Jaga Telesin

Incestuous Harem Owner
Apr 19, 2023
I'll probably get jumped by fans with the "git gud" phrase as is so often the reply, but I had to post this anyway so that the feedback doesn't get wasted. Played twice now, first was around 4 hours (med difficulty) before a restart. Second was a mere hour (easy difficulty) before a restart.

The difficulty in not getting gang raped (over and over) or simply killed, is ridiculous. First time I lasted 3 hours before a rape, then had 90%+ of my items stolen in that single rape, leaving me completely vulnerable. Tried to exfil, jumped by ~4 enemies, had a crap weapon at that point and ended up dying. Respawning at the safe area I found I had no clothing/armor, no weapon, not enough money to replace it, and only a few items in the stash. Game over.

Second game I engaged a single enemy, only to have four more show up within seconds. This was <100 meters out of the zone entrance. And yes - I had a suppressor on the weapon. Raped (always fine with me), and then had ~75% of my inventory and weapon taken. Immediately moved to cover (crouched), and was shot 2-3 more times by an enemy that just witnessed my character get raped, killing me and sending me back to the safe zone. Again - no weapon, no clothing or armor. Game over.

I understand that the developer wants difficulty to be meaningful, and item loss to be meaningful. But with a game in the absolute easiest difficulty, getting jumped by >3 enemies right out of the gate is a bit ridiculous. To say nothing of the re-jump factor when they don't leave the area after raping. They are free to re-engage immediately, leaving the player at their complete mercy and itemless. It's not difficult at that point, it's an exercise in punishment. And I have yet to find the tracking device used to get items back from a rapist, so that's not helpful either.

Obviously still learning the game with under 10 hours, but I'm no stranger to shooters. The second time out I even had a backup gun, but with no suppressor on it and multiple enemies near, and a mere 30 rounds remaining on her, using it would have ended up the same way - instant death.

I know it's supposed to be "Tarkov for casuals", but it feels much more difficult than that.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
I'll probably get jumped by fans with the "git gud" phrase as is so often the reply, but I had to post this anyway so that the feedback doesn't get wasted. Played twice now, first was around 4 hours (med difficulty) before a restart. Second was a mere hour (easy difficulty) before a restart.

The difficulty in not getting gang raped (over and over) or simply killed, is ridiculous. First time I lasted 3 hours before a rape, then had 90%+ of my items stolen in that single rape, leaving me completely vulnerable. Tried to exfil, jumped by ~4 enemies, had a crap weapon at that point and ended up dying. Respawning at the safe area I found I had no clothing/armor, no weapon, not enough money to replace it, and only a few items in the stash. Game over.

Second game I engaged a single enemy, only to have four more show up within seconds. This was <100 meters out of the zone entrance. And yes - I had a suppressor on the weapon. Raped (always fine with me), and then had ~75% of my inventory and weapon taken. Immediately moved to cover (crouched), and was shot 2-3 more times by an enemy that just witnessed my character get raped, killing me and sending me back to the safe zone. Again - no weapon, no clothing or armor. Game over.

I understand that the developer wants difficulty to be meaningful, and item loss to be meaningful. But with a game in the absolute easiest difficulty, getting jumped by >3 enemies right out of the gate is a bit ridiculous. To say nothing of the re-jump factor when they don't leave the area after raping. They are free to re-engage immediately, leaving the player at their complete mercy and itemless. It's not difficult at that point, it's an exercise in punishment. And I have yet to find the tracking device used to get items back from a rapist, so that's not helpful either.

Obviously still learning the game with under 10 hours, but I'm no stranger to shooters. The second time out I even had a backup gun, but with no suppressor on it and multiple enemies near, and a mere 30 rounds remaining on her, using it would have ended up the same way - instant death.

I know it's supposed to be "Tarkov for casuals", but it feels much more difficult than that.
there is a short invisibility period for the player in which enemies won't engage you if you don't start shooting
idk about there being any kind of tracker, but you can just kill the enemy that raped you to get your items
but yeah, it's way too punishing, a single rape is crippling and leaves you with barely any capacity to recover (especialy with the stupid cum on face mechanic), and getting killed is a game over even if you respawn because you respawn with nothing usable


Feb 20, 2021
I'll probably get jumped (..) with the "git gud" phrase as is so often the reply (...)
Then I will hit you with a different phrase:
"Pay more attention to the Tutorial and other information the game gives you!"
Since you are not a stranger to shooters you will probably agree with me when I say that not every shooter is the same. This is the reason why there are always some hand holding Tutorials in most games to teach you how to play.
This is not one of those games. It does not hold your hand but it gives you a literal wall of information that will help you unterstand how the game works, if you choose to pay attention to it. In your case, you might want to read up on tutorials 10 to 14. And, other than most games, it even shows you how the current difficulty got calculated (press the "L" or "I" button to see that information).
In this game you will get punished for making the wrong decision and not paying attention/ getting too reckless at the wrong time. That already starts with what you do in your hideout. Because if you decide to just bring everything you own with you and not leave enough money/ gear in your stash just encase something goes wrong, then you do not need to wonder why you are broke after failing one raid.

On the subject of a tracking device:
There is none. You do not even need one since you can see the guy running away from you after stealing your shit, so tracking him should be easy. There is a (possible) trail of blood that you can also follow (using the scanner will highlight it), provided that you managed to hit him at least once and caused bleeding before he fucked you up.
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Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
I'll probably get jumped by fans with the "git gud" phrase as is so often the reply, but I had to post this anyway so that the feedback doesn't get wasted. Played twice now, first was around 4 hours (med difficulty) before a restart. Second was a mere hour (easy difficulty) before a restart.

The difficulty in not getting gang raped (over and over) or simply killed, is ridiculous. First time I lasted 3 hours before a rape, then had 90%+ of my items stolen in that single rape, leaving me completely vulnerable. Tried to exfil, jumped by ~4 enemies, had a crap weapon at that point and ended up dying. Respawning at the safe area I found I had no clothing/armor, no weapon, not enough money to replace it, and only a few items in the stash. Game over.

Second game I engaged a single enemy, only to have four more show up within seconds. This was <100 meters out of the zone entrance. And yes - I had a suppressor on the weapon. Raped (always fine with me), and then had ~75% of my inventory and weapon taken. Immediately moved to cover (crouched), and was shot 2-3 more times by an enemy that just witnessed my character get raped, killing me and sending me back to the safe zone. Again - no weapon, no clothing or armor. Game over.

I understand that the developer wants difficulty to be meaningful, and item loss to be meaningful. But with a game in the absolute easiest difficulty, getting jumped by >3 enemies right out of the gate is a bit ridiculous. To say nothing of the re-jump factor when they don't leave the area after raping. They are free to re-engage immediately, leaving the player at their complete mercy and itemless. It's not difficult at that point, it's an exercise in punishment. And I have yet to find the tracking device used to get items back from a rapist, so that's not helpful either.

Obviously still learning the game with under 10 hours, but I'm no stranger to shooters. The second time out I even had a backup gun, but with no suppressor on it and multiple enemies near, and a mere 30 rounds remaining on her, using it would have ended up the same way - instant death.

I know it's supposed to be "Tarkov for casuals", but it feels much more difficult than that.
I actually agree here. The current version is very hard. I'd argue it's too hard (for many reasons), but as the game is still in development the difficulty is subject to constant change between versions and hope it will get better (=easier) in the near future.

And to the usual suspects arguing about 'git gud' vs. 'bad game design because too hard': At least try to meet in a reasonable middle. Chill a bit and don't write whole books again, thx.

And, other than most games, it even shows you how the current difficulty got calculated (press the "L" or "I" button to see that information).
Just as a note, difficulty does not change if you have to restart. And I'd argue that in your first run you should upgrade your gun and not focus on getting backups and duplicates. Adaptive difficulty should start low (ofc depending on difficulty) and rise while being successful, but if there is no correction towards getting easier due to having to restart the balance is simply off.
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Jaga Telesin

Incestuous Harem Owner
Apr 19, 2023
Then I will hit you with a different phrase:
"Pay more attention to the Tutorial and other information the game gives you!"
Already read/watched all the tutorials several times, to make sure I understood mechanics. That was an hour or two I didn't even mention playing the game for. Or the 30+ minutes I spent looking at weapon customization and the different items you can put on them. Or the special attention I gave the stealth section and learning it.

I attempted a third new game, wherein I stashed as much of my stuff as I could before entering. Of course - at the beginning of a new game you can't afford an entire new weapon (spent an hour waiting for a 2nd suppressor to show at the shop) and new set of decent armor, so death does have a particularly hard sting. Same result as the first two games, even using different ammo for different enemies this time. Point-blank shot one unarmored enemy in the face three (3) times with 5.56 FMJ - he didn't go down and instead ran behind a rock and started shooting back while my gun jammed. No stun on him, he just ran back there and counter attacked. Not long after I finished him off, I was greeted to a rape+death by a trio of enemies that somehow heard us finishing our fight several minutes later.

The fact I had put most of my stuff (including 80% of my cash) in the stash meant that I might have been able to recover from a death in my third game. Funny thing is though - I've now been in the swamp zone precisely three times, and died there three times. I've never safely exfiltrated out.

I'm nothing if *not* reckless. I crouch and stealth between bushes/rocks, always peeking corners before proceeding and using them as still cover. I use my ears just as much as my eyes, and do Crazy Ivans (180 enemy checks) all the time. I know after the first game I played not to dismiss water as harmless. I know not to shoot and stay put, but instead to "stick and move" and never sprint while undetected. I know not to use a flashlight, and not to use a laser in the fog. I'd call myself overly cautious, the exact opposite of reckless.

Enough people in this topic have expressed a similar feeling about gameplay difficulty for Delta Zone. It's punishing, especially for games that haven't progressed enough. And the AI's detection ability is quite high - shoot one (even with a suppressor) and more come running, even from outside what you'd think was their detection range.

I believe the Developer is truthful when he says "all enemies can be single-tapped with the right weapon & ammo". I just don't think he's considered that it won't be happening in a new game, and that enemies who quickly swarm an early game character mean a loss of almost all gear, and/or death. Combine a poor gun, with highly frequent jams, a limited ammo selection, a propensity to get stunned quickly, and enemies that seem to swarm frequently, and it is punishing at best.

I have no doubt there *is* a way to progress through the game, but I'd be the fool to play and die 50 or more times over to learn specifically how to do it. Common sense says: shoot an unarmored guy in the face (literally) using a rifle with a single round of 5.56 FMJ from 2m away, and he's dead, period. Because that logic doesn't work here, I'll just shelve the game and wait until it does. I'd be a different situation if I could watch a decently long Let's Play and learn the game specific strategies that work, but no one seems to want to toss any out there.

As a final thought - I'd probably be fine with most of the game if the theft after a rape was seriously toned down, something like 2-3 items taken instead of 1-2 dozen. And if stuns weren't so easy to get hit with, even using the great armor on the easy difficulty setting. Not really a big fan of the adaptive difficulty system either.. I rarely enjoy punishment when doing well.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
I have no doubt there *is* a way to progress through the game, but I'd be the fool to play and die 50 or more times over to learn specifically how to do it. Common sense says: shoot an unarmored guy in the face (literally) using a rifle with a single round of 5.56 FMJ from 2m away, and he's dead, period. Because that logic doesn't work here, I'll just shelve the game and wait until it does. I'd be a different situation if I could watch a decently long Let's Play and learn the game specific strategies that work, but no one seems to want to toss any out there.
The headshots def don't feel consistent, but I remember at least once one-tapping a dude with a homemade 5.56 to the head from like 5-10m


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
I'll probably get jumped by fans with the "git gud" phrase as is so often the reply, but I had to post this anyway so that the feedback doesn't get wasted. Played twice now, first was around 4 hours (med difficulty) before a restart. Second was a mere hour (easy difficulty) before a restart.

The difficulty in not getting gang raped (over and over) or simply killed, is ridiculous. First time I lasted 3 hours before a rape, then had 90%+ of my items stolen in that single rape, leaving me completely vulnerable. Tried to exfil, jumped by ~4 enemies, had a crap weapon at that point and ended up dying. Respawning at the safe area I found I had no clothing/armor, no weapon, not enough money to replace it, and only a few items in the stash. Game over.

Second game I engaged a single enemy, only to have four more show up within seconds. This was <100 meters out of the zone entrance. And yes - I had a suppressor on the weapon. Raped (always fine with me), and then had ~75% of my inventory and weapon taken. Immediately moved to cover (crouched), and was shot 2-3 more times by an enemy that just witnessed my character get raped, killing me and sending me back to the safe zone. Again - no weapon, no clothing or armor. Game over.

I understand that the developer wants difficulty to be meaningful, and item loss to be meaningful. But with a game in the absolute easiest difficulty, getting jumped by >3 enemies right out of the gate is a bit ridiculous. To say nothing of the re-jump factor when they don't leave the area after raping. They are free to re-engage immediately, leaving the player at their complete mercy and itemless. It's not difficult at that point, it's an exercise in punishment. And I have yet to find the tracking device used to get items back from a rapist, so that's not helpful either.

Obviously still learning the game with under 10 hours, but I'm no stranger to shooters. The second time out I even had a backup gun, but with no suppressor on it and multiple enemies near, and a mere 30 rounds remaining on her, using it would have ended up the same way - instant death.

I know it's supposed to be "Tarkov for casuals", but it feels much more difficult than that.
I fully agree with you! Difficulty is too hard, the rapes and especially robberies are just unbalanced and broken. I can't even imagine how people can even start up on hard difficulty where you spawn with nothing.

Wrote it as well in my review a few pages back, the robbings are just too hardcore and they basically game-end you even if you survive cause you've got no chance to do anything anymore if you lose everything. I died so many times because I got robbed blind. What the fuck am I supposed to do with like 4 bullets of red .45 against two enemies that take 30 bullets each to go down? Before rape I had best 5.56 ammo, 300 rounds, all was taken, plus my medical stuff, then after rape is over I basically have nothing and I'm against two enemies that have full health, full stats and top tier gear.

When you run out of armor the game is over. When you run out of ammo the game is over. When you run out of weapons the game is over. when you get robbed twice in same rape the game is over. If you set rape stage length too long the game is over cause you get robbed of everything. If you try to resort to the sparky fingers the game is over because those fucking apparitions start attacking you soon.

The worst issue is you get basically no money from dead bodies to replenish your gear, even on hardest difficulty that I play now that I have good gear.

My suggestion is to upgrade your gun, hoard good ammo (yellow) and sell red ammo unless you like jamming. Sell boosters and other medical shit, keep medkits and occasional weak painkiller, sell everything else to buy supplies you need. I tend to carry 3 medkits and 2 painkillers at most with me on my raids.

First upgrade should be BOLT, will lower your jamming problems (jamming is always the thing that killed me most). Modern selector is next so you get the ability of full-auto fire. This is vital. Then try to find an upgraded magazine. Modern stock, modern long barrel and foregrip. Optics don't matter so much, primarily you need full-auto ability and stability for it. Then make deliberate attempt to use FULL-AUTO FIRE ONLY. Train it, get used to it, let it be your primary mode. When you spawn immediately switch to full auto. With 5.56 on full auto you can take down even the Corporate cunts with a short 1 or 2 second burst. DON'T do single-fire bullshit unless you're trying to snipe. Train to control your burst so you don't spray everywhere.

Also, use buildings and lean around corners.

Set traps. Get a secured location where you can control corridors to you and kill someone without silencer so that all the others will come to you and just kill them. Don't spare medkits, if you get hit, heal yourself. By setting this ambush you clear the area so that when you progress you will be safer. The smaller spawn is perfect for this, I usually just camp there and kill them. Go on the building over the fallen tree and use the vantage point to scout for enemies.

tracking device for stolen stuff? First time I hear of it. The way I know who it is it's by the guy running away after the rape like a speedy gonzales. Most of the time they come back if you were too slow, sometimes they don't.

When the rape is over and the screen is still black, wait for the notification to redress and immediately press H to go back into first-person then start running after the cunt who robbed you. Try to kill him either with sparks or reload if the map allows it.

You get like a 10 sec grace window after rape when they don't kill you so get the fuck out of there.

Also, ALWAYS CRAWL/SNEAK EVERYWHERE. Don't walk stand up, avoid running, it makes noise. It's slow, but it keeps you alive. Never use laser, try to limit flashlight use (you can use both to lure enemies to you). Listen for sounds of walking, hide behind bushes and especially rocks.

Beware some enemies can see you through buildings or from the other side of the map and can land full auto fire on you easily cause AI is broken. Especially the outskirts map (the bridge part) is dangerous. I used swamp to train and discover these tactics.

When you know enemy is close walk with gunsights up. Rest frequently (stop and press C to lower gun).

Lastly, when you spawn at start IMMEDIATELY BE READY FOR COMBAT. Especially on swamp in that spawn with red holographic writing on wall.

I've run into up to 3 enemy soldiers waiting for me in that dark building when I either spawned or was trying to extract there. Use flashlight to see them. Never think you're safe in spawn/extraction until you're standing behind that barrier, I've been jumped literally a second away from extracting.

Lastly, if you want to keep your stuff, alt-f4 the second you get assaulted or your health goes down to 0. When you restart the game and load save you will have all the stuff you had on you when you spawned.

Use the shittiest ammo you have to kill tentacles, don't waste good ammo on them. 1 shot is enough. Dip into the water then immediately back out when you hear them and kill them.

Also, ALWAYS STASH YOUR SHIT. Stash your money, you don't generally need it on map. Stash gun parts. Stash medical stuff. Take only the bare necessities with you on raids. 2 or 3 medkits, 2 painkillers at most and ammo. Nothing else. You'll get everything else in raid and if you die you won't lose everything. There are also drones on maps that you can use to send looted stuff to hideout so in case you die you won't lose that.

What I described are tactics that I developed over last 3 weeks and that guarantee I can do the swamp map without dying or being raped on hardcore difficulty. I stay away from cyberpunk shit, cause I hate those ghost things. I even finished the outskirts map after clearing out every single enemy by going slowly and methodically. Take your time and don't rush through maps.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
there is a short invisibility period for the player in which enemies won't engage you if you don't start shooting
idk about there being any kind of tracker, but you can just kill the enemy that raped you to get your items
but yeah, it's way too punishing, a single rape is crippling and leaves you with barely any capacity to recover (especialy with the stupid cum on face mechanic), and getting killed is a game over even if you respawn because you respawn with nothing usable
One of the top annoying things about rape, aside from what you mentioned, is that after the rape you start in 3rd person mode instead of 1st person and waste time going into 1st person to actually run after the rapist or kill him. Plus that you have to reload the gun for some fucking reason.
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
I'd be a different situation if I could watch a decently long Let's Play and learn the game specific strategies that work, but no one seems to want to toss any out there.
I'd do it if it wasn't a porn game and if I hadn't somehow lost access to my youtube account. It's still there, but my password and email now give me a different account. Don't know what the hell is going on.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2019
If ya just start out it always will be difficult. You will get the hand of it.
I can guide abit
I usually avoid swarm map cuz that where AI always get upper hand on unlike player shine. They dont see the world like human do and soo they will try shooting across the map and bushes and foilege despite you not even shoot once.

excuse me if i get some stuff wrong cuz I out of Tarkov gamble and masochist games type so I quit playing til big update and such for me to visit and learning inside and out

for town outskrts map is all about mermize POI. I highly suggest not serious play first to understanding how many POI are there and they spawn.
then expliot the AI weakness which It better off keep it quiet
after then next is about positioning yourself against them
depend on u if u feel like it is time to push/rush or let them come

Your gun even with holo whatever kobra sight on still can miss unless you using scope for extreme percise shot of your.
hugging cover alot
as long as dev dont wanna add any type of tool and weapon to flash one out of cover then play defendsively is alright too til you comfortable to rush

sometime bad RNG can get ya despite u lean out of cover. when they shoot they have crosshair on u and like many game where bullet can go anywhere in that crosshair but best is to never engage too close in first place
they rarely able to hit u bout 50m away while jogging but some day they might decided it is time for full auto aimbot lock on sooo if u rage. try punch ur sofa

Ohh and remember that if you facing cyber cop
they can tanking FMJ without stunlock but they shot u ONCE for stunlock even u full gear of top grade scavenger cyber shirt and skirt
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3.70 star(s) 59 Votes