The third person mode is tacked on, and is barely functional, so saying it has 3rd person is basically baiting and switching.
You move slower, jump less height, can't fight at all, and the camera has a weird jittering effect, while running in 3rd person, making it nausea inducing.
The only reason you would want to switch to 3rd person is because cum in eyes, doesn't affect your vision in 3rd person, and if those money-grubbing raiders take all your tissues, you can't wipe the cum off. So you can't actually see at all. Whoever decided that you can't use your hands, like a regular person, to wipe off cum, should be dragged outside and shot in the nuts. Make it work faster with tissues, but come on, cum, isn't liquid cement, and should be removable with your hands.
And we need a melee attack. For the times when the raiders take a specific component of your gun, making it unfirable, so that we can defend ourselves.
In terms of animations, there is 3. One blowjob scene, one spitroast and one tentacle scene. All of them are static animations, and will clip into the environment or into other objects. ie if you have a belly, and are in the tentacle scene, the tentacle will clip into your belly. You might argue that since there are transitions, its more than one scene for each, but as there aren't any controls for sex (ie Loop, Go Back, Go Forward), but rather an internal timer, you can't even fap to them.