
Jun 13, 2018


Howdy! just wanted to reconfirm that we’re alive and kicking. New version will drop next week.
New Year is rapidly approaching and we really want to release the game before it (which will be unprecedented), everything that I’ve promised and more is already in the game. I’m doing extra stuff because plans and ideas change.
This game is a work in progress, it’s not a finished product - so yes, things like this delay might and will happen. I just want to give you the best game I can, that’s all.
Here’s my reasoning to give you a better picture:

The stuff that I’m currently working on happens at a set time. If we’ll not add it in this version, all of you will have to replay it later on to actually see it. Which is something I’d like to avoid.
Second reason.
We never really go back and finish what’s missing. Here’s an example of that:
“Conduction suit” and “Web” - I wanted the “terminal” at the sewer to have an interface, a mini-game and another outfit to be later used in events. The dialogue references it all, but it doesn't actually happen. So now, I will edit it all out, because there’s no chance we’ll ever return to this idea and finish it.
Third reason.
I do not control myself, I work best under stress, and the fact that it took Moana so long to code it all in made me irrational, so I started changing stuff and adding more content to it, fully aware that it will prolong the development. To quote one modern-day philosopher - “I know I’m kinda retarded”.
I will tell you what I did, why and what it means in a long post after the release - right now I have to work.

Again, we already did what we were supposed to do, the next version will drop next week, there’s no “Or” and there's no possibility of failure.
To reassure you, I vow to just release it without the extra content that we’re currently working on - which would be less than ideal, but acceptable in my books.
I went into a “hermit mode” not because something is wrong, but because I need to work on the game. I spend every waking minute on it and I apologize that I’m not spending enough time with you.
Thank you all for your patience and support! I will make a “head’s up” post on Monday and properly congratulate you’all with christmas with a release next week.


Oct 14, 2019
The stuff that I’m currently working on happens at a set time. If we’ll not add it in this version, all of you will have to replay it later on to actually see it. Which is something I’d like to avoid.
To reassure you, I vow to just release it without the extra content that we’re currently working on
I love the fact that the update is delayed because of the extra content currently being worked on but its gonna release without the extra content.


Jan 4, 2020
Nov.16 I wanted this version to drop last month, but overall this is still progress in my books.
I want to say that our new version will finally arrive this week
Nov.24 This week is the week - we will finally release our new version.
Nov.29 The update is pushed to Friday, if it will be finished sooner - we will upload it sooner.
Dec.04 It will be out soon, just in a couple of days.
Dec.15 I had the game in my hands / we’ll just add this hologram in and it’s good to go
Dec.25 next version will drop next week, there’s no “Or” and there's no possibility of failure.

Yeah, right.


Jun 19, 2018
Maybe its some kind of social/psychological experiment - how long can you scam people with bullshit(stories about pigeon brain, warrior spirit etc.) and tiny crumbs of actual content while dangling a carrot of big promises in front of them?

To reassure you, I vow to just release it without the extra content that we’re currently working on - which would be less than ideal, but acceptable in my books.
Seriously? Why is the update being delayed so many times if theres not gonna be any "extra content"?


Jun 13, 2018

Howdy! As promised here’s a heads up post.
We’re crunching what’s left of my last-minute changes. New version will drop on the 31st in the first half of the day. If it will be ready sooner - we will upload it sooner.
Whatever the case may be, we will stop on the 31st, compile the game and upload it. I just wanted to confirm that there will be no delay this time.
Thank you for your patience and support! I’m going back to work now.


Oct 11, 2017

Howdy! As promised here’s a heads up post.
We’re crunching what’s left of my last-minute changes. New version will drop on the 31st in the first half of the day. If it will be ready sooner - we will upload it sooner.
Whatever the case may be, we will stop on the 31st, compile the game and upload it. I just wanted to confirm that there will be no delay this time.
Thank you for your patience and support! I’m going back to work now.
Notice there is no mention of the month, so it could be January, March, May, July, August, October, December. :LOL:


Jan 4, 2018
Whatever the case may be, we will stop on the 31st, compile the game and upload it. I just wanted to confirm that there will be no delay this time.
I want to believe. But most realistic scenario: delaying release for 3.01 and post “sorry I meet new year”.

P.S: for patreon’s billing charge :)
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