
Apr 1, 2020
the skin color of side bar character and battle animation is very different for some reason. The skin color in battle animation is almost pikachu yellow for some reason. I didn't encounter any issues back when I was using PC but now i'm on mac os. I tried on my android and it works fine. Is there a reason for this and how can I fix this?


Nov 7, 2018
Does anyone know what's the end date of the new survey? I'd like to test some things more before going submitting my answer, but if its too close, I already have a good enough amount of things to say.
How does one even keep up with so many different contributors adding such a random assortment of things? Think I'd lose my mind trying to vet all their fixes and content...even though it's obviously less work than doing it all yourself.
Vrelnir is actually an ear slime parasite linked to a hive mind.
Seriously though, good question. I thinks they just have a good community with him? Or maybe good employees? I don't know.
But it's actually not that impossible to manage all of this. Corporations and all are not far from this, lots of people working along with a person who oversees everything.
Between sex with animals or sex with children... I'd rather stay virgin. :KEK:
Humans are animals, mammals to be specific. Everyone was once a child. Therefore, everyone who has sex or at least feel attracted to someone is actually a pedo zoophile.
Being virgin in body, mind and hands is the only way to be a true non criminal.
Is this still a loli/shota game? Judging by the fact that the tag's goneso now probably not. Most of the references to the mc being underage has been removed or altered in dialogue and other texts, so them being in an orphanage doesn't really make sense. This is probably the influence of people in the Discord server who decry loli/shota but at the same breath profess their love for Robin/Whitney and talk about their character getting viciously raped by people/animals. I will never understand this revulsion to loli/shota but seeming acceptance of bestiality content. Sure, there are pedophiles who will be attracted to the forum because of loli/shota games but there are also zoophiles drawn in because of bestiality games with some users actively professing their love for real bestiality porn and there are also probably rapists who play games here about viciously raping people.
I don't see Whitney and Robin as lolis. Over 18 people can also go to school, in lots of ways, from "didn't go to school in some of their year", "repeated some years", normal courses, and even university.
About "orphanage", maybe we can "cheat" and say that we just are still not ready for a life in the world. We even pay rent, so it's an "orphanage" mainly just on the name.
But I also find loli/shota things gross, just like bestiality. But, as long as we can disable such content, I'm ok with it.
I actually prefer when such content is allowed, so I can easily blacklist/ignore them, instead of seeing people post it in ways that get past the system. Last time I checked, for example, e-hentai had this shitty problem; they block any search with the "incest" word, but they don't block incest content at all, and as a result, if you search X thing and "-incest" (aka "give me 'X' thing but EXCLUDE 'incest' from the results), you get no results at all, so, in the end, you must search normally and check link by link to see if they don't have the "incest" tag.


Nov 7, 2018
I honestly dgaf about the loli stuff, I never have, and I think the game would be better off if we moved on from the school and maybe graduate and be able to buy apartments and homes etc. At the very least going to uni would be pretty sweet.
Well... I can totally accept people over 18 going to normal school. In my country's system, it takes just a year "lost/reproved" for you to experience this. 2 years and you begin the year already at 18.
With the fact that we are orphans, I can even accept the possibility that we all have a pretty sad life histories so we still have more than just 1 year to finish it.
But it has to finish one day. But sadly, I believe such update is still far from happening.
Anyway, there is a complication about this "going to our own apartment thing". We are not orphans in an orphanage. We are bitches, money bags, for Bailey. We either solve this situation (killing Bailey, or something like that, along with their clients/partners), or we just get dragged back to that slave brothel disguised as an orphanage, or at least we pay both the apartments and the Bailey's rent.
Oh, I've been fantasizing about the sort of thing you're talking about. Except, with more detail. I've wanted to add an aging system (cause I can't stand time standing still), starting ages with 4 to choose from (12,14,16,18 (which also affects your starting grade)), the sizes are still there but they'd have additional effects such as how old you look. For example, normal size means looking your age, but large would make you look older(+2), small(-2) and tiny(-4) make you look younger. You might be wondering why even do that? I want to introduce mechanics that effect gameplay right from the start. If you are 18 and look 20, you might not need an ID, but if you're 12 and look 8 who would even believe your fake ID? On the other hand, looking really young might have more people coming to your rescue when you're assaulted (won't even need to scream). I like pros and cons. Of course, you lose a lot of benefits and downsides by growing up.
Two new schools which include an elementary school (grades 1-6) and a university, your starter school (grades 7-12) would need a lot of content added especially unique content for each school year, and lots of randomized content that may or may not happen to breathe that freshness of life into it. Might even be able to carry over some of the randomized content over to the university (saves writing, I can be lazy too). I want to add semesters that reset that grade you worked so hard for back to a C, so you always have to work work work work work for those school trait benefits. Maybe if you do really well and graduate with a high GPA they can be made permanent. Maybe. Or maybe we can save that for your Uni graduation, mwahahaha! :devilish:
I want to introduce hard endings so I have an actual reason to start a new game, as for how... well there's some variance, but I definitely want to hard stop the game at the player character's 30th birthday. Then you earn your endings based on your actions. Such as if you got enough money, maybe you could leave that hellhole of a town. The university would actually help with the endings, because some jobs you can't do without the correct degree. And yes, I can hear you thinking, age 30? Wouldn't that be an unreasonably long game? I don't see why we couldn't add in some kind of slider that lets you decide how long an ingame year is. Which would also automatically shorten the school year. I'm sure some of you would appreciate that. (182 days (180?), 90 day school year, that's about 15 days to a month, with maybe an additional day in December and January. Could also make it seasonal instead of 12 months. 4 seasons, 30 days each for a total of 120 days, 60 day school year. That could still be months too, but the months have 10 days each. Just thinking in text here)
I want to add marriage (and divorce (you can't divorce Kylar, they won't let you)), but you can only be married to one character at a time (sorry). I want to add real consequences. For example, when Leighton blackmails you there's not really a tangible consequence when you just let them leak your pics. So your reputation takes a hit, you can fix that easy. But what if they leaked your pics and they end up all over the internet? And what if as a consequence you can't go to university because they don't want a student with such a squalid history? What if there are jobs that won't hire you after a background check? Basically, I'm giving you a real reason to not want people taking your pictures. Also, a reason not to have a criminal record, cause right now being arrested has no actual consequences whatsoever. You can even still work at that office that should definitely care (and should probably be an internship type job). Also, thought up lots of new content for the existing characters; Avery has relation to that office actually. I wanna make Eden a serial killer because I like making your life harder (keep them happy~ even if it means murder~). I want to make Kylar potentially lethal like a proper scary yandere, just not to you, but you do have to worry about everyone else (I'm sure you wouldn't let Robin die).
And someone might be wondering, why add an elementary school? Well, pregnancy is a thing. I assume children should go to school, lol. Yes, I thought of that. I've always been detail oriented when it came to the kids thing, I hate half-assing. Which does mean I'd probably add a little randomized personality system to give those children some flavor. This one is an annoying bastard, this one a little angel, this one is constantly rebellious, this one is rambunctious. This one is smart, this one is average, this one is painfully dumb. The quiet one, the noisy one, the tattletale (snitch).
Yeah~ for a person not involved in game development or modding, I really overthink this shit. I blame being a story teller, my head overflows with ideas. Writer's block? Never heard of her.
No way! Please, nothing about underage things. At most, maybe we get to raise our children.
Not only this underage things are gross, but they are also illegal. We could even have something like having our underage life and only unlocking naughty content at the age of 18, but c'mon!, although "legal", this would be unrealistic and immersion breaking. So, no underage things at all. Let's start the game at 18, or at our 18th birthday, if you insist on this "young things".
About hard stops? No! People must get to play as much as they want. Or at least not ending their life at 30.
Some blackmails things and all? Not bad idea, but just like we have "unconventional ways" of doing things, we should still have it. You know, something like "new identity", "1337 h4x0r things" and all?
"Time sliders"? Not bad idea, but I bet it would be a real hard pain to implement.
I don't need to divorce Kylar at all. She (she is female on my saves) is my waifu for laifu. But I think I understand what you said. But for now I am more worried about that organization that made her suffer and turned her parents into SCPs. After that, ok, marriage and all, but after making a mess of a dangerous and powerful organization, if we didn't manage to expose them, I believe our life would be more the one of "hunted heroes on the run" than a "regular family".
But the talks about her being an yandere brought something I think it would be very welcome: friendship system. I like Robin, and even Eden, and I feel sorry for Morgan, but it's Kylar whom I love. So, someway to improve our relationship without going to bed with them would be very welcome.
Also, there should be a way to improve inter NPCs relationships. Not only Kylar would learn that Robin is not a threat to us, but we could also form pairs between NPCs, like... I don't know? It's more of a shipping thing? So, my ideas would be Morgan + Eden, Great Hawk + Alex, Black Wolf + Black Dog, Robin + Sydney (or Mickey, if they are a good person), Avery + Darryl, and so on... (Don't take these shippings to the heart, it's only possibilities).
About children... One of the things I like most of this game is how much we can customize it (for example, I don't have the extremely common problem that I have in other stories, like liking very much everything in a character but not liking their body/gender/whatever, thus killing the game for me if it's a porn game). So, for those who wanna realism, ok, almost random, but I believe people should be able to choose more on how they want the kids to be (from all good kids to all bad kids). And... Maybe we could choose to stop playing with our character and continue playing with one of our children at some point? Turning the game into an infinite thing? Anyway, it would all be something for a distant future update.
And I know an excellent way for you to meet writer's block: meet expectations. If you must make some story for a certain objective, it's not hard for you to not know "how do I write in a way that people will understand". Maybe if you try to write something from a characters point of view (try to make a story of an extremely illiterate character, from his POV, with his limitations of vocabulary and known words, and most of all, maintaining it interesting to read). And as the the last nail in the coffin, try to make a story in a game: the writers block will come in the form of your coding limitations.


