Hello everyone,
I don't know how many people are still into this game, but even though there is little lewd content, I looked into the code architecture and it is quite well thought, even if there are a few caveats.
Since I wanted to see all content "in-game", I started to debug and fix things here and there as soon as I saw something. I don't know if what I changed matches the intent of the author, and I don't really care, but the changes I made seem logical game wise.
I wanted to add more but I already spent enough time on this and I'm not quite knowledgeable in Renpy and Python in general so I left real customizations out. I believe that I made all the content available and that was quite a pain in the ass already.
Anyway here is a Patch. Uncompress it in the game directory as usual and DO NOT buy the phone if you activate the developer mode as it breaks most of the phone screens.
If you find additional errors, I may be available to try and fix them but do not set your hopes too high.