5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
it makes me sad to see a gem go to wast just wish they could find a way to make it work out. but i guess to many games that are really great have there dev's leave them to die not saying all of them do but some do.


New Member
Nov 15, 2019
It's been a long while since I last played it, but your primary source of health regen is by converting your resource bar (I forget what it's called) into health between fights. If you didn't know that, I can see how the game might seem overly difficult.
The issue a lot of the time isn't even generating health; it's restoring RST (its called Resistance btw lol) without having to do a double marathon back to the Hotel for fucks sake. I'm yet to pass the Duke fight because of how fucking difficult this game is. The characters don't seem to improve their weaknesses when they LVL either; Minori has about 169 RST right now and I've literally seen her take about 75 RST damage when she got Sexual Harassment played on her. Like it doesn't matter if her TP attacks are powerful, can't fucking use them when she's out after about 2-3 turns (that's not even considering the Purple Hoods that have about 6 enemies in them). Silver-haired girl (forgot her name) does respond better to Sexual Harassment but her strongest attack that I've unlocked for her has done about 250 damage max. Not bad, but considering that you need about 40 TP to use it, she's also pretty fucking useless. It would be slightly easier if we could just have a fucking skill that could generate TP outside of fights so we could go in with a better chance of survival.

Seriously, this is a PORN game. Why make the RPG this fucking difficult? I'd expect difficulty playing Dark Souls, not fucking cat girls getting fucked over 24/7.
Last edited:


Mar 25, 2019
The issue a lot of the time isn't even generating health; it's restoring RST (its called Resistance btw lol) without having to do a double marathon back to the Hotel for fucks sake. I'm yet to pass the Duke fight because of how fucking difficult this game is. The characters don't seem to improve their weaknesses when they LVL either; Minori has about 169 RST right now and I've literally seen her take about 75 RST damage when she got Sexual Harassment played on her. Like it doesn't matter if her TP attacks are powerful, can't fucking use them when she's out after about 2-3 turns (that's not even considering the Purple Hoods that have about 6 enemies in them). Silver-haired girl (forgot her name) does respond better to Sexual Harassment but her strongest attack has done about 250 damage max. Not bad, but considering that you need about 40 TP to use it, she's also pretty fucking useless. It would be slightly easier if we could just have a fucking skill that could generate TP outside of fights so we could go in with a better chance of survival.

Seriously, this is a PORN game. Why make the RPG this fucking difficult? I'd expect difficulty playing Dark Souls, not fucking cat girls getting fucked over 24/7.
Huh... can't say I had the same experience as you. The Duke fight WAS a difficulty bump, as I recall. As for restoring RST, you're right, I think there wasn't much way to restore it EXCEPT when it gets depleted completely, they get assaulted, then RST is replenished after they break out of the sexual assault.

Don't know what to tell ya. I found the game to be balanced difficulty-wise.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
well i have alway's been a fan of rpg's and have learned trial and error are two big thing's in both. that's how we learn not to do stuff. but then every one has think's they do not like i just roll with the punches lol


New Member
Nov 15, 2019
Huh... can't say I had the same experience as you. The Duke fight WAS a difficulty bump, as I recall. As for restoring RST, you're right, I think there wasn't much way to restore it EXCEPT when it gets depleted completely, they get assaulted, then RST is replenished after they break out of the sexual assault.

Don't know what to tell ya. I found the game to be balanced difficulty-wise.
I'd probably figure some kind of strategy out if I was actively observing the characters; however, with my fucking dick in my hand, it's a different story. Even when they hit 0 RST, the Dukes are RELENTLESS. You're already at around 50-60% health remaining, and you take about hundreds of damage each turn because of the Insertion effect. Even if you cancel it out with Ferraria (as an example), you'd lose a whole turn, where one of the other brothers could assault you down to 0 RST or make you take a few 100s of non-replenishable damage, unless ofc you'd like to give up some of your already-low RST.


New Member
Nov 15, 2019
Here's my strategy for the first boss fight with the brothers.

Ferania - Have her go into the fight completely naked, it greatly increases her TP and RST regeneration, which is important for this strategy. Make sure you have Blitz Strike and Battle Focus unlocked for her, and try to go into the fight with 100 TP. The idea for her is to start off the fight with Blitz Strike, which gives her Evasion for the next two turns, making her untouchable from everything except the red brother's Slut Breaker move (not sure why it ignores evasion). Then on the next turn after using Blitz Strike, have her use Battle Focus which gives her some TP back while still having Evasion up. Using Battle focus and being naked gives her enough TP regeneration to keep using Blitz Strike infinitely, making her dodge 99% of their attacks for the whole battle. The only time you should break this pattern of Blitz Strike > Battle Focus > Blitz Strike, is when you see the Yellow brother begin to focus. Make sure to immediately use Lightning Shock on the yellow brother which has a 100% chance to stun him after he starts focusing. Apart from that keep using the Blitz Strike, Battle Focus strat to slowly whittle them down until they die.

