and it is good, i have no problem getting it on Steam or something, like i eventually did with Dark Alley Elf.

But the Road until that is just too long and rocky for me to be paying monthly.

This went on way longer as i initially inteded, oopsie boopsie.

Stay save everyone :)


Jun 25, 2017
Just realized. Tomorrow this thread will be 3 years old...and still nowhere to complete this game. If the devs don't have 2 completed project before(paperheads and dark alley elf), I would assume that this is another malise and the machine. Sigh...I am a fan of them since I played Paperheads...but this is really disappointing.
You know what's even more pain? The last new dungeon was added over two years ago (and only took them in the region of 8 months to make), at the start of '18. On page 5 of this thread. The remaining 18 out of 23 pages have seen a corruption system, Ferania getting a job, and Minori getting a job, with a minigame and a few CGs each. And some mini games (note the space) that popped up out of the blue for some reason.

It hugely pains me to say this because the content to date has been pretty entertaining, I find the characters charming in spite of how cliché and predictable they are, and the artwork remains insane in both quality and nut potential. But at this point it's just a joke. Crescentia's still been putting out great art and comic pages on HF and Twitter like clockwork, so it just feels like at this point the game side of things is no longer cared about. Egh. Time to get back into the comic I guess.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
have not played the demo yet but to tell the truth this one before the demo here i really liked. hope they are not going to change it because if so then i will be a very sad panda lol.


Mar 3, 2018
Does anyone know how to mod stats this game? This game can be mod stats by this program "UndertaleModTool-v0.3.0", but I don't know which parameter has to be changed (HP, MP, Damage and ETC.).

Sorry for my English.

Marlin Brandy

Aug 18, 2018
Does anyone know how to mod stats this game? This game can be mod stats by this program "UndertaleModTool-v0.3.0", but I don't know which parameter has to be changed (HP, MP, Damage and ETC.).

Sorry for my English.
You can always try saveeditonline.com which works for a variety of games. It has a bit of a throttle if you're not a patreon supporter, as in you can only edit I think 2-3 files every 10 minutes, but it's quite good


Mar 22, 2018
Not too much content, but a surprisingly solid backbone of a game. Has a few balance issues (open a door and 4 werewolves pop out, unless super upgraded, that's a game-over), and a tendency to hang/crash for long levels, but otherwise shows a lot of promise. A few QoL things would be nice, like the option to skip game over scenes without force-closing the game, and healing items could be slightly more frequent. But all in all, a pretty darn good demo.
Back up and use your ranged attack. If you get grabbed, you have a skill that instantly shakes them off. The only surprise hazard that matters is getting swarmed by starfish from nowhere (if your skill's run out). Everything else can be dealt with by backpedaling while shooting with the occasional sidestep to avoid a projectile/lunge/tentacle.

Also, during the game over scenes hold Ctrl. Skips the text so fast you'll get through the scene in a few seconds or so.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
ok so i played the demo and got to say i real like the other game better don't get me wrong the demo had great art work too. the only problem is to many enemys at once and some time's your weapon does not knock them back and you take to much damge. so art is good but they should go back to the other game and make this demo ending mode.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes