4.60 star(s) 45 Votes


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
i think it was said that uniting mods causes troubles. did u have any?
and what is that, no scrolling? why is it the same gial?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Very neat game, it captured my attention for many hours last night. So I do hope to see the storyline expanded upon. I didn't install any mods, even though some of them will maybe add features I will suggest later in this post, because I'd prefer to see them added to the core game instead, and I suspect some things might already be planned features anyway.

So here's what I hope for, for the future:
-More bot models (I could probably render a bunch of them, I got plenty of android and gynoid assets laying around, as well as regular Daz models, and yes hybridizing is possible. Making renders of seperate parts is possible as well if you would like those)
-More variety to bot chassis. I know some bot chassis come with default traits, but I think the variety could be expanded upon, like, some models could be limited in what upgrades they can handle. Right now it's a matter of just installing the best mods you can get your hands on, but I could imagine some bots having a limit, for example, to what CPU or powercore they're compatible with, or even what limbs.
-More variety to parts, again with added variety in traits and limitations. I could totally see some soft tissue skin being perfect for the sexbot variety, while a combat variant would perform better with adamantite skin or whatever. I could also see some CPU's, especially the lowest grade ones, having a much higher chance to gain both traits and quirks, while the highest grade ones would be more stable and have very little chance to develop those.
-A guard role for the bots, to protect the shop from thieves, raiders, pervs and competitors.
-I noticed the chop-shop has a "rented" status, so I'm guessing the plan is, that we can some day actually purchase the place? To expand upon that, I'd suggest adding more places to own. Could be more chop-shops, as a chop-shop chain around the country, but different kinds of places would be a neat alternative as well, like clubs, brothels, house cleaning services, maybe a research facility.
-More roles might be necessary as well, as well as maybe a programming skill for the bots, if we want to have the chop-shop run somewhat independantly while we focus our attention elsewhere? Could be interesting if done with some strict limitations, like: a bot can only program a CPU upto it's own skill level (so Skill level A required to program a grade A CPU), as well as stabilize other bots only upto its own stability level (so a quirky bot can only stabilize another bot upto quirky quality), while unstable bots might even add negative quirks to other bots.
So suggested roles:
Cleaning (cleaning skill + Social E + Sex D)
Bot Maintenance (Programming skill + Electronics B + Mechanics B)
Guard (Combat E + Social D)
Sex Bot (Sex C + Social D)
Dancer (Combat E + Sex D + Social B)
Researcher (All skills A+)
We should still train them ourselves, or just see them gain experience the slow way, so no training bots imo.
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Aug 17, 2016
So. A hint please.
Am I doing somethign wrong?

I scavenged 3 bots and sold 1 to club, but only CG that I got were when I trained sex or when I paid 100$ at the Club.
Is there some plot twist, or should I do a specific thing to progress things or get a new quest?
I trained bots to be Tinkerer, but she doesn't automatically fix stuff, so why Roles anyway.


Oct 19, 2018
-More variety to bot chassis. I know some bot chassis come with default traits, but I think the variety could be expanded upon, like, some models could be limited in what upgrades they can handle. Right now it's a matter of just installing the best mods you can get your hands on, but I could imagine some bots having a limit, for example, to what CPU or powercore they're compatible with, or even what limbs.
That should already be possible with mods, I think. For example, you could make a chassis that doesn't have an "arms" slot, but instead an "arms_low" slot, which would only accept D-rank or below arms gear (you'd need to edit the parts as well, so they can be put into the new created slot).
It would be quite a bit of work to do it with a mod though, as it needs rewriting all the mods and parts already in the game, as well as all the bot models and parts added by the mods you want.

In the end, your proposition would give more variety to bots, instead of just having all bots with the same S-rank parts in the end. So I think it would be interesting. But it would also limit how people want to develop each of their bots (for example if they prefer X or Y looks). Not sure which would be best for the game...
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Nov 6, 2017
Sithlord86 Squib2187 Polip1339
While looking at one of my own W.I.P mods I found an issue where
"list_target chances" is written instead of the correct "list_target_chances"
All of your mods have this too. Won't break anything lest you actually add anything in there but I figured I'd let you know.
I'm guessing it started here and then we all copied each other.

It's not really important atm but might want to fix it if you update the mods in the future.


Aug 1, 2017
Sithlord86 Squib2187 Polip1339
While looking at one of my own W.I.P mods I found an issue where
"list_target chances" is written instead of the correct "list_target_chances"
All of your mods have this too. Won't break anything lest you actually add anything in there but I figured I'd let you know.
I'm guessing it started here and then we all copied each other.

It's not really important atm but might want to fix it if you update the mods in the future.
Thanks man I just went through and did a quick find and replace.

Initial release of my 3.1 mod should be within a day or two.

This one adds more names to the random name generator so there's more variety in the names and adds a new part type 'vagina' along with 1 vagina for each rank.

Mostly done I just need to proof read it and play test it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
That should already be possible with mods, I think. For example, you could make a chassis that doesn't have an "arms" slot, but instead an "arms_low" slot, which would only accept D-rank or below arms gear (you'd need to edit the parts as well, so they can be put into the new created slot).
It would be quite a bit of work to do it with a mod though, as it needs rewriting all the mods and parts already in the game, as well as all the bot models and parts added by the mods you want.

In the end, your proposition would give more variety to bots, instead of just having all bots with the same S-rank parts in the end. So I think it would be interesting. But it would also limit how people want to develop each of their bots (for example if they prefer X or Y looks). Not sure which would be best for the game...
Good point that it would limit people to what chassis (appearance) they'd use for what purpose. It would be a shame if one appearance would be too purpose-built when someone might really want that look for some different role.

Return to drawing board..
Purpose built CPU's perhaps? Or more emphasize on energy use for the various roles and powercore limitations? I just figure that a medium grade powercore should allow for some combinations of "light"roles, like Clerk + Bedroom Toy, but not Shopkeeper + Bedroom Toy. And with purpose built mods, we could get into the realm where some powercore or CPU could run one role more efficiently, allowing for combinations that could otherwise not be achieved, which could be an alternative to purpose built mods that add benefits to specific roles.
Now, say each role costs energy, for example:
Bedroom Toy: 1 energy
Clerk: 2 energy
Techie: 2 energy
Shopkeeper: 3 energy

So, we could end up with 2 powercores of the same grade, say, grade C, both providing (for example) 4 energy, but one could have a bonus of "Shopkeeping costs 1 less energy" (allowing for more combinations with other roles), while another could have a bonus like "Bedroom Toy costs 1 less energy".
The Shopkeeping powercore would allow for the combinations Bedroom Toy / Shopkeeper, Clerk / Shopkeeper and Techie / Shopkeeper
The Bedroom Toy powercore would allow for Bedroom Toy / Shopkeeper, Bedroom Toy / Clerk / Techie (if the CPU keeps up and allows for 3 roles)

So, in general, some variation in diversity on top of linear progress. And yes, if we get more roles, and some of them being more demanding, I could totally see even the top powercores with optimal specialty just barely having enough juice to run one heavy duty role and one medium duty role together.
  • Thinking Face
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Oct 19, 2018
This one adds more names to the random name generator so there's more variety in the names and adds a new part type 'vagina' along with 1 vagina for each rank.
Little advice, but you should call the slot "genitals" instead, as Radnor made it possible to create male bots, and this slot will also enable futas for those who want it.
We'll have to see how it works with other mods also adding part slots (I have a succubus with added ear / horns / wings / tail), to see if / how it conflicts or not. If it conflict, I guess all modders will need to conform to the same norm for those added slots.


Nov 6, 2017
Thanks man I just went through and did a quick find and replace.

Initial release of my 3.1 mod should be within a day or two.

This one adds more names to the random name generator so there's more variety in the names and adds a new part type 'vagina' along with 1 vagina for each rank.

Mostly done I just need to proof read it and play test it.
If you're adding names to "european_names" or "japanese_names" make sure your list includes vanilla names or they'll be overwritten/replaced.


Nov 6, 2017
We'll have to see how it works with other mods also adding part slots (I have a succubus with added ear / horns / wings / tail), to see if / how it conflicts or not. If it conflict, I guess all modders will need to conform to the same norm for those added slots.
If following the vanilla convention then any new slots would be IDd like bot_ears, bot_wings, bot_tail etc. Though if several mods add the slot then the last one to load would determine the statistics of the slot like beauty, price and damage taken

Me or someone else could try to create like a slot framework of some kind if it proves problematic.


Oct 19, 2018
The issue I'm thinking of the list priority number, haven't tried yet what happens with 2 slots having the same priority number. Also, we'll have to be careful about slot "ear" or "ears" and little things like that ^^


Jan 15, 2018
So I have a question regarding slots, more specifically event_damage. What does the value actually correspond to? Is it a weighted value, so that each affected part loses a certain amount of integrity based on some fixed event damage? Or is it independent and percentage based? Hopefully someone can clarify it a bit :)


Sep 18, 2020
If following the vanilla convention then any new slots would be IDd like bot_ears, bot_wings, bot_tail etc. Though if several mods add the slot then the last one to load would determine the statistics of the slot like beauty, price and damage taken

Me or someone else could try to create like a slot framework of some kind if it proves problematic.
hey shaky, since you all are on the subject, Ive been pulling my hair out over this since the update... ive been rolling with a concept and end up beating my head against the wall over issues I cant find. would anyone be interested in reviewing this and telling me what im doing wrong?


Nov 7, 2017
Two thinks I would like to see added:
- working in your shop should have at least some chance of improving social skill. Even if other ways to gain this skill are planned for the future, interacting with customers should still give a chance; besides, bots gain skill for it already.

- Alita Battle Angel from the movie. Either as a mod, or a new class of bot. I would happily go on an epic quest for that piece of hardware ;)
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Sep 18, 2020
Thanks man I just went through and did a quick find and replace.

Initial release of my 3.1 mod should be within a day or two.

This one adds more names to the random name generator so there's more variety in the names and adds a new part type 'vagina' along with 1 vagina for each rank.

Mostly done I just need to proof read it and play test it.

heres a contribution to the names if you want more


Sep 18, 2020
Radnor, will there be a system to establish what parts that the shopkeeper cannot not sell? like, do not sell C rank or better? or do not sell CPUs...

also, at some point will the Techie and Clerk have independent function like the Shopkeeper? techie tinkers 1 part per 1AP mc uses, while not as companion.. clerk earns money and builds rep per day.. something like that?
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4.60 star(s) 45 Votes