Finally, the big day has come!
Some of you have probably already guessed what's coming this month. Yes, it's the CG gallery with replayable scenes. No more saving games in 'crucial' moments to replay later! Everything in one place, unlocked if you've seen the scene in-game. There's one downside, though. I didn't create the MC's name as persistent data in Ch.1 which means it's not saved outside the game (in the main menu, for example), so in replay, you'll play with the default name - Wayne. Only when I complete the game and release it on Steam, I'll add the persistent data and 'fix' the gallery. Right now, it's impossible to do, unfortunately. Eleven chapters to relive! Tons of scenes and 'action'! I hope you'll enjoy it! But... Wait a second? Really? Does making a gallery take a few months? No, of course not! It's only a SMALL PORTION of what I've been working on, so let's get right into the main thing! What's the most hated situation in the adult games community? Abandoned games? Most likely. On-hold? Yup! What's the next one? Revamp. I've been advised many times NOT to do it... Why do people dislike revamps so much? Because it takes a lot of time to complete. Months? Maybe even a year without any new content can... bore the audience, but not necessarily. I know revamps that worked really well. In general, when I was thinking about revamping the first chapters, I tried to identify the problem - and it's time. People don't usually like to wait - not to mention waiting for something they've already seen. So... How do I get rid of the time factor? By adding consistency! Working extra few hours each day, even more on the weekends... and I did it.
I revamped the first chapters without delaying the new releases!
I didn't add or change a single variable which means YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPLAY THE GAME! Let's get into the changelog to see what I've actually done:
- Chapter 1 - 512 renders, 17 animations
- Chapter 2 - 733 renders, 37 animations
- Chapter 3 - 600 renders, 39 animations
- Chapter 4 - 205 renders, 11 animations
- Chapter 5 - 160 renders, 16 animations
Chapter 1 and 2 were the obvious choices. Renders were looking pretty awful, let's be honest. Animations weren't any better, the lighting was dull... It had to be done. Chapter 3 looked... better, but still in the mediocre territory. Chapters 4 and 5, however, are a different story. Looked alright, but there was one... small issue. The size of MC's package. Many people didn't like it and... it magically grew in Ch.6. It didn't make any sense so I reworked sex scenes only in both of those chapters.
So... That's it! I'll be posting links today to 20$ Patrons so they take a look and try to find bugs or any other mistakes. Reworked chapters will be available for EVERYONE in 7- 10 days.
And for now, I need to take a day or two off, because I'm completely exhausted. I hope you enjoy the news.
Take care!