Minori - Having her go into the fight completely naked as well would be better, but I guess you can do this with clothes on if you get good RNG and some luck. As with Ferania, make sure you have 100 TP going into the fight and that you have Graviton Field unlocked for her. The idea for Minori is to have her keep both brothers debuffed with Graviton Field or Leg Sweep if you're low on TP. Make sure to use Graviton Field/Leg Sweep twice in a row since the debuffs can stack twice. Debuffing them is more to keep the red brother's damage under control, since his Slut Breaker move is the only thing that can hit Ferania with evasion and does massive damage. If he's sufficiently weakened he should only do 150 or so with slut breaker, rather than the 400+ he tends to do. If both brothers are dubuffed twice on her turn, I tend to just use regular attacks on the red one to save/generate more TP and kill him a little faster. There's no guarantee the brothers won't just harass Minori into oblivion if you get bad RNG (she sadly has no evasion skill), but this strat has worked for me very consistently.

Focus down the red brother first, since he's the most dangerous. If he uses his Balls of Steel move just debuff both of them again with Minori, but so long as his attack stat is as low as you can get it you should be fine.

Honestly, I find that the skills which give your characters Evasion, namely Blitz Strike and Shadow Strike for Catheline, are much more useful than the ones that do straight damage. Making enemies waste attacks/harassment is incredibly useful. It's better to conserve TP to use those two skills in my opinion.
Thanks for this, gonna try it out. I'm yet to unlock "Graviton Field" for Minori, so I'll farm and then try out your strat.
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New Member
Nov 15, 2019
Here's my strategy for the first boss fight with the brothers.

Ferania - Have her go into the fight completely naked, it greatly increases her TP and RST regeneration, which is important for this strategy. Make sure you have Blitz Strike and Battle Focus unlocked for her, and try to go into the fight with 100 TP. The idea for her is to start off the fight with Blitz Strike, which gives her Evasion for the next two turns, making her untouchable from everything except the red brother's Slut Breaker move (not sure why it ignores evasion). Then on the next turn after using Blitz Strike, have her use Battle Focus which gives her some TP back while still having Evasion up. Using Battle focus and being naked gives her enough TP regeneration to keep using Blitz Strike infinitely, making her dodge 99% of their attacks for the whole battle. The only time you should break this pattern of Blitz Strike > Battle Focus > Blitz Strike, is when you see the Yellow brother begin to focus. Make sure to immediately use Lightning Shock on the yellow brother which has a 100% chance to stun him after he starts focusing. Apart from that keep using the Blitz Strike, Battle Focus strat to slowly whittle them down until they die.

Minori - Having her go into the fight completely naked as well would be better, but I guess you can do this with clothes on if you get good RNG and some luck. As with Ferania, make sure you have 100 TP going into the fight and that you have Graviton Field unlocked for her. The idea for Minori is to have her keep both brothers debuffed with Graviton Field or Leg Sweep if you're low on TP. Make sure to use Graviton Field/Leg Sweep twice in a row since the debuffs can stack twice. Debuffing them is more to keep the red brother's damage under control, since his Slut Breaker move is the only thing that can hit Ferania with evasion and does massive damage. If he's sufficiently weakened he should only do 150 or so with slut breaker, rather than the 400+ he tends to do. If both brothers are dubuffed twice on her turn, I tend to just use regular attacks on the red one to save/generate more TP and kill him a little faster. There's no guarantee the brothers won't just harass Minori into oblivion if you get bad RNG (she sadly has no evasion skill), but this strat has worked for me very consistently.

Focus down the red brother first, since he's the most dangerous. If he uses his Balls of Steel move just debuff both of them again with Minori, but so long as his attack stat is as low as you can get it you should be fine.

Honestly, I find that the skills which give your characters Evasion, namely Blitz Strike and Shadow Strike for Catheline, are much more useful than the ones that do straight damage. Making enemies waste attacks/harassment is incredibly useful. It's better to conserve TP to use those two skills in my opinion.
Little update, first try after using your strategy and the Duke fight became piss easy. I'll keep it in mind that it's relatively easier to use evasive attacks and pepper damage, along with fighting nude. Cheers man, I doubt I would've continued playing the game to find out who "Catheline" even is if it wasn't for your help lol. :)
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Mar 25, 2019
Little update, first try after using your strategy and the Duke fight became piss easy. I'll keep it in mind that it's relatively easier to use evasive attacks and pepper damage, along with fighting nude. Cheers man, I doubt I would've continued playing the game to find out who "Catheline" even is if it wasn't for your help lol. :)
Awesome that Roth's start worked for you. :) Good luck with the rest of the game. Be advised, once you hit the final boss of the second dungeon, the game is pretty much over. There hasn't been a real update to the game in many, many months, and going by the plethora of excuses the dev has put out, it's unlikely we'll ever see any more content for this one. Was a lot of fun while it lasted though.
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Jun 25, 2017
20200603 esmoda dbrpg design.png