Jul 26, 2021
...so anyway I was wondering if there's some way to make some of the under tops okay to be seen in public under certain circumstances, e.g. walking in a school swimsuit and shorts, leotard with pants, that sort of thing.

Basically allowing a female (or female-presenting) MC to wear a non-lewd swim top or dance under top without an upper clothing item in public, so long as they're also wearing a lower clothing item; or conversely, a non-lewd swim/dance under lower item with any upper item.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
Maybe we could choose to stop playing with our character and continue playing with one of our children at some point? Turning the game into an infinite thing? Anyway, it would all be something for a distant future update.
That could work. And it's a kind of hard end, though I think that still works fine with my end the game at 30 thing. End the game, get your endings and stats, continue play as one of your kids. Kind of a new game+ thing. Would need to get rid of the Bailey start in New Game+. Cause that implies our character dies, and I wasn't going for something so depressing.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: 69ztare


Apr 29, 2020
Playing as your kid is honestly pretty silly since it would basically mean all of the recurring characters would have to be immortal. Not to mention the weird shit that would come up like having a kid with a male Robin only for it to be high school aged when you play it and in the same class with its father who is also its boyfriend.

It will never work.


Nov 7, 2018
Playing as your kid is honestly pretty silly since it would basically mean all of the recurring characters would have to be immortal. Not to mention the weird shit that would come up like having a kid with a male Robin only for it to be high school aged when you play it and in the same class with its father who is also its boyfriend.

It will never work.
One of the main reason that I'm saying it's for a very distant future it's how hard it would be to implement this. Basically almost everything in game would be changed, including the NPCs.
So, instead of Robin and all, we would have new NPCs.
But, we can very well use the same tropes, so instead of my lovely Kylar, my children would meet another yandere besides their mother. Instead of Robin, the children would meet another cute good natured person with a really hard life. Instead of Eden, the children would meet another lonely hunter. And so on.
The same applies to other things. Instead of being an Orphan, we could be trying to live on our own while our parents moved on to another city. Instead of a "caretaker" we could have a real landlord. Instead of all the conspirations about the lake, the Ivory Wraith, that shitty order that made my lovely Kylar suffer, well... That would be the hardest part, since we would need a new major "dark" plot.
But you can also be "lazy" and put the same plot but with new names. The same goes for everything, both the "I can't believe it's not the same" (just like reusing the same city and all but with a different name), and things "ok, I can easily accept it's not the same" (just like the characters that uses the same tropes).


Jun 26, 2022
This may have been posted before but looking for a way to play fair but with a bonus (all feats, no cheats), I found it pretty annoying to constantly look for people's saves and couldn't dig up a console code to achieve it.

So, here you go. A code to instantly get all feats on a save. Run it in your browser Javascript Console (F12), save once, make a new character and have fun.

for (featName in SugarCube.setup.feats) {

$.wiki("<<earnFeat \""+ featName + "\">>")


Now, I imagine some of you play on mobile (as do I, no judgement). Well, got a fix for that too.

Just put the below in your URL bar. Make sure 'javascript:' is still in-front of it after pasting, browsers tend to remove it for security reasons (bad code can use it to steal your passwords and such. Anyone who knows programming can easily confirm that this code has 0 risk of any of that).


Jun 24, 2018
And with this out of the way:
View attachment 2710386
OK....... it actually works now however i think i found a bug not 100% cause it could be the worst RNG ever (max prgo etc) when i did a fresh start changing like 1 or 2 settings it works fine, but my current save where i change abit more stuff (mainly NPC stuff) and its back to being broken so it might be a weird bug from changing a particular setting lol


Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
OK....... it actually works now however i think i found a bug not 100% cause it could be the worst RNG ever (max prgo etc) when i did a fresh start changing like 1 or 2 settings it works fine, but my current save where i change abit more stuff (mainly NPC stuff) and its back to being broken so it might be a weird bug from changing a particular setting lol
We're at 4.1.5 now, maybe you can try the latest ver and see if it gets fixed?


Jun 24, 2018
We're at 4.1.5 now, maybe you can try the latest ver and see if it gets fixed?
bro the whole point was after 4.0.6 i've been having problems with pregnancy, i know you just jump in but should check the history abit. i think i've mostly fixed it but i think if i change a particular thing it out right disables it for some reason or my RNG is that bad (like max prgo probability etc) after bathing in cummer cream enough to fill a bath tub and somehow not knocked up


Apr 29, 2020
One of the main reason that I'm saying it's for a very distant future it's how hard it would be to implement this. Basically almost everything in game would be changed, including the NPCs.
The thing with what you have just said here in the first two lines of your post are the most damning points to your entire concept. "Everything in the game would have to be changed" essentially translates to "lets make a new game." In NO way is redoing the ENTIRE setting and the whole event system and underlying programming of how NPCs interact in any way feasible. The events are hard coded to work and function as they are on a basic level so much so that something as simple as changing the name of an NPC is a lot of work. If a single mechanic is going to require you to redo the ENTIRE GAME it should never exist as an idea in the first place. Saying that an idea like that is somehow good and feasible is delusional. Sure its an interesting idea on paper but so is growing wings out your back and flying. It doesnt matter how good something sounds if its impossible.


Jan 31, 2022
Sorry to bring up something techincally unrelated but was anyone able to find that game mentioned a few pages back called "Life as a Boy"?


Active Member
May 5, 2018
Sorry to bring up something techincally unrelated but was anyone able to find that game mentioned a few pages back called "Life as a Boy"?
Only with help from others, yes. It has a good start I'd say, good bones. But is lacking adult content. Still, high potential.


Active Member
May 5, 2018
Playing as your kid is honestly pretty silly since it would basically mean all of the recurring characters would have to be immortal. Not to mention the weird shit that would come up like having a kid with a male Robin only for it to be high school aged when you play it and in the same class with its father who is also its boyfriend.

It will never work.
Well, all the work that would go into the game to enable playing as your offspring is why I didn't really originally consider it. But it's not a bad idea. Just a lot of work. So, lazy me didn't really have it come to mind until someone else mentioned it.
Lazy me still likes my ordinary hard endings, saves effort, and doesn't keep the game in perma-development.


Jan 31, 2022
Only with help from others, yes. It has a good start I'd say, good bones. But is lacking adult content. Still, high potential.
Would it be possible for you to point me in the right direction to find it? Even if is just the framework I'm interested in seeing what's there.
  • Angry
Reactions: JUDAEL


Jan 20, 2022
I prefer to games where you are the raper and not the male character being raped so this game isn't for me or most people.
4.50 star(s) 194 Votes