ve only recently discovered the game and compared to others like it, its refined in the First Person perspective but why is the third so bad ? it doesn't have a jump animation and why cant i shoot?
It is a first person shooter after all so the third person view is just there to look good during the H-Animations or for when you want to cheese looking around corners and Debug. You are not supposed to be in Third-Person-Perspective all the time at the moment.
the porn side is an entirely different thing, there is no control over anything even with the investor class option, and from what ive seen its been like this for years?
I do not know what gives you the impression that you should have control over the H-Animations but direct control was never on the books for this game, so obviously there has never been any change. On the road map it says that, at some point, there will be a way to influence the NPC's action during these Animations but I highly doubt that it will result in you getting total control.
why does it feel like insurgency sandstorm?
Because the game is trying to replicate the use of firearms as realistic as possible, with the resources available, which is why it feels like Insurgency or Escape from Tarkov. It is also still getting worked on.
why are there so many fences?
Maps are still getting worked on, so fences and walls are used as map borders on some. Also, it is not that unrealistic for there to be fences, since people would have owned property there, before every thing turned into the Tentacle infested wasteland it is now, using fences to keep people off their property, like they do in most semi-industrial zones irl.