Progress Update (2020/06/03)
Hello everyone!
Time for a new update in regards to DB RPG:

Like mentioned in the post about DB Guilty Raid ( ),the next version of DB RPG will be a bit delayed since Wolf has to take over from our former programmer.
Also Wolf is quite busy since he's working on other stuff as well, so he can't get started with DB RPG right away.
But in the meantime I (Cres) started working on the art for Esmoda for the next dungeon.
So while the upcoming release is a bit delayed, the work for the release for the dungeon has already started so no time is lost.
After all the art is what takes up the most time for DB RPG.
I hope you like Esmoda's outfit for DB RPG^^

Very small update, but that's all for now :)


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
just wondeing if this game is coming back are is that for there new game. i real hope they bring this one back love the art and the game.


Mar 25, 2019
just wondeing if this game is coming back are is that for there new game. i real hope they bring this one back love the art and the game.
When they reference "DB RPG," that's this game. DB Guilty Raid is the other game that they've been working on instead for the past several months (and have only a broken, unpolished mess to show for it).


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
View attachment 680552

Progress Update (2020/06/03)
Hello everyone!
Time for a new update in regards to DB RPG:

Like mentioned in the post about DB Guilty Raid ( ),the next version of DB RPG will be a bit delayed since Wolf has to take over from our former programmer.
Also Wolf is quite busy since he's working on other stuff as well, so he can't get started with DB RPG right away.
But in the meantime I (Cres) started working on the art for Esmoda for the next dungeon.
So while the upcoming release is a bit delayed, the work for the release for the dungeon has already started so no time is lost.
After all the art is what takes up the most time for DB RPG.
I hope you like Esmoda's outfit for DB RPG^^

Very small update, but that's all for now :)
LMAO this is fucking hilarious, before this Crescentia was MOSTLY the one that worked, but at least whoever the fuck the project manager supposedly wrote the posts and stuff.
Now its just straight up her the only one that does anything. As little as she does.

Thanks a lot for the update, regardless.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
if i could say to the dev this game rockes but then they just wanted there comic book back after getting it going again this was no more then they made and forgive my rudness but then they made that eye sore of a game and this one in my humble openion is batter then there new one.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
View attachment 680552

Progress Update (2020/06/03)
Hello everyone!
Time for a new update in regards to DB RPG:

Like mentioned in the post about DB Guilty Raid ( ),the next version of DB RPG will be a bit delayed since Wolf has to take over from our former programmer.
Also Wolf is quite busy since he's working on other stuff as well, so he can't get started with DB RPG right away.
But in the meantime I (Cres) started working on the art for Esmoda for the next dungeon.
So while the upcoming release is a bit delayed, the work for the release for the dungeon has already started so no time is lost.
After all the art is what takes up the most time for DB RPG.
I hope you like Esmoda's outfit for DB RPG^^

Very small update, but that's all for now :)
Man, i really like the work of Crescentia. But what the fuck are they doing. Is it only Mr. Wolf working on the game itself, or why are they taking aaaages to release shit?

"upcoming release is a bit delayed"...if the RPG gets a new release this year, i would be surprised.

Nonetheless, cheers for update.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
if what i think is right is there working on there raid game and leting this one go under because they think the raid one is batter then there first one here.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
even tho i have got to where they just droped it at i still play the game because of the way the scene's are love the art. you ever wonder if they used this game and got money to make this game more but used that money on there comics instad lol
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Sweet Force

May 18, 2017
The future of this game is not very promising, it could be the best of all RPGs on this page, a worthy successor to noxian nights, but the development team has too many problems.

Wolfenstahl as Team Lead makes the worst development decisions I have ever seen, prioritizes his own tastes over those of his audience and patreons, invests his time and money (47,000 USD, good joke) in a game that no one asked for leaving aside this RPG, and also adds a character that in his character popularity poll was ranked 44 (Esmoda), just because he likes ... advice for a developer, if you make a game for yourself, then you can't Write a text whining because your game does not attract the attention of the public and they do not support you.

Crescentia has the best 2D art of any game here, but she has a huge lack of focus, her work breaks it up into individual commissions and on-demand arts, the webcomic, Deathblight Guilty Raid, even uses her time to draw things she likes, The only thing that doesn't seem to have time is to make CG scenes of the game with the greatest potential that they have done so far (Deathblight RPG), not to mention that instead of developing in-depth original characters like Claire, Ferania, Minori, she continues to create new characters devoid of personality, similar to the previous ones, without originality.

With the knowledge of how this team is managed and the little interest they place on this game, adding the lack of focus of its developers, it is logical that they do not add new patreons.

I would like to have new updates more frequently, the game deserves it, because the idea is very good and the art is the best, but life is cruel.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
mybe one day they will wise up and she that people love the work they did hear but i don't think so. they have there head's buried in the cloude are mybe some where else too.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes