
Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
Could somebody explain a couple gameplay things to me?
What is going on with calibers? The weapon is clearly based off of AR-15 platform and there is no suggestion it can be rechambered, so either I can find other weapons later on or ammo other than 5.56 is useless?

Also what is going on with the trader. It seems like spending cash with her levels her reputation, but she seems to soft-reset every time you re-open her window. The picture goes from III to I. Also are there IV and V pictures? UI suggests so, but I haven't been able to get them yet. Though maybe that's because I didn't spend enough.

Speaking of trader, the placement is very stupid. I get that going to the trader is supposed to be dangerous for whatever reason, but they could at least put her inside a room in a building. Otherwise, you are forced to trade out in the open and there is a fence with enemies constantly going on the other side of it. The only cover you get is a few bushes, though at least I haven't been shot while trading yet. Pucker factor pretty high though.

Are there other traders? Weapons?
Rechambering isn't a feature right now, but you can chamber it in a variety of ammunition, from .45 ACP to .338 [Norma?] Magnum. It just happens magically.

Trader levels don't seem to mean anything and are probably some future feature.

Traders are in a stupid place, fullstop. I don't want to get ambushed while trying to buy some subsonic ammo to complete my collection.

As of now, there are only the traders you see in the maps, and the same AR platform. It gets boring very quickly. Plus, it really doesn't make sense for the Slavic guys to be using ARs, even if this was some future world. The AK is a tried and tested platform, especially in the East. There's just no reason for them to switch unless it was some lore bs.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Plus, it really doesn't make sense for the Slavic guys to be using ARs, even if this was some future world. The AK is a tried and tested platform, especially in the East. There's just no reason for them to switch unless it was some lore bs.
NATO's involvement in the apocalypse? Black market dealing? Art immitating life with world's black markets flooded with US-made/delivered weapons pouring out of Ukraine into other countries? NATO's bases just a stone throw's away in Germany having been looted and thus weapons everywhere? Yeah, AKs should be prevalent, but considering this is taking place in Poland with Germany right next door it doesn't seem that out of place.

They WOULD be quite expensive/outpriced for a scrap-rat like the girl we're supposed to be playing, though, and less common than AKs. And getting less common as the years pass as their more problematic maintenance and lower reliability over AKs takes over, especially in swampy areas. You can't throw an AR into mud, leave it there for a few months, take it out and shake it off to immediately use it, like you can AK. Plus it's got more moving parts, which makes it more parts that wear down faster and need maintenance and cleaning.

Which means that I agree with you, but also don't find AR's that strange in the first 2-3 years of a zombie apocalypse. There probably wouldn't be that many after 5 years anymore, unless they'd been stored somewhere clean and dry and not used.

Despite the PAs there doesn't seem to be any state-organized control of borders and migration, which is a state that helps black market and migration of weapons and people. Instead we are fighting raiders and scavengers (who are not military) and corpos (again, not military or gov). I guess this is a Polish-centered wish/view of Cyberpunk 2077 where the USSR (that in CP77 appears to be doing better than NUSA) fell apart.

My personal gripe is more the linguistic. The "Russian" language in the game is so atrociously badly mimicked that I cringe every time I hear them speak, my guess is the voice-actor doesn't really speak Russian, he was just given a text and told to read (I have NEVER before heard anyone butcher the word "tovarishch" as badly as this guy speaking, lmao). The text on the wall also says this takes place in USSR, but the graffitis on walls, car license plates, warning signs, etc. are all in Polish. Poland was NOT part of USSR, it was part of the Warsaw Pact, which was something else.


Oct 31, 2017
I wouldn't look too deep into weapon availiability yet. It's entirely possible that modular AR was simply easier for the dev to model/order/buy assets for. There's a massive aftermarket for AR parts, which contributes to models and schematics being readily availible, hell, you could probably just rip 3D printing schematics for some parts and stick it right into the game after some texturing and touchups. AK platform also got its own aftermarket going on, it's just not as popular. And yes, if the game takes place in Poland, it would make a lot of sense to have AR-based platforms, because those are pouring into the country right now, and Poland is actively switching to as much NATO-based weaponry as possible. If this is Poland, then we will probably see Beryl and MSBS at some point. That being said, the raiders are clearly ruskies (though yeah, their russian is ridiculous), and there are a LOT of AKs still in circulation on their side and still will be decades into the future. Just look at modern combatants still using old AK-47s, SKS and even god damn Mosin rifles.

It's a shame there's no narration whatsoever going on, but understandable as dev is focused on gameplay. But given it's a single dev and building what is clearly supposed to be a high-end game gameplaywise, with update frequency as-is... I'm honestly not holding my breath for this game to go far in next few years. There's just way too much for one guy to do.

I do hope however that current sex content is a placeholder, because as it is right now, it's nothing interesting to the point it can be completely skipped. Without any narration going on, it's just a random set of rape animations, which aren't terrible, but feel like a Skyrim mod. There's just no investment whatsoever.

And I really hope this game eventually gets some good writing. The gameplay deserves it, and from my experience, 3D action games that focus on gameplay get such utterly horrid writing that it would be 100% better if it wasn't even there.
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
SKS and even god damn Mosin rifles.
Only volunteer units and old DPR/LPR militias and even that basically just individual snipers because of the power of Mosin/SKS compared to SVD. There's also plenty of captured M-110s, M-82s, etc being used. Those individual sniper actually refuse to upgrade cause they love those old shooters so much, at least according to statements I've watched.

Regular army snipers use SVD's, SV-98s, VSSs, plus lots of new sniper rifles being tested in field conditions. Everyone else is on AK-74M and I've also seen quite a few of AK-12s. Hell, most of the stuff that I've seen the regular Army use is modified.

Without any narration going on, it's just a random set of rape animations, which aren't terrible, but feel like a Skyrim mod.
Agreed. Though I will say I've seen some amazing, deep and complex mods for TES series that blow this sex system out of the water.

The biggest issue with this game is the dev's attitude, well demonstrated in his statement "I won't make birthing systems cause that would bring all the weirdos with breeding kink into the game!". If he honestly feels that way, then why did he put PREGNANCY into the game in the FIRST PLACE?? That's like putting a wheel on a car and then not wanting to make sure it doesn't fall off. It's half assed and stupid and short-sighted at it's worst. As it is right now there is no point to pregnancy, no drawback, no nerfs, no disadvantage, just annoying growling sounds of indigestion and with how easily it is to make money even on hardcore, 500 euros really aren't that much of an expense for an abortion. It's more of a tiny inconvenience rather than a gamechanging mechanic that it could be that would force you to adjust your play style or pay more for abortion otherwise you die or something (I have this grizzly mental picture of tentacles birthing the way of xenomorphs, but through the belly).
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Apr 24, 2023
Is there another shop or is there only 1 right now?
There is a shop in any of the 3 available locations, and a safe hub in one of them, where you can actually buy shit without being shot at. You can look at the map (M on the keyboard) to get a general sense of where to go.

Also, is it just me, or it is really fucking weird, that in a CYBERPUNK setting, where you have goddamn invisibility implants in your arms, the map is hand-drawn on a piece of paper? Like, what?

Eggtree McGee

Jan 1, 2018
There is a shop in any of the 3 available locations, and a safe hub in one of them, where you can actually buy shit without being shot at. You can look at the map (M on the keyboard) to get a general sense of where to go.

Also, is it just me, or it is really fucking weird, that in a CYBERPUNK setting, where you have goddamn invisibility implants in your arms, the map is hand-drawn on a piece of paper? Like, what?
I think the map was supposed to give a more "post apocalyptic, we are making do" vibe but it does kinda clash with the setting
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
Why? Because you can push out eggs, so the system is already there for pushing things out.

And there isn't any consequence to letting the things birth inside you, and it cost money to remove them, so a more logical solution is to birth them.

Now it doesn't have to be a visual effect either. A fade to black would be useful too.

Also Fallout doesn't have birthing... nor do any other game I can think of.
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Jun 20, 2017
People need to realize this is one of the few 3d games on this site that dramatically improved since the first version posted. Not saying names, but compare it to some of the other 3d games that have 9x the budget and support and are basically the same as the first version except for "bug fixes" and a couple animations.

This game actually made me become a supporter and I have faith it will only get better


May 7, 2023
i wonder if i could run this on a gtx950 with a fx6300 and 16gb ram..
i using intel HD 630 graphic card intergated with 16 GB ram system and i7-7820HK laptop it been 7 year old now running it at 4k UHD with all setting turning on max to the highest setting fps 30-50 still okay to play